I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2258

"You are too weak and will only drag me down. The weak must have the self-knowledge of the weak and find a place to hide." Lixiang lowered his head, stared at Matthew with cold eyes, and said forcefully with an irresistible tone: " Don't make me say it a third time!"

Matthew: "..."

"...I, I know."

Mash lowered her head, trembling all over, holding back her tears, picked up the holy shield on the ground, and hid aside.

"It doesn't make sense."

The seventh beast smiled, stretched out his hand, and a thunderbolt rushed straight towards Mashu's back.

However, at this moment Lixiang stretched out his hand to block it, and with a "pop", the thunder light was crushed.

The seventh beast couldn't help being taken aback, looked at Li Xiang in disbelief, and said, "You have raised my half body to such an extent!"

According to the estimation of the seventh animal nature, although Li Xiang who owns his half body is strong, he will definitely not be his opponent, let alone resist his attack.

But the fact is quite the opposite!

He was surprised to find that his half body had been fully grown on Li Xiang's body, even reaching the size of his own body!

"Are you afraid? But it's too late! I have nothing... Companions, friends, I have nothing! Now, you still want to attack my last friend, I am very angry, very angry! I I won't forgive you!"

Lixiang glared at the seventh beast with anger, because of anger and despair, her wavelength was very unstable, and the breath of beast distorted the surrounding time and space.

"Afraid? No... I only now understand why the Master forced me to submit to Olga Marie's will, fall into a deep sleep, and plant half of my body into your body. Now, I finally understand." The Seventh Beast stretched out his hand, pointed at Lixiang, and said, "It turns out that I am not the main Beast, but you are! The void in your heart is too big. Your hope, your despair, and your pain are all the seventh bestiality. The best tonic! And now, the hole in your heart is going to swallow you up, Xiao Lixiang. You are going to become the seventh beast!"

As soon as the words fell, Lixiang felt that his body could not move.

She felt a monster, an unspeakable monster, running out of her heart.


Matthew shouted anxiously.

what is she shouting What is she anxious about?

Li Xiang was puzzled, and then she looked down, her breathing suddenly stopped, and she saw a huge hole in her chest, where her heart was.

"That's the hole in your heart." The seventh beast said: ""

One black hand after another crawled out of the hole in the heart, and the mud-like darkness covered Lixiang's face, shoulders, chest, and even the whole body.

Mash hurried towards Lixiang for help, but was pointed at by the seventh beast, and flew backwards with a bang.

"Stop!" Lixiang, who was surrounded by darkness, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't do anything to Matthew!"

"Of course, because it's your will."

The seventh beast reached out and gently stroked Lixiang's cheek, saying: "You will absorb me and become the real, most powerful beast that leads the world into the end. In the end, we will all return to be part of the root, All sorrow, all despair will disappear, and hope and beauty will be born at the root."

The seventh animal nature clasped Li Xiang's shoulders, and when he was about to take Li Xiang away, a starlight "bang" shot over, but was blocked by the seventh animal nature's shield.

"Savior Sword? The King of Knights?"

The seventh beast raised his eyebrows, but before he could react, he saw a clay figurine appearing in front of him and swung his sword.

Obviously it was such a simple action, but it seemed to chop off a certain thread that connects atoms and molecules. With a "boom", the protective cover of the seventh animal nature dissipated like a cloud of smoke.

The eyes of the seventh beast shrank suddenly: "The root line? Style?"

At this time, the clay figurine swung his sword again, and the seventh animal nature could see that this sword was also aimed at the root line. He quickly released the power of the Lord of Rescue, and the shadow of the rebellious vortex appeared on his body, instantly killing his own root. The lines are all covered.

The clay figurine's sword failed, but the seventh beast broke out in a cold sweat.

He was almost killed by the root cause!

"You are not Shiki, you are...the successor of the vortex! Shouldn't you go to the first cause domain with the Master?" Seventh Beast Nature asked.

Shirou didn't answer. Seeing that the root line of the seventh beast was covered, he changed the record of "Jewel Weng" and prepared to use the parallel world multiple ensemble cannon to directly bombard the seventh beast. Who would have thought that the seventh beast would recognize his After identity, there is no thought of confrontation at all, grabbing Lixiang, and running away.

"Want to run? No way!"

"It's not me you want to fight."

The seventh beast stretched out his hand, and a vortex of reversed truth appeared in the void, and a white light flickered in the vortex of reversed truth, and then, as if some huge existence was about to appear, the entire space vibrated violently.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho-!!!"

With a roar, a white monster rushed out of the vortex of truth, blocking Shirou's parallel world multi-ensemble cannon.


Shirou was taken aback.

This giant white beast has a ferocious face and a reverse turbine all over its body. It is obviously a monster with evil roots.

However, that kind of fluctuation cannot be faked.

It's Fufu!

And in this brief moment, the seventh beast took advantage of the opportunity to transfer and disappear using the vortex of authenticity. Arturia wanted to stop it, but the seventh beast was too fast, and she couldn't catch up at all.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho—!"

Fufu raised her head and roared, staring at Shirou and others with a ferocious face, and rushed towards Shirou and others.

Shirou's heart sank.

Since the Eternal Dynasty's farewell, Fufu has disappeared.

It was neither with Merlin nor with Eltruchi, but now it appeared as an enemy, a monster with the root of evil.

It should have been thought earlier, since Maris Billy was disguised by the Lord of Relief, and since the Apocalypse appeared in the Eternal Dynasty and destroyed the Eternal Dynasty, then Fufu, who possesses the fourth animal nature, has long fallen into the Relief. in the hands of the Lord!

"Be patient, Fufu."

Staring at Fufu who was flying towards him, Shirou swung his sword and cut off the root thread of Fufu's incarnation of the root evil monster.

With a sound of "cha", as the root line of transformation was cut off, Fufu instantly transformed from a giant white beast back to that little white beast.

"Do you remember me, Fufu?" Shirou asked.


Fufu's eyes were dull and lifeless, without any reaction.

At this time, a butterfly flew by, and Fufu turned around and chased after the butterfly.

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