I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2261

And at this time, the star blessing from Gaia on Shirou's body shone with light, and then a tall girl with silver hair and red eyes gathered beside Shirou.

"Gai, Gaia?" Mordred couldn't help being startled, although this girl looked a lot more mimetic than Gaia, but that appearance was indeed Gaia's good.

Like a grown up Gaia, or Gaia's older sister.

"No!" Mordred immediately reacted, "It cannot be Gaia who possesses such terrifying fluctuations. Who are you?"

"He is Gaia. Gaia in the era of origin, the original Gaia!"

Shirou looked at Origin Gaia solemnly, and said, "The great summoning array has not been activated. You used my star blessing from future Gaia to pass your gaze over, right?"


Origin Gaia nodded, and then looked at the dark sky and the chaos of demons dancing. He closed his eyes, connected to the sense of touch of the planet, and instantly turned over the history of the planet, his face was extremely gloomy:

"There are no flowers, and no poems. There are only the chaos of life, and the trampling and endless mining of my body. The star kings have all disappeared, and only the star arm that is on the star's touch is left. The outer edge The star field is gone, the Moon King and Alaya have both abandoned the planet, and 'I' have actually been reduced to relying on invaders from other celestial bodies to survive?"

"It's not beautiful at all, it's not great at all!" Genesis Gaia turned his head and stared at Shirou, his angry eyes almost spewing fire, "The future scene you describe is actually lying to me! If it weren't for that Dao rays of light are pulling me, and I’m still suffocated! Well, it’s great, the great Gaia was actually deceived by his own creation!”

Shirou's heart sank, he had described the future scene to the origin Gaia.

But it's all good choices, and Gaia of Origin is full of praise for this, but now, it's really hard to tell with thousands of mouths.

"Purge! Purge! I'm going to overthrow everything and repeat it all over again!"

"Wait, Gaia—!"

Shirou shouted quickly, but Gaia, who was already furious, would listen to his excuse?

Origin Gaia stepped a little, and his body turned into a ray of light, flying directly towards the dome.

At this time, the sky suddenly distorted a little, and the wheel of restraint appeared, and endless force suddenly blessed the body of Origin Gaia, causing her body to stagnate suddenly in midair.

The information suppression on Shirou and others was also lifted, and freedom was restored.

"It's the correcting power of the Wheel of Suppression!" said Mordred.

Killing Academy was stunned: "The restraining power of the primate... is actually modifying the restraining power of the planet?"

"But this is okay? Alaya can temporarily stop him."

"No..." Shirou shook his head, gritted his teeth and said, "Before, we could negotiate with him and let him calm down. This is a real disaster..."

Sure enough, as Shirou said, the primate restraining power-Alaya sensed the fluctuation of the origin Gaia to destroy the world, manifested it, and tried to correct the origin Gaia with the greatest correction power.

However, this directly detonated the last line of patience of Origin Gaia.

"Well, even Alaya will do something to me. This kind of future... is not great at all! It needs to be reshaped! Although it is only using the touch of the future to manifest, but you want to correct me? How naive!" Origin Gaia Staring at the Wheel of Repression, shouted: "Alaya, fix your heresy!"

At that moment, as if an endless invisible torrent erupted from the origin Gaia, rushing straight up like the Milky Way, with a "boom", the rainbow light was brilliant, and the gear-like restraining wheel all over the sky instantly Collapse, fall down, disappear.

"The Wheel of Suppression, it's gone..." Mordred frowned.

"In front of that Star King, this is a matter of course, Mordred." Star Cup-Satan suddenly appeared, spinning beside Mordred, and said cheerfully.

Mordred picked it up, looked at the star cup, and asked, "Why do you sound very happy?"

"Of course. Of course I am happy to be able to meet the legendary star king in the star field." The star cup said: "See clearly, Mordred. The beauty who appears in front of you now, It's not the sense of touch of the planet, or the suppression of the planet's ecosystem, but the intelligence of the planet, the real king of stars. Before the ages, he was known as the master of the star field, the protector of the universe!"

"The Lord of the Star Domain?" Mordred frowned.

Shirou stepped forward and rushed towards the origin Gaia without looking back, and directly shouted: "Al!"

"I see."

Artoria clenched the wooden bracelet in her hand, and prayed in her heart, please, Bridged. Do us one last time.

The wooden bracelet exudes the light left by the ideal king, and the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] covering the planet bursts out with dazzling light, encircling the planet.

And with the complete activation of the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven], the information from the origin era can no longer be hidden, and it will also be manifested.

Endless messages were given form, and an immeasurably gigantic spiritual giant appeared on the planet.

And in the hand of this spirit son giant, it is holding the torn wheel of suppression.

There is no doubt that this is the cosmic Alaya!

The cosmic Alaya that was given form by the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven]!


"Oh, God……"

No matter whether it is a human being or the Belia species, when they see the cosmic alaya, they can't help but be so devoutly amazed.

Human beings will be jealous of relatively powerful things and will overthrow relatively powerful beings, but in front of absolute beings, they have no other emotions except devout worship.

Shirou flew in front of the origin Gaia, and quickly said: "Please calm down, the great Gaia! This is not the decision you should make."

"Calm? I'm calm."

Origin Gaia pointed to [The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] and said, "Alaya, break down that obtrusive wall for me!"

【Follow your will. 】

The cosmic Alaya raised his hand and punched him.


The indestructible [Emperor's Arm] was blown out of a huge hole in an instant.

Of course, the inside of the Emperor's Arm is already fragile, not to mention that Bridged has disappeared.

Origin Gaia rushed out of the earth, Shirou gritted his teeth and had to rush out.

The two stood on the planet, Origin Gaia stared at Shirou expressionlessly, and asked, "Do you want to stop me from reshaping the world, Fujimaru Shiro?"

"Even if it is you, the King of Stars, you will never want to destroy the world!" Shirou said seriously.

"Can you stop the great me? Do you have to rely on the Akasha Arrow of your body? Your Akasha Arrow is reserved for the Lord of Relief, right? And you should have felt it , your body has been controlled by Alaya. And here, why do you stop me?" asked Gaia, the origin.


Shirou clenched his fists.

— By us.

A voice thus answered Origin Gaia.

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