I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2268

"Are you sick? It's said to be anthropomorphic. It must have simulated the human body's tactile nerves and weaknesses! It hurts me to death!"

Gaia cursed in the future, and then hid behind Alquite, stroking her hair with tears.

It's so hard.

First he was ravaged by himself in the era of origin, and now his hair is ravaged by the human beings he loves.

The baby is suffering, and the baby has nowhere to vent.

Shirou smiled, turned his head, looked at the silent Mordred, and gave her a check.

Mordred pointed to himself.

Shirou nodded.

Mordred raised his eyebrows and walked towards Shirou.

Shirou hugged Mordred.

"What are you doing? This is a clay figurine, it's all clay, it's disgusting!"

Mordred struggled in disgust, but couldn't escape Shirou's embrace.

"When everything is over, our family will go to see the snow together." Shirou said while hugging Mordred.

Mordred froze all over, his struggling hands dropped down, his head was sullen, and he asked, "You will win, right?"

"Have you ever seen me lose?" Shirou grabbed Mordred's shoulders, looked straight at Mordred's holy blue eyes with those fiery bright eyes, and said seriously: "Father, will you lose?" won."

"Yes. I believe in you." Mordred smiled, hugged Shirou, and said softly, "We must win, father."

Shirou nodded, then raised his head to look at Artoria, and nodded slightly.

Arturia froze for a moment, then nodded.

All the words seemed pale, the meeting of the eyes, everything was silent.

Shirou cut off the connection of mud and put the main consciousness back into the body.

Mud, dissipated as a source of pure ether.

This was originally an emergency measure and could only be used once.

In the future, Gaia came out from behind Alquette and said: "I still need to complete the connection between the Alaya of the universe and the alaya of the primate, and the anchor point, please you. The planet will do its best to support you of."

Mordred and the others nodded.

Gaia left the earth in the future, surrounded by the nine great Aristotles, and stood on the shoulders of the giant spirit son-Universal Alaya.

"Please, Alaya." Future Gaia looked at the side face of the giant Lingzi and said.

The giant spirit son-Universal Alaya nodded, and then his message body continued to expand and grow, and finally became even bigger than the solar system.

He slowly stretched out his hand, holding the solar system in his palm.

Outside the earth, the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] exudes dazzling holy light. Round after round of restraining wheels appeared above the sky in various regions of the earth, and light like tentacles overflowed from the planet.

Not only on the earth, but also on other planets, tentacles of light overflowed.

And that is the touch of the stars!

Spirit Son Giant-Cosmic Alaya stretched out countless photon nerves, one after another connected to the sun first, then the star touch of the planets, and finally the countless photon nerves connected with the primate inhibition wheel .

In the future, Gaia is trying to connect planetary restraint, primate restraint, and universe Alaya!

Once completed, the Gaia star field of the next generation will be revived in a different form in this world!

Although this process is difficult, fortunately, other planets are giving full support. Even Uranus, which is unhappy about Gaia in the future, is also pacified by the king of Venus, and is helping.

In addition, even the primate Alaya did not resist the integration of the universe Alaya.

Because He, who is the restraining power of the primate, knows that once the primate is included in the protection of the Alaya of the universe, the primate will no longer have the crisis of extinction from the universe.

Of course, the real reason why He will not resist is that He has been looking forward to this day for a long, long time.

He was originally a part of the Alaya of the universe. He was looking forward to this day when the fire of civilization returned to this planet, and when Thetis restarted the restraining power to ensure the survival of the next generation of civilization.

And now, the real Alaya is about to be resurrected, how could he stop it?


The Sea of ​​Stars.

"The king has already gone to the battlefield." Vivian sighed lonely.

Merlin said: "Shirou has completely cut ties with Guinevere, do you still call him king?"

Vivian smiled and said: "He has returned the royal power to the ideal king, but in my heart, he is still my king."

"If you still miss the past, he won't be happy." Merlin reminded.

"So what? I belong to the past." Vivian said with a smile.

Merlin sighed and asked, "Are you sorry? He activated Skadi's card."

"It's a pity. However, this also shows that my card is his last hole card."

Vivienne patted the closed [Eternal Coffin] behind her, and said: "So, even if I miss it, I will never leave the Sea of ​​Stars. Even if it is thousands of miles away, as long as he is still my king, I will To fulfill the mission he entrusted to me."

Merlin sighed: "I hope he will never use this card!"

Vivian nodded.

"I'm going to show the world. The evil root causes the tombs to be messed up. New beli subspecies are constantly being born. The seventh beast may take the opportunity to break through the anchor point. Although Gilgamesh, Arthur, Scarha and the others They are all defending, but I am a little worried."

Vivienne nodded and watched Merlin go away.

She patted [The Coffin of Eternity] lightly, and sat quietly beside the coffin, just like the millennium years.

Long companionship.



Ancient Shu.

"The so-called immortal way is actually not so mysterious. You have to slowly deduce it from matter to thought. First of all, you have to do two hundred backhand flips in a row. By the way, what you can do on paper is superficial, and you must practice it yourself. .You need to try first."

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