I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2266

Shirou frowned: "Didn't you already burn the intellectual information..."

"That's true, but Gaia has transformed his information in this world to me." The King of Venus pointed to Gaia, the origin, and said.

Origin Gaia said: "A nasty ghost liberated all his remaining information and all his emotions to calm my anger. Although she is a nasty ghost, how can I make her disappear?"

"I'm not a nuisance." The King of Venus hugged Gaia's arm, blinked, and said with a smile: "However, Gaia will lose in this way. This is the first time I saw Gaia lose. , but, the future Star King, did not disappoint you, Gaia?"

Origin Gaia nodded and said, "Barely pass."

"Wait a minute, wait a moment!" Future Gaia was a little dumbfounded, and asked, "What happened?"

The King of Venus said with a smile: "Actually, Gaia had calmed down a little before, so I took the opportunity to make a bet with Gaia."

It turned out that the moment the King of Venus touched the origin Gaia, he put all his emotions and longings into a hug.

And at that moment, Origin Gaia became a little suspicious of his own judgment, that is, at that time the King of Venus made a bet with Origin Gaia.

That bet is Shirou and Gaia in the future!

"Gaia is satisfied, so I won." King Venus said with a smile.

Future Gaia asked, "What if she's not satisfied?"

Origin Gaia said: "Then I will actually carry out the reshaping of the ecosystem, and the touch of your star will also be reshaped."

When saying this, Origin Gaia glanced at Shirou with a guilty conscience, a little worried that Shirou would poke her platform, after all Shirou can stop her. But she found that Shirou just stared at the star with his nose, as if he didn't hear anything, she immediately felt that Shirou was very pleasing to the eye.

"So that's how it is." Future Gaia patted his chest, a little lucky, but he didn't want his true temperament to make Origin Gaia admit defeat.

"To be honest, it's the first time I've seen Gaia lose. Besides, it's still in my hands." The King of Venus said happily.

She was smiling all over her face, as if she had won the origin Gaia once, as if she had obtained the eternal treasure.

"What's the matter. If you can win, you can naturally lose. It's just that the next-generation Star King still has some flaws, but after all, this is against the greatest me, the greatest Gaia. Hahaha——"

Origin Gaia laughed with her hips akimbo.

"Who has flaws? You have flaws! If you are the greatest Gaia, then I am the greatest Gaia! Hahaha——" Future Gaia also laughed with her hands on her hips.

"Then I am the greatest Gaia!"

"Then I am the greatest, greatest, greatest... Ouch! It hurts!"

In the future, Gaia hadn't finished speaking when she was hit on the head by Origin Gaia with a knife, and her eyes were filled with tears, but Origin Gaia didn't let her go because of this. Instead, she squeezed her face with both hands , all kinds of ravages.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts. Sweetie, Sweetie..."

In the future, Gaia called out to the giant spirit son with tears in her eyes, but the giant spirit son was just busy playing Tai Chi with the universe Alaya and ignored her at all.

After ravaging the future Gaia for a long time, the origin Gaia let go, clapped his hands, and said, "The hatred is relieved."


Future Gaia hid behind the King of Venus.

"This is a happy ending! It's really great, right, sister?" Alquette looked at Eltruchi and asked with a smile on his face.

Eltruchi curled her lips, "If it wasn't for you."

Everyone laughed.

Shirou couldn't help but smile too.

Indeed, such an ending is really good.

However, this is not the happy ending that Alquette said.

Because it is the origin of Gaia, it has such a warm ending.

However, the real enemy, the real mastermind behind the scenes, is the root evil-the Lord of Salvation!

As long as the Lord of Relief is not eliminated, there will be no so-called happy ending.

However, even if the Lord of Rescue is defeated, will there be a happy ending? Facing such an enemy, is there such an ending possible?

Shirou didn't know how many joys and sorrows there were on the way to the answer, but, looking at it now, the conspiracy of the Lord of Relief has come to an end.

Shirou even faintly heard the sigh of the Lord of Relief.

Shirou knew that this was an auditory hallucination caused by his too much desire to win the Lord of Relief.

However, Origin Gaia has given up, and now he can devote his energy to guarding against the seventh animal nature and taking Lixiang back.

You can even ask Origin Gaia to help.

However, just when he was about to do so, a distorted wormhole suddenly appeared in the universe.

Something is being teleported through the wormhole!

Everyone suddenly became tense.

"It's the evil god!" Origin Gaia raised his eyebrows: "The managers don't care? It seems that the great me is going to take care of it!"

The origin Gaia made a look, and the cosmic Alaya and the giant Lingzi instantly understood, and the other Aristotle surrounded the twisted evil god wormhole.

However, what emerged from the evil god's impulse was not some evil god, but Abigail who was taken away by the evil god's universe half a year ago.


As soon as Abigail came out of the evil god's wormhole, she saw the outsiders who surrounded her and watched her, and she crouched down with her head in her arms, trembling.

"Abby is a good boy, Abby is a good boy, don't hit Abby, don't hit me——, wow!"

Abby was so scared that she cried.

Shirou hurriedly introduced Abigail to Gaia, explained the misunderstanding, then walked towards Abigail, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and asked, "Abi, why are you here?"

"That, that..." After being frightened, Abigail remembered the purpose of her coming, grabbed Shirou's trouser leg, and said quickly: "Brother Shirou, brother Shirou, you and the Star King must return to the origin quickly." era!"

Shirou looked at Origin Gaia, then at Abigail, and asked, "Why?"

"Actually, my father, as well as other gods, have always set their sights on the era of origin. Just now, I heard my father muttering that the golden god of destruction is rushing to your star field! He wants to pass the summon Now, come to this universe!" Abigail said anxiously.

"The golden god of destruction?" Shirou raised his eyebrows.

"It's the Golden Emperor!"

Origin Gaia's eyes narrowed suddenly, and then quickly said to Shirou: "The situation has changed, little Shirou, I'm going back first!"

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