I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2257

"[The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven]?"

Especially Aige, and Liangyiweina, which is connected to Alaya in Guanbuzi City and is supervised. They all suffered a great loss from the Ideal King-Bridged, and now they saw the reappearance of [The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven], and they all looked pretty.

Not only them, the Aristotles outside the planet, equipped with the star king's sense of touch, also looked unhappy.

Arturia opened her eyes, looked at the wooden bracelet in her hand, and the only remaining four characters "Bridged" disappeared, she couldn't help feeling sad, then looked at Shirou again, and said: "It has been arranged gone."

Shirou nodded, and seeing Artoria looking at the wooden bracelet from time to time, he said with emotion: "She...is willing to help us after all."

Artoria nodded, but in her mind, she couldn't help but recall the scene when the Ideal King-Bridged disappeared.

In fact, she still had some dying time at that time.

It's just that she put all her last power in this bracelet to protect Shirou and others' future.

Yes, that was her last safeguarding operation as the restraining power of the Eternal Dynasty.

Because of this, she didn't even have a formal farewell, she just smiled in relief and left.

"We must not let her down." Shirou said.

Artoria nodded, and when she was about to say something, her expression suddenly froze.

"Sure enough, I've been eyeing here first!"

Shirou turned his head and looked at the sky, his eyes seemed to travel through space and barriers of the world, and saw a monster hidden in the gap between dimensions.

Mordred and Shashengyuan haven't rushed back yet, and the only living forces here are him and Artoria. It's not surprising that the beast of the end will stare at this place first.


"How could there be two huge fluctuations?"

Chapter 18 Actually, you are the seventh bestiality!

There is only one seventh beast, but now there are two huge wavelength responses in Fuyuki City.

As if thinking of something, Shirou shrank his eyes suddenly, and said in surprise: "It's Lixiang! That guy is after Lixiang!"

Before Arturia could react, Shirou already took a stride and dashed out, rushing towards the residence where Fujimaru Tatsuka was.



Outside Shenshan Town, here is an undeveloped virgin forest.

More than 20 years ago, the ruins of Einzbern's castle, which was destroyed in the Fourth Holy Grail War, are located here.

And not far from the ruins of the castle, there is a retreat in the forest.

Here is the hermit residence of Fujimaru Tateka, or in other words, the closed room of autism.

Although there are many distorted belia species in the forest, Lixiang's own seventh beast wavelength makes those belia species dare not approach this house.

In addition, as Fujimaru Tachika's first Servant and one of the few friends, Matthew is here to take care of her.

Humanity recovered, and Fujimaru Tatsuka regarded her as her family, and all the Servants who had accompanied her for thousands of days and nights canceled their contracts with her and said goodbye.

Once lively, now alone.

Lixiang couldn't accept such a change, so she sealed her body and mind in this other house.

In fact, it's not that no one has come to comfort Lixiang, but no one can open her closed heart, so she can only let her recuperate alone, allowing time to soothe her soul.

Fortunately, Matthew was there to take care of her.

However, an uninvited guest has come to the dormant house that has been deserted all year round.

Mash activated Galahad's spirit foundation, attached to the spirit son battle suit, held up the holy shield, and stared solemnly at the white-haired girl who was slowly approaching in front of him.

"It's been a long time, little Matthew." The white-haired girl greeted her with ease.

"Who are you?" Matthew asked.

"Who am I? Don't you know very well?" The white-haired girl smiled, ignoring Matthew's vigilance and seriousness, and said with a little emotion: "I thought that when I woke up again, you should have been Xiao Lixiang disappeared. But I didn't expect that you were still alive, did Xiao Lixiang maintain her ego? Oh, I forgot, she left you behind."

As if she had confirmed something, Matthew clenched the holy shield tightly and said through gritted teeth: "You are not Olga Marie, you are a beast...!"

"Of course. I am the beast of the end-Olga Marie." The seventh beast smiled, then looked at Matthew, and said, "In my intelligence, there is still Olga Marie's love for you." Feelings. So, I don't want to destroy you with my own hands, get out of the way, I'm here to pick up my half body."

"I won't let you touch a hair of my Master!" Matthew said seriously.

The seventh bestiality smiled and said: "You regard Xiao Lixiang as a Master, but Xiao Lixiang may not regard you as a Servant. In fact, you should understand in your heart that you, who are weak, are an artificial life experimented by a sub-servant. It's always been a burden, and that's why Xiao Lixiang left you behind."


These words were like a sharp sword, tearing apart Matthew's firm heart in an instant.

And at this moment, the seventh animal nature stretched out its finger, the light flashed, and a gleam of light shot out, and with a "swoosh", it broke through the supposedly indestructible holy shield and pierced Mash's body. right scapula.

The gurgling blood flowed out from the wound, covering the armor, and Ma Xiu softened.

"Look. In a word, your shield is broken." Seventh Beast said, "You are too weak to support King Galahad's shield at all."

Mash stared blankly at the holy shield on the ground, her eyes trembling extremely.

Seeing that Matthew didn't answer, the seventh beast was silent for a moment, and then said in a soft voice, "Your struggle is only at this level...then, see you at the root, Matthew."

The seventh animal nature raised its hand, its slender fingertips shone with light, but at this moment, with a "boom", a table rushed out of the other house and smashed towards the seventh animal nature.

The seventh animal raised his brows, stretched out his hand, and slapped the flying table away, then his eyes fell on the collapsed house, and he saw a scruffy orange-haired girl in a white suspender skirt, with a dull complexion and eyes But stared at him very darkly.

"Come out, Xiao Lixiang."

"What do you want to do to my Matthew?" Lixiang asked with cold eyes.

"...It's unbelievable. I really can't believe that you can show such a look."

Li Xiang's eyes became even colder, and he asked again: "What do you want to do to my Matthew?"

"I'm not interested in little Matthew. I'm here for you, for my half body." Seventh Beast said.

Li Xiang walked towards the seventh beast, Mash raised his head and said quickly: "Senior, he is here to hunt you..."

"Find a place to hide, Matthew."

Hearing this, Matthew was startled, and then said eagerly and seriously: "I want to fight side by side with senior."

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