I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2267

Said, the origin Gaia is about to return to the era of origin, but at this time, the King of Venus stretched out his hand, "Wait a minute!"

Origin Gaia stopped and looked at the King of Venus suspiciously.

"Yes, can you give me another hug?" King Venus asked cautiously.

Origin Gaia didn't answer, but spread his hands silently.

The King of Venus hugged her tightly, and said in a raving voice, "Sister..."

Origin Gaia smiled, reached out and scratched the hair of the King of Venus, and showed a big smile to the King of Venus, and then completely dissipated like a bubble.

Ruxue's Lingzi flicked across her fingertips, no matter how she tried to grab it, she couldn't catch it.

The King of Venus smiled.

"Is this enough?" Future Gaia asked suspiciously.

"This is enough for me. In fact, I have been in regret all the time. If at that time, I didn't want to use my own way to attract my sister's attention, but get along with my elder sister peacefully. If I knew that there would be On the day of saying goodbye, if I can cherish that short time... perhaps, I won't have so many regrets." The King of Venus sighed faintly.

Chapter 22: An Old General Like a Stage, Covered with Flags

"I really didn't expect that the real purpose of Gengen Evil's creation of this super large summoning array, the existence that he really wanted to summon, turned out to be the Golden Emperor!"

Shirou originally thought that the super large summoning array summoned Gaia, but he didn't think the other party's real purpose was to summon the forbidden golden god of destruction from the era of origin.

Perhaps, the root evil has already mastered everything, including the actions of Origin Gaia. The other party wants to draw the main attention of the origin Gaia to the present world, let them kill each other, and even force Shirou to project the Arrow of Akasha, so that the Golden Emperor can easily destroy the defense line of the Gaia star field, and finally successfully summoned to this world.

It's just that he didn't expect that Shirou endured it and used other methods to stop the origin Gaia, and let the origin Gaia see the future Gaia's star device, thus resolving the situation.

The key is--

"Thank you, Abby." Shirou looked at Abigail and thanked him.

If Abigail hadn't brought this news from the bubble, perhaps they still kept it in the dark.

"No, it doesn't matter." Abigail scratched the back of her head and smiled awkwardly: "We are friends, aren't we?"

Shirou nodded, "Of course."

"Since we are friends, don't be so polite. Helping friends is the right thing to do. Brother Shirou helped me before, didn't he?"

Abigail showed a big smile, paused, and she continued: "I'm going back, please say hello to Kamo for me. By the way, Father and the others said that they are very interested in you. If you are interested, you can Come visit our universe."

"There is a chance." Shirou nodded with a smile.

This is a lie, Shirou has long made up his mind that he will never go to the universe of evil gods.

Once it's over, who knows what will be played by those indescribable evil gods?

The universe is vast, and there are many dangers. For example, the universe of evil gods, such as predating stars, are very dangerous things. Without Akasha's Arrow, even if he has maintained the state of the Star Emperor, he may overturn at any time.

However, Abigail obviously didn't see what was in Shirou's mind, but just smiled and said goodbye, and returned to the universe of the evil god through the evil god's wormhole.

"Abby, it really has changed." Shirou murmured.

Abigail, who was first met at the Shinjuku Junction, is an important member of the council and the incarnation of a cold evil god.

Abigail, who was captured by the Holy Apostle of the Emperor of Heaven and imprisoned in the [Eternal Coffin], gave up on herself.

After being enlightened by him and Xuanzang Sanzang, although Abigail has a smile on her face from time to time, there is an unspeakable loneliness and loneliness in the depths of her eyes.

However, the current Abigail has bright eyes.

Perhaps, this is because she has finally found her own home.

And I am only one step away from my destination!

Shirou clenched his fists.

After bidding farewell to Aristotle, Shirou, the Arquite sisters, and future Gaia returned to the planet.

With the departure of the original Gaia, the universe Alaya in the planet also disappeared.

However, His temporary appearance had a great impact on this planet.

Such as the primate's wheel of inhibition.

Because the Alaya of the universe blasted the primate's restraining wheel, the primate Alaya changed, and he began to accept things other than the primate.

This is not because the primate Alaya was beaten up by the universe Alaya and his temperament changed drastically, but because in the future Gaia has connected the remaining network nodes of the universe Alaya in the surrounding nebula.

Although it is not as magnificent as the original era, it still surrounds half of the Milky Way, and the primate Alaya itself is one of the nodes of the universe Alaya, so after the recovery of the universe Alaya, it began to connect with the universe Alaya .

In addition, the emergence of the other world, the impact of the Belle species, and the appearance of Gaia and Alaya, the origin of the universe, have completely torn people's worldview. Almost in the form of being forced, a new world view was established.

And this kind of world view also reacts on Alaya the primate, urging him to connect with the Alaya of the universe.

Once the alaya of the primate is fully integrated with the alaya of the universe, the alaya of the universe will also be included in the protection scope of the alaya of the universe. In this way, the restraining force that guarantees the alaya of the primate to develop the universe is completely born .

In addition, after Primate Alaya connects with Cosmic Alaya, the Seat of Heroes, which is connected by Primate's Wheel of Repression, will also be connected by Cosmic Alaya in turn!

All the pillars of heroes, or pillars of gods, will completely get rid of the constraints of legends on them, and their personalities will change from primates to heroic spirits of the universe.

In terms of the game, once the primate Alaya is in line with the universe Alaya, he will be upgraded from the Earth OL to the universe OL version, and the level limit of the Heroic Seat will also increase.

Once all these are successfully completed, as Gaia said in the future, the life of the next generation will move towards a glory different from the original life.

However, all of this has an important premise.

——The root cause is evil!

As long as the root evil does not disappear, no matter how beautiful the future is, it is just a fantasy.

The root evil summoned the golden god of destruction, Shirou had to go back to the era of origin, and fight against the golden god of destruction together with the Gaia star field.

However, Lixiang is still in the hands of the seventh beast, Shirou is a little worried.

"Don't worry, Xiao Lixiang will be handed over to us." Alquette patted his chest and said with a smile.

Future Gaia also nodded, patted her small chest, put her hands on her hips and said: "You can carry out your first cause war with peace of mind, Xiao Shirou. Don't worry, don't be distracted. If you want to why, behind your back, And the great me."

Shirou nodded, then looked down at the petite and lovely future Gaia, especially the snow-like long hair, he couldn't help stretching out his hand, grabbed her hair, and pulled it violently!


Future Gaia screamed in an instant, holding her hair, and glaring at Shirou with tears in her eyes, "What are you doing?"

"I suddenly wanted to try whether the planetary tactile anthropomorphic form has a sense of touch."

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