I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2260

The connection point of Britain is guarded by Scathach and Merlin combined with Western Europe's magic foundation forces. In addition, Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and Arthur are also there. Vivian stared.

As for Fuyuki City, Shirou, Artoria, Mordred, and Sesseiin were watching. In addition, in Guanbuzi City across the sea, there is Shiki who is sealed in the Jialan Cave by the ring of the Emperor of Heaven, and the restraining force carrier of the monitoring Shishi-Yangyi Weina.

The three anchor points are the last line of defense against the super large summoning array.

And every line of defense is extremely strong, and it is not something that the seventh beast can easily break through.

Similarly, once the three major anchors miss, the things summoned by the super-large summoning array formed by the seven anchors must be unimaginably terrifying!

"By the way, where is Elquite?" After contacting the companions of the three anchor points, Shirou turned his head, looked at Artoria, and asked.

He found that only Elquite's whereabouts were unknown.

Artoria said: "She was summoned by Gaia."

"Is it for the cosmic Alaya?" Shirou raised his eyebrows.

After the disappearance of the Eternal Empire, he had a moment of spiritual friendship with Gaia through Gaia's star blessing.

It was at that time that he knew that Gaia, who was kicked out of the solar system by the ideal king, actually found the node of the cosmic alaya in the shield constellation, and is currently collecting the remaining nodes of the cosmic alaya, intending to reassemble the universe Type alaya.

Since Alquet was summoned away by Gaia, there is no doubt that he should be busy with the affairs of the cosmic Alaya.

"If Gaia reshapes the cosmic Alaya, it will be of great benefit to both this galaxy and us." Shirou said with a smile.

He has already seen the power of the cosmic alaya in the era of origin. Although that existence is not a transcendent, it is like a role of the protector of the universe. The Cosmic God of Destruction-Golden King, as well as the Transcendence, can basically calm down any chaos.

If the cosmic Alaya is the enemy, Shirou finds that he has no way to deal with it other than launching the Arrow of Akasha.

The existence of the cosmic alaya is so simple and brutal!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho—"

A black light flashed, and a 100-meter-long dragon roared across the sky, and then chased dozens of fighter planes from neighboring countries, attacking it like a torrential rain.

Shirou switched to [Clairvoyance EX] and observed the entire planet.

Due to the appearance of the Vortex Gate, all the Belle species launched a violent attack, the city collapsed, and there was a lot of mourning. Human weapons were forced to enter the city and launched a war with the Belle species.

High-rise buildings collapsed one after another, just like the eternal iron was knocked down.

The whole world is in chaos!

And in this chaos, Shirou can do nothing.

Resisting the formation of the super large summoning array is his last spare energy, and he must reserve enough energy to fight against the root evil that will eventually come.

"However, if Origin Gaia sees what his planet will look like in the future, he doesn't know how he will feel."

Shirou sighed.

Although he has not been in contact with it for a long time, he already has a little understanding of what kind of star king Origin Gaia is.

Unlike the King of the Young Moon and the King of Venus, although Gaia of Origin is similar to Alquite, he likes to be funny, likes to tease people, and is very easy to get close to, but in fact He is an extremely dangerous King of Stars!

Able to make a very decisive decision to destroy the golden universe, to accommodate the existence of other star kings, and to tolerate the prejudice of the King of Venus towards him. Confident that his own star field is eternal, but he has planned his own way out after his downfall.

To this day, Shirou still remembers what Gene Gaia said to him during the heart-to-heart conversation not long ago.

At that time, he asked Gaia, what if the attack on the Golden Universe failed and the Golden Universe counterattacked?

Shirou remembers clearly that at that time, Origin Gaia only answered him lightly: "Without the great earth, what do we need the universe for?"

There is no doubt that Origin Gaia is the most dangerous star king!

His chest is like a star, his heart is open to all rivers, his methods are thunderous, and he has profound insights.

Be confident without being egotistical.

To be honest, compared with the original Gaia, the past Zhu Yue is like a baby in its infancy, and the future Gaia can't hold its head up in front of Him.

No, it should be said that no star king can hold his head up in front of him.

And human beings who have any quality like the original Gaia are well-known existences in human history, whether they are generals who command thousands of troops, or supreme emperors, or heroes who rule one side.

Origin Gaia is such a star king.

If such an origin Gaia were to see the dilapidated and chaotic earth, what kind of expression would he show?

That expression must be funny, right?

Shirou couldn't help laughing, but after a smile, he seemed to think of something, his eyes narrowed suddenly, and he muttered: "Summoning array, summoning array...could it be..."

Seeing Shirou muttering to himself like a demon, Artoria couldn't help asking strangely: "What's wrong, Shirou?"

Shirou turned his head, looked at Artoria, and asked, "Al, what would you do if the microbial flora on your body was out of order, causing you to get sick and die?"

Artoria looked at Shirou suspiciously.

"Your question is very easy to answer, Mr. Shiro." Seshoin looked at Shirou and replied with a smile: "If you are sick, of course you should go to the hospital. Eliminate all the pathogenic bacteria, and then rebuild the probiotics. .”

Hearing this, cold sweat dripped down Shirou's forehead.

"What's the matter, Shirou?" Artoria asked worriedly.

Shirou raised his head, looked at the beam of summoning light that shot into the Vortex Gate from all over the world, and murmured: "I know... who is summoned by that big summoning circle."

He turned his head, looked at Arturia and the others, and said eagerly: "I must go back first. I must, before him—"

Before the words were finished, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the hearts of everyone:

"—I've seen it, Shirou."


Mordred tensed up instantly.

She is now activating the star cup, but this existence has passed through the barrier of the star cup and reached the apex of her heart.

Not only her, but the Killing Academy was also terrified.

Before the Demonic Bodhisattva left completely, he borrowed the power of Bo Xun Demon King to bless her. It should be said that there would be no spiritual existence, and it should be able to enter her heart.

At this time, as if an incomparably huge information fluctuation suddenly appeared in time and space, the terrifying information fluctuation will freeze everyone.

"This, what is this? The body, the body is not in control..." Mordred said in a cold sweat.

Even when facing the ideal king-Bridged, nothing so unimaginable happened.

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