I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2265

In the future, Alaya of the universe!

At this time, a wormhole suddenly appeared in the universe, and Alquite and Eltruchi carried Saturn and returned to the solar system.

"Catch up, catch up! We're back, sister!" Elgui said with a smile, holding Eltruchi's hand.

Eltruchi withdrew her hand from Alquite's, and said with disgust on her face, "Don't approach me, it's really disgusting! Also, look at the atmosphere, the atmosphere is very wrong!"


Alquette looked left and right, and found that the atmosphere was indeed very strange.

The key is……

"Three Alayas, two Gaias?" Alquette showed a stunned expression.

The future Gaia stood on the head of the giant spirit, staring closely at the origin Gaia, and asked: "What do you want to do to my planet?"

"What are you going to do? As a part of the great me, as the touch of the stars, don't you know? Of course it is to clean up the garbage in the body!" Origin Gaia said with her hands folded.

"The life in the planet is not the garbage of the planet! If you are here to destroy my planet..."

Future Gaia stared at Origin Gaia and scolded: "Go back!"

"What did you say?" Origin Gaia frowned, staring at Future Gaia.

"Go back! Go back from my time, from my body!" Future Gaia scolded.

"A mere touch..."

Origin Gaia's forehead jumped wildly and shouted: "Alaya—!"


The two Gaias stomped their feet one after another, driving their respective armed forces to attack the enemy.

However, no matter whether it is the spirit son giant or the universe Alaya, they just looked at each other silently but did nothing.

"What are you doing, Alaya? Why don't you do anything! Hurry up and get rid of this sense of heresy!"

"You too, Sweetie! What are you doing? Hurry up! I put you together with great difficulty, not for you to come to the theater! Hurry up and kick them back for me!"

Universe Alaya: "..."

Spirit son giant: "..."

Boss, you are making it difficult for us!

Cosmic Alaya and Lingzi giants are also helpless, both of them are bosses, it’s not right to listen to it, and it’s not right not to listen to it.

In the end, they practiced Tai Chi silently.

You rub it over, I rub it over.

Cosmic Alaya and the Lingzi giant started to fish and paddle tacitly, but the future Gaia and the origin Gaia are torn apart.

"What the hell are you thinking? My body is in a mess! Extinct all those lives and reshape the ecology, this is what you should do!" Origin Gaia scolded.

"Shut up, you extinct star king! This is my planet! I will never allow you to exterminate my existing ecology!"

"If you don't exterminate the existing ecology, you will be destroyed by the existing ecology within a thousand years!"

"Will not!"

The future Gaia said firmly, then looked at the origin Gaia, and said: "I know, the 'I' in the past... No, it should be you. You are brilliant and great. I also know the future, and I will never There will be a star king as great as you, and there will be no such brilliant star field. However, I will also become a decent star king, and the next generation of life bred on this planet will also go towards you and the past. Just as brilliant!"

"You dare to be called the King of Stars? You are just a part of me! There is still such a chaotic life system, so disrespecting your ecology, how can you go to glory? Where does your glory come from?" Origin Gaia asked.

Future Gaia pointed at Shirou and said, "It's Shirou!"

Hearing this, Shirou turned his head and looked at Future Gaia.

He didn't expect that the empty check 1,500 years ago would instead become the confidence for Gaia to fight against the origin of Gaia in the future.

This is really...

Except for a wry smile, there is only a wry smile.

Origin Gaia glanced at Shirou and sneered, "He's just a liar!"

"He's not!" Future Gaia said firmly.

"Who said that?"

"I said it!" Future Gaia said.

"Who are you?"

"I am the King of Stars! The King of Stars said it!"

Origin Gaia sneered: "You just simulated the star touch of the personality! Just as a part of 'me'!"

"No, I am the Star King!"

Future Gaia resolutely said that her eyes were like torches, staring closely at the cold red eyes of Origin Gaia.

The Lingzi giant and the universe Alaya glanced at them one after another, and then the Tai Chi painting in their hands became more round, for fear of being seen by others, they were fishing for fish and paddling.

Gaia of the future and Gaia of origin confront each other, their eyes are like torches. Although there is no words or communication, anyone can see the fierce collision between the curtains of the universe.

It is simply the tip of the needle!

At the end, Origin Gaia suddenly sighed, raised his hands, and said, "I surrendered, I surrendered."

This was like a signal, and the originally dignified atmosphere suddenly eased a little.

Suddenly there was a "puchi", and a soft female voice suddenly sounded beside Gaia, "Look, I told you, this planet has ushered in a new star king, big sister."

who! ?

Everyone was in doubt.

"Could it be..."

Shirou looked at Origin Gaia in surprise, only to see the golden light flashing around Origin Gaia, and then a blond girl like an angel appeared.

"The King of Venus?" Shirou asked in surprise.

The girl blinked, nodded, and said with a smile, "It's me, Xiao Shirou."

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