I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2259


Seeing Fufu chasing the butterfly, Shirou clenched his fists.

"He no longer has intelligence." Arturia pursed her lips and said.

Yes, Fufu, the fourth bestiality who accompanied him on the journey in the Eternal Dynasty, has long lost his intelligence and soul, and what remains is only the body of a beast instinct.

So far, has the existence of animal nature.

The first beast, Getia, completely perishes, the third bestiality, the demon Bodhisattva, the fourth bestiality, Fufu’s intellect and soul, the fifth bestiality, Koyanskaya, and the sixth bestiality, Revelation, by Shirou. Completely destroy it with my own hands... If Tiamat hadn't been smart enough to use Aige once, Tiamat and her younger sister Kamo would have met with misfortune.

Now the only existence with animal nature in the world is the seventh animal nature and her sister.

What kind of accident will Lixiang encounter?

Shirou didn't dare to think about it at all, because the best ending would be like Fufu's, with the disappearance of intelligence and soul, leaving only an empty shell.

"We must rescue Lixiang as soon as possible!" Shirou clenched his fists.

However, with the cover of the vortex of true nature, there is no way to know where the seventh animal nature has gone!

What's more, there is this huge summoning array!

After all, what is this super large summoning array used for?


era of origin.

The summoning light projected from the vortex gate crossed the domain of Gaia and rushed to the depths of the ancient mysterious and terrifying universe.

The Golden God of Destruction, who was ravaging the rebels, stopped his ravaging pace. He turned his head, stared at the Gaia Starfield, and murmured: "The breath of nothingness and weakness...the weak are not worthy of survival!"

Chapter 19 Origin Gaia: Let's see how cute I am in the future

The seventh animal nature abducted Lixiang and disappeared.

Although Shirou is impatient, the seventh animal nature is covered by the vortex of true nature, even with the blessing of the stars, it is impossible to find its trace.

However, fortunately, the ultimate goal of the seventh beast is to activate the super-large summoning array. As long as the remaining three anchor points are stationed, the seventh beast's feet will eventually be exposed.

When Mordred and Killing Academy rushed back, after a short meeting, they exchanged information about each other.

Hearing that Fujimaru Tachika was taken away by the seventh beast, Mordred was very angry: "Can I just endure it now?"

"That's the only way." Shirou nodded helplessly.

Although he was also very worried about the safety of Fujimaru Tachika, but under the cover of the vortex of true nature, no one could detect the seventh bestiality, so he could only endure it.


Mordred clenched his fist unwillingly.

After the Ideal King-Bridged left, she thought that everything was over, she could abandon the heroic spirit and everything in the past, and start a new life, but she didn't want fate to never let anyone go.

"In the final analysis, the root cause is evil... why did you hide such a big thing from me?" Mordred looked at Shirou with dissatisfaction, and hammered towards Shirou's chest with his small fist full of anger.

With a "boom", it hit the muddy chest.

Shirou looked at Mordred helplessly, was silent for a moment, and then said: "Although I am very incompetent, what father doesn't want to see the smile on his daughter's face? And what father wants his daughter to take risks? There may be such bastards, but I'm not that incompetent."

This is what Shirou really thinks.

"You actually underestimate me so much!"

Shirou's words made Mordred very puzzled, like a lion being underestimated, he punched Shirou in the chest angrily.

However, this punch was caught by Artoria: "End of this, Mordred."

Mordred gritted his teeth, put down his hands, hugged his chest, turned his head to the side, and after a moment of silence, asked again: "Are you okay over there?"

"I'm not so downcast that you worry about me, Mordred." Shirou said.

Mordred turned his head and glared at Shirou.

Shirou was silent for a moment, sighed, and said softly, "Very well, don't worry. Titis takes good care of me."

Mordred just nodded, and then he was relieved.

Matthew on the side lowered his head, and said with low self-esteem and cowardice: "This is all my fault. I'm too weak, and I don't have the qualifications to be a senior's Servant at all..."

"There's no such thing, Matthew."

Mordred comforted Matthew for a while, and then Matthew's mood stabilized a bit.

Looking at Mordred who comforted Mash, Shirou couldn't help complaining: "It's just a girl's film, but it turns out to be like an old woman who cares."

"You're the old lady!"

Mordred glared at Shirou angrily.

To be honest, she is self-willed enough, but Shirou is even more willful than her. It is obvious that the other party is her father, but she is always worried about Shirou.

What is this?

It's almost like the identity is upside down.

And old lady, is this like what a father said to his daughter?


It's really subtle when you think about it.

During the Eternal Dynasty, she worried about Vivienne and Artoria, when she was summoned to Romania, she worried about Shijie Jieli and Saber, and when she was in Chaldea, she worried about Mash, Xiao Mo, and Shashengyuan. Eternal During the empire period, he also worried about the ideal king and the witch Al.

Now I'm worrying about Shiro and Fujimaru Tachika...

"Could it be that I'm really an old mother?"

Mordred couldn't help doubting himself, and then shook his head as if frightened: "Impossible, impossible! I am the strong and willful Mordred, how could I be a worrying old woman ? Hmm! Yes! Impossible!"

Arturia looked at Shirou helplessly, and said, "Stop teasing Mordred, Guinevere...no, Shirou."

Shirou nodded, seeing that the atmosphere had eased, he looked serious, and said seriously: "The purpose of the seventh beast is this summoning formation composed of seven anchor points. Currently, including Fuyuki City, there are three more anchor points. If we haven’t connected yet, He will definitely make a comeback, and we must get in touch with our companions who are guarding other anchor points.”

Arturia and the others nodded.

The anchor point of ancient Shu is being guarded by Mustard Seed, leading Morrigan and Kama, combined with the unique ideological and magical base forces of that region. The immortals also cast their eyes on the past.

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