I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2264

"Yes, yes, interesting..."

"It's a fart, I don't see what's interesting, get the hell out!" Shirou pointed at Origin Gaia and snapped.

"You—" Genesis Gaia pointed at Shirou's hand, trembling.

"What are you? It seems that you are not only deaf, but your brain is also not working well." Shirou also pointed to his head specifically.

"you you--"

Origin Gaia was trembling with anger, no one had ever dared to insult her!

"What are you? You don't speak well, is it a stammer?"

Origin Gaia was so angry that his legs were shaking, he glared at Shirou, and said, "You say I can't do it? I'll show you!"

Before the king of Venus broke through the information barrier of Alaya in the universe, the origin Gaia had already connected a part of the star's sense of touch, and he decided to destroy the creatures where that part of the sense of touch was located.

The successors who were born so disrespectful to her greatness, all should be wiped out!

However, when the original Gaia was about to do this, he found that the sense of touch he connected with disappeared with a "click".

what happened? The origin Gaia was in doubt, and then connected to the touch of the stars in other places, but it was also disconnected as soon as it was connected.

Origin Gaia tried seven or eight times in a row, and the result was always the same.

what happened? Origin Gaia is uncertain.

"I told you, you can't do it."

Hearing that, Origin Gaia raised his head and looked at Shirou, and found that Shirou's clay figurine had withdrawn from the state of the Star Emperor and turned into a clay figurine with long hair fluttering, and his body was somewhat similar to him, but smaller than him.

"You used the ability of the Star King?" Origin Gaia was shocked.

Shirou nodded, "Yes."

Yes, this is Shirou's last resort to stop Origin Gaia.

[Mortal Savior] Can't use the records of the origin Gaia and the universe Alaya, but Shirou has the blessing of the future Gaia and the favor of the planet.

Although that blessing was taken away by Origin Gaia, it still belongs to Shirou.

So, as soon as he gets close to Gaia, Shirou can make a wish for that blessing, and the planet will respond to his wish.

And his wish for the planet is very simple, that is, to deny all orders from the star king from the past to this future planet!

"The future me actually gave you such high power?" Origin Gaia was shocked.

This is tantamount to handing over the Star King status to Shirou.

This favor, this blessing, has never been given to anyone in Origin Gaia, even the Alaya of the universe.

Could it be, could it be that...

"Could it be that you are my future Star Armor?" Origin Gaia asked in amazement.

"Of course not, it's just the trust between us. He believes that I will not do things that are harmful to the earth, and he believes that the future I promised him will come true." Shirou said.

"I can't understand." Origin Gaia said waveringly.

Yes, he couldn't understand at all, the Star King was the only one, the only one that couldn't be shaken.

However, she handed over the power to Shirou.

Origin Gaia cannot comprehend.

Because of him, not her.

"If you can't use touch to restart the ecology." Origin Gaia was silent for a moment, and then shouted: "Alaya, use the message to shock, I don't want to see any life!"

Cosmic Alaya raised his fist and blasted towards the earth with a message shock wave.

He aimed at the hollow of [The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] and bombarded it. Obviously, he also felt that [The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] was difficult to break through from the outside world, so he aimed at the weak point and bombarded it.

However, when the Alaya of the universe was about to send a shocking message, the primate's restraining wheel unexpectedly appeared in the hollow of the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven], and it was combined with the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] to fill it up. The hole in the arm of the Emperor of Heaven.

This is of course, because the ideal king is part of the restraint.

And this wheel of inhibition—

It's the primate Alaya!


The terrifying impact caused the Primate's Wheel of Inhibition to burst instantly, but it still filled the 【Arm of the Emperor of Heaven】.

—do not want to perish. We don't want to die.

- We want to live! No matter how difficult and difficult, we must live!

— alive! alive! live live live live! ! !

Messages of reluctance to perish overflowed from the shattered wheel of suppression, it was the voice of the primate who did not want to perish.

It was that voice, it was that firm desire that made the Wheel of Restraint withstand the blow of the universe Alaya!

"Alaya—!" Origin Gaia shouted.

The eyes of Alaya in the universe flashed with light, and the endless quantum information condensed a little. With this punch, not to mention the earth, even the life in the entire galaxy will be destroyed by the information quantum.

However, Origin Gaia found that Shirou wasn't panicking at all, and even had a faint smile on his face.

"What are you laughing at? Aren't you afraid?" Origin Gaia asked.

Shirou smiled and said, "I said it, trust is mutual."

As soon as the words fell, just as the punch of the universe Alaya was about to fall, a huge spiritual hand suddenly came from the void, and at a faster speed, it clasped the universe Alaya's wrist.

When everyone looked up, they saw another huge spiritual giant appearing on the planet.

And on the head of the spirit giant, Future Gaia stared at Origin Gaia dissatisfiedly, and asked: "You——, what do you want to do to my planet?"

Chapter 21 All the arrogance is to attract attention

Time seemed to disappear.

The newly-appeared Lingzi giant held the hand of the universe Alaya, making it impossible for him to fall.

This is of course, because this spirit son giant is also a cosmic alaya!

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