I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2262

Afterwards, the skeletons of the sky, Oort, Neptune... Aristotle except Saturn and Alquite, surrounded the original Gaia.

"Star Armament?" Origin Gaia raised his eyebrows, and looked at the Aristotles who surrounded him with some surprise, "You who are equipped with planetary touch, actually want to be my enemy?"

——This planet is the planet of Gaia!

"I am the great Gaia!" said Origin Gaia.

——No, you are the Star King, not Gaia!

The skeleton of the sky replied.

Shirou looked at the surrounding Aristotle with some emotion, although these Aristotle did not stand up for him, but at this juncture, they would actually stand on his side against Gaia, the origin of origin, which is really shocking He moved.

"It seems that the planets of my brothers and sisters also need to be reshaped." Origin Gaia said lightly: "Alaya!"

The spiritual giant on the earth has not yet appeared, but behind the origin of Gaia, there is another huge spiritual giant.

Obviously, that is also a cosmic alaya!

I really don't want anything to happen, just what will happen!

The cosmic alaya is the last thing he wants to be an enemy, but now he has become an enemy.

Moreover, the only Arrow of Akasha that possesses the universe-destroying alaya is still in the hands of the ontology in the era of origin, and the ontology has undoubtedly been controlled by the origin Gaia, the lord of the star field.

That being the case, you have to go beyond the limit and use your best combat power to face the origin Gaia and the cosmic Alaya!

Shirou's eyes flickered, and in an instant, the vacuum environment of the universe, which was supposed to be dead, turned out to be an ethereal song.

One after another, illusory petals fluttered in the darkness.

——The Emperor of the Stars!

Chapter 20 Get the hell out of here!


On the planet, a group of Aristotle, including the dead skeleton of the sky, wandered in space, surrounding the universe Alaya, and constantly launching offensives.

The attack that was enough to knock down continents and destroy stars fell on Cosmic Alaya, like a breeze blowing on the face, and could not hurt Cosmic Alaya at all.

Perhaps out of the friendship of the same armed forces of the stars, the universe Alaya hesitated for a moment, and did not use the message shock wave as his main attack method, but simply raised his palms, and slapped Neptune and Pluto like a mosquito. go.


Pluto was frightened to death immediately.

Neptune didn't know, but he wasn't defensive. If the slap was real, he would have to lie down for at least three or four hundred years to recover.

However, the Cosmic Alaya's offensive came so fast that they couldn't dodge it.

At this time, a star-gathering cannon passed through the gap in the giant palm of the universe Alaya, and blasted directly towards the head of the universe Alaya.


The momentary brilliance was brighter than the sun, illuminating the darkness of this star field.

Cosmic Alaya was slightly disturbed by this cannon, and his movements froze slightly, but it allowed Pluto and Neptune to escape.

"Thank you, Fujimaru Shiro."

Pluto looked at Shirou, who still had the aura of ether all over his body, with lingering fear.

"Yes, thank you, Xiao Shilang." Neptune also said with some luck.

If Shirou hadn't bombarded the universe Alaya just now with "magnificent waves, infinite future", he and Pluto would have been miserable.

"Let's talk about this after winning first!"

Shirou stared at the unscathed Universe Alaya with a solemn expression.

It should be said that it really deserves to be the Alaya of the universe. Even if only a part of the information was conveyed, but he ate the star treasure-[Magnificent Waves, Infinite Future] head-on, which was comparable to the [Sacred King of Reincarnation], but it was unscathed. The name of the patron saint of the universe.

Shirou clenched his fists.

The super large summoning array has not yet been activated, but it has already attracted the origin Gaia from the origin era.

Gaia of Origin and Cosmic Alaya, which were supposed to be the strongest backing, have become the most powerful enemies at this moment.

The development of things like this has indeed exceeded everyone's expectations.

But there is no doubt that all of this is under the control of Root Evil!

Shirou even thought he heard the disgusting, piercing laughter of the Lord of Relief.

Looking at Gaia, which is in the body of the cosmic Alaya and is connecting the future sense of touch of the planet, Shirou knows in his heart that Gaia of Origin is trying to cover the sense of touch of the planet with his own intelligence.

Because Shirou let Artoria activate the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] in advance, just like the ideal king shielded the future Gaia, the arm of the Emperor of Heaven blocked the connection between the original Gaia and the sense of touch of the planet.

However, because the cosmic Alaya opened a hole in the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven], the original Gaia can still be connected and covered with the touch of the planet.

Once the original Gaia completes the coverage of the planet's sense of touch, He will restart the planet's ecology and wipe out all existing species, no matter humans, elves, or Belle species!

Of course Shirou wants to stop Origin Gaia.

However, how to break through the cosmic Alaya that serves as the shell?

Turning his head slightly, Shirou stared solemnly at the hole opened by [The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven]. He knew that there was a cosmic alaya in the planet, and that cosmic alaya could only be handed over to Mordred. , Shashengyuan and others delayed.

However, even Aristotle and the others could not stop the one-cosmic Alaya, let alone Mordred and the others.

what can we do about it?

Staring at the origin Gaia in the heart of the cosmic Alaya, Shirou frowned, and couldn't help asking himself, should he use the Arrow of Akasha?

Origin Gaia has controlled Shirou's body, in order to prevent Shirou from using the Arrow of Akasha.

However, if he throws his main consciousness on Ni's body without leaving any safeguards and backup measures, then he is not Shirou.

In fact, as long as Shirou wants to, he can now let the main body shoot the Arrow of Akasha at the original Gaia main body.

But, once you do that, it's all over!

The Arrow of Akasha can only be used once. Once it is used on Gaia, which should be the biggest helper, Alaya of the universe will go berserk in an instant.


That guy, perhaps in an untouchable area, laughed, jokingly watching this play that He carefully wrote, right?

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