I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2263

what can we do about it?

It would be great if, if it could break through the barrier of Alaya in the universe!

Shirou clenched his fists.

In fact, he still has a way to solve the origin Gaia, but the problem is that it must allow him to touch the origin Gaia.

But Gaia, the origin of the Alaya in the universe, cannot be touched at all!

——I have a way for you to break through the information barrier of Alaya in the universe, Xiao Shirou.

A voice suddenly sounded in Shirou's heart.

"Who!?" Shirou asked incredulously.

——You just beat me up in that distant past, who do you say I am?

With a resentful tone, the voice asked back.

"The King of Venus?" Shirou was a little stunned, and couldn't help asking, "You still exist?"

——Otherwise, why do you say that at the South American junction, only my Star Armor has split minds?

The King of Venus said quietly.

Shirou was silent, he somewhat understood the grievances between the King of Venus and Gaia.

I thought that the King of Venus, like the original Gaia, was wiped out by the Golden Emperor in real history, but I didn't expect that the King of Stars still existed.

The key is……

The future king of Venus saw what he had ravaged in the era of origin?

——The way you ravaged me in the past looks really happy... Ah, forget it. At that time, it was good for me to learn a lesson. Although it is really happy to see Gaia like this before dissipating, but if he is allowed to mess around, the only one who will be proud in the end is Root Evil.

After a pause, the King of Venus said again:

——Gaia already knows what happened here, and is hurrying back. But depending on the situation, she may not be able to catch up. Koshiro, you said that as long as you touch Gaia in the past, you can stop him, right?

Shirou nodded and said, "Yes."

—Okay, let me help you.

As soon as the words fell, Shirou felt that the Venus blessing on his body was burning like it was being ignited.

Yes, it is burning!

Not only that, but the planet Venus, which is close at hand, also seems to be burning. The entire planet exudes a golden flame like a flame, which is brighter than the sun.

——Actually, I have to thank you, Koshiro. Maybe you didn't notice it at all. But in fact, I noticed you when you went back more than 1,500 years ago and outlined the future with the touch of the stars. You are the first person who will outline the future with the touch of the stars. It was also at that time that I noticed the earth again and the current Gaia.

——Recalling carefully, since the end of the origin era, countless outsiders have invaded the earth, and even Zhu Yue deceived the earth. I have turned a blind eye and watched with cold eyes. It is because I have never regarded the present earth as Gaia.

——But the split at the South American junction was not actually my self-contradiction, but my farewell to myself and the past.

All the Aristotles stopped their actions as if they had received a certain message, and looked at the planet Venus burning with golden flames in disbelief.

The dead skeleton of the sky was shocked even more, and let out a "woo woo woo" sound.

"Hey! Stop it, you will disappear!" Shirou said quickly.

——The future you described is very good, so please be sure to realize it, because it is the future of our star field, the Gaia star field. Also, if you can, please give me a word from the past, cherish the time when the eldest sister is still alive...

As soon as the words fell, the golden flames burning on the planet Venus condensed instantly, forming a golden light, like an arrow, which shot straight towards Alaya in the universe.

That speed simply surpassed the dimension, almost like a dimension jump, appeared in front of the universe Alaya, and stabbed towards the universe Alaya's chest.

However, this level is really too slow for the Alaya of the universe.

He slowly stretched out his hand, and with a slap, he caught the golden light in his hand.

——Alaya, you are the strongest star weapon. However, don't underestimate the King of Stars!

In an instant, the golden light rose sharply, and with a "bang", the information that made up the hands of the universe Alaya was instantly wiped out, and it pierced straight into the universe Alaya's chest.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

In the invincible Alaya of the universe, its incomparably strong message armor shattered like a spider web, and shot straight towards the origin Gaia.

"...Long time no see, big sister."

"what is this?"

Origin Gaia opened his eyes suddenly, and saw a golden light flying towards his face, and was instantly overturned to the ground.

Origin Gaia was about to fight back, but saw that golden light had disappeared.


Origin Gaia is uncertain.

Staring at the hole in the universe Alaya's chest, Shirou clenched his fists, and the King of Venus blasted the information barrier of the universe Alaya at the cost of his own intelligence.

At this moment, the last trace of the origin era disappeared, and Shirou finally understood, who was the intellectual source of Venus, the king of Venus, who fought against the dead skeleton of the sky.

However, the sacrifice of the King of Venus was not fruitless. At least, his thoughts and regrets opened Shirou's path to the origin of Gaia.

Of course, Shirou couldn't waste this excellent opportunity, and rushed straight towards the origin Gaia.

Cosmos Alaya turned around, his hands recovered in an instant, and he attacked Shirou, but his left hand was blocked by the body of the dead skeleton of the sky, while his right hand was entangled by the light vines from the distant Uranus.

Pluto looked at the vine of Uranus entwining Alaya's right hand in the universe in surprise, and his face was full of surprise: "Uranus..."

Neptune said: "Don't be surprised. He is also our brother and sister after all. And, perhaps like us, the Star King's longing for the Star King Gaia remains in the star's touch..."

With the unexpected support of the dead skeleton of the sky and Uranus, Shirou successfully rushed into the body of the universe Alaya.

"Interesting." Origin Gaia looked at Shirou with great interest, "Although this is not Alaya's body, but besides the Golden Emperor, you are the first person to pass through Alaya's information barrier. Xiao Shirou. I have to say, I have underestimated you. However, how do you want to stop me? Are you still trying to deceive me?"

"No," Shirou knew in his heart that the original Gaia was not as easy to coax as the future Gaia with the Alquite factor, so he just shook his head and said seriously: "You can't do it."

"What did you say?" Origin Gaia raised his eyebrows.

"I said you can't do it. Also, hurry back to me!"

"You, what did you say?" Origin Gaia was a little dumbfounded.

"Shouldn't your ears be deaf? Or, do you want me to say 'screw'?" Shirou asked, pointing at the origin Gaia.

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