I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2269

"Eh? Is that so? Alright, Master Wuzhiqi." As soon as Morrigan collected the notes, he was about to do 200 backhand flips, but was stopped by Kao Chiko.

"What are you stopping me for, Mustard Seed?" Morrigan asked suspiciously.

"You love-brained idiot!"

Mustard Seed snapped his fingers on Morrigan's forehead with a dark face.


Morrigan clutched her forehead, crying out in pain.

Mustard Chiko stared at the snickering water monkey with a dark face, and said coldly: "If you fool Morrigan again, I'll demolish your temple, Wuzhiqi! Don't think I don't know that you hide gold. Where is the temple of the body!"

Wu Zhiqi's face froze, he slapped his hands resentfully, and said, "I know, I know. It's really boring. I would come out with you only if I said it was an interesting person, but it turned out to be a part-time job... Ah, I want to go back to retreat."

"Facing the root evil, even you cannot ignore it."

"That's true, it's just that what I pay attention to is the unity of heaven and man, and this is in line with the immortal way I pursue." Wu Zhiqi smiled jokingly, but seeing Musta Chuzi's face was calm, he waved his hand, " Well, I won’t tease you anymore, I don’t even have to change my face, it’s still interesting to tease Daji. Don’t worry, I don’t like to see things like root evil. To be honest, if my golden body wasn’t locked in the forest court In the middle, I ran away early."

Hearing this, Mustard Chiko sneered and said: "That's your own reason. You said, it's not good for you to make trouble, but you want to show your power here."

Wu Zhiqi said depressedly: "Who knew that all the ancients in this area were so perverted?"

Morrigan asked suspiciously, "Why do you say that?"

Mustard Chiko pointed to Wuzhiqi and said: "This guy is a fairy, and he is also the most famous monster in our area, the evil god. He came to our area to make trouble in the age of mythology, and after defeating the primitive gods of several tribes, he was triumphant. It even caused a major flood in Tongbai Mountain. As a result, King Yu took the Hongmeng clan, Shangzhang clan, Doulu clan, and Lilou clan to hold them down on the ground and taught them a lesson, and then was chained by King Yu with a big iron chain. He cut his neck, put copper bells on his nostrils, and then suppressed him to the south of the Huai River forever, while the golden body was locked in the mountain court."

"Oh, is Dayu controlling the water? Is King Yu so powerful?" Morrigan opened his eyes wide.

Wu Zhiqi said depressedly: "It's not that King Yu is powerful, it's that people from this area... are all fucking perverts!"

"Why do you say that?" Morrigan asked suspiciously. To be honest, although she is the witch who has the most foundations of the magic way, Morrigan doesn't know much about the secrets of the magic way in this area of ​​China.

Especially the Age of Mythology in this area.

Wu Zhiqi looked at Morrigan and said, "Did you know that all the myths on this planet are roughly the same, but the myths in this region are incompatible with the myths in other regions!"

"Oh, I know. The spiritual core is different. The gods in this area are all good gods. Ah, no, only good super existences can be called gods, and evil ones are monsters, no, It's a monster," said Morrigan.

"Wrong." Mustard child shook his head, and said: "The ones you are familiar with are mythological transformations out of the need for stability after the unification of this region. Before the completion of the unification, in the real age of mythology, this area and The situation in other regions is no different, and evil gods are everywhere. The mythical age in this region is really different from other regions in that it is people."


"Yes. In the age of mythology in other regions, gods are stronger than humans, and the will of gods must not be violated by humans. But only in this region, humans are stronger than gods. If gods dare to destroy humans, then humans will destroy gods first." That’s right, the real core of the age of mythology in this region is struggle!”

"For example, the ten playful golden crows are not magical beasts, but sun gods. The ten sun gods patrol the earth and bake the earth. In other areas, all the people prostrate and kneel, begging the sun god for forgiveness and leaving Right? But the ancients in this area directly killed nine sun gods, scaring the last sun god from coming to the earth again. In fact, the golden crow was able to run away not because of good luck, but because of the The ancients thought that if the sun god disappeared, the sun would disappear, so they let it go on purpose. This is Houyi shooting the sun."

"For another example, Yugong moved the mountains. There are two big mountains that blocked the road. People in other areas usually move or beg the gods, but the people in this area use their descendants to move the mountains away."

"The most typical example is the water monkey in front of you. What's wrong with it, it just came here to make trouble. As a result, it was beaten to death by the ancients in this area and suppressed forever." Mustard Chizi pointed at Wuzhiqi and said.

"Stop talking, your stomach hurts..." Wu Zhiqi said with a sad face.

He also regrets.

With his ability, in the Age of Mythology, even Greece and Mesopotamia were easy models, but he chose Huaxia, which is difficult for hell.

Thinking about it, Wu Zhiqi felt a stomach ache and couldn't stand it.

In fact, the top ten immortal officials in the mountain court are all evil gods from the age of mythology.

They are trapped in the mountain court and suppressed forever, and it is not the gods who suppress them, but the fierce men of the myth age in this area.

However, this is also good, in fact, even if the seal is lifted, Wu Zhiqi will not come out of the mountain court, that is because he is really afraid of being beaten.

Even if the age of mythology has disappeared, even if the mystery of this area has almost disappeared, but they are really scared.

Who knows if there are such fierce people as in the age of mythology in this area?

"However, when you say this, why do I feel that this temperament is so similar to Shirou?" Morrigan was a little puzzled.

Whether it was Yugong moving mountains or Houyi shooting the sun, Morrigan discovered that the spiritual core of these myths told by Kua Hinako was somewhat similar to Shirou.

"If you put it that way, it does seem a bit...his spiritual core is not from the Neon area, but from this area..."

Mustard thinks about it carefully, and feels the same.

That kind of struggle, that kind of indomitability, that kind of resistance to fate, and that kind of spirit in the bones are exactly the same as the spiritual core of this region.

This is also of course.

Because Shirou, whose soul essence is the people of this land.

And the spiritual core of this land is struggle!

Fight against the sky, gods, people, and even your own destiny!

"Oh, oh. If you say that, I'm even more interested in the successor of the Uzumaki."

Wuzhiqi smiled, paused, and then asked again: "By the way, Mustard Chiko. Earlier you said that you met God King Heidi and Bai Ze at our connection point, right? They also left you a seed, right?"

Mustard nodded.

"Where is that seed?" Wu Zhiqi asked.

"At a friend of mine," said Mustard.

"Oh, oh, the mustard child who hates humans the most, can actually say that he has friends, it really opened my eyes!" Wu Zhiqi said jokingly.

Mustard Chick looked at him coldly.

"Forget it. I won't tease you. It's best to save that seed. Although I don't know that Bai Ze, but Bai Ze can't give things casually, there must be deep meaning in it!" Wu Zhiqi said.

Mustard Chiko nodded, and then said: "Now we still have to defend this anchor point, don't try to fish for water. Otherwise, I will demolish your temple!"

"Got it, got it. That's right, how about I summon Sun Monkey to help you, so you let me go? He has become a Buddha, and a clone is much more powerful than me!"

Mustard Chick waited coldly.

Wuzhiqi sighed: "Life is bitter!"


Artoria patted Mordred on the shoulder and called out softly, "Mordred."

Mordred nodded, raised his head, and looked at the vortex covering the sky.

I said silently in my heart, I will wait for you to come back, my lord father!

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