I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2270

Chapter 23 Love this song to death~

Everyone started to act.

Listening to Mordred's arrangement for the seventh beast's attack, Matthew couldn't help asking: "Then what should I do, Mordred?"

"Mash, you need to do a very important thing. Go and help hunt the belia species that broke into Fuyuki City. This matter is very important, please."

"I see……"

Matthew nodded a little disappointed.

Although what Mordred said was very serious and sincere, she was not an idiot, so of course she could hear the deep meaning of this sentence.

——She is too weak! is a liability.

Matthew didn't poke this point because it was true.

She possesses the Holy Shield of Galahad, but she does not have Galahad's fortitude to protect a person even if she is transformed into a machine, so she cannot exert the true power of the Holy Shield of Galahad.

What kind of person, what kind of strength, what kind of thing to do.

This is a matter of course.

Matthew has already accepted this.

But where did the unwilling tears in the eyes come from?

—You are too weak to support King Galahad's shield at all.

Recalling the words of the seventh bestiality, Matthew felt inferior, looked down at the holy shield in his hand, and murmured timidly: "I'm sorry, Mr. Galahad. Your holy shield is in my hands. It will be dusty."

At this time——

With a roar of "Roar", Matthew looked up and saw a ferocious white beast rushing towards a woman holding a baby in her arms.


Mash flew away subconsciously, setting up the holy shield.

With a "boom", the white beast was bounced back by the holy shield.

Matthew supported the shield, looked back at the trembling and frightened woman, and said seriously: "Please leave here and go to a safe place!"

"Thank you, thank you..."

The woman was trembling and frightened, and left here quickly.

The white beast wanted to continue to slay it, but Ma Xiu slapped it into the air with the holy shield, and after a while of fighting, the white beast was smashed into meat paste by the holy shield.

Matthew was relieved, she was somewhat useful.

However, that's all there is to it.

"What are you doing, Matthew?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded in her ears, and Ma Xiu turned her head to look, only to see a blond girl in a black dress looking at her.

The blond girl had a pretty face, a tall figure, and well-proportioned bumps. Although she was dressed smartly and had the gallantry of a chivalrous woman, the temperament between her brows was as noble and cold as a queen.

"Miss Love Song." Matthew couldn't help being surprised.

She knew this blond girl, her name was Aige, and she would visit Senior Lixiang from time to time when she was in the cabin in the forest, but the other party kept telling her not to tell Senior Lixiang.

But in the past six months, Mash has become acquainted with this Miss Love Song. She found that Miss Love Song is like a goddess of wisdom. She can get answers to everything, and the most important thing is love. Miss Ge is very gentle, so she naturally became friends with Miss Aige to talk about everything.

Ai Ge said: "I went to the hut in the forest just now, but I didn't see you. And there are still traces of fighting. What happened when I was away?"

Matthew told Ai Ge everything that happened, then lowered her head and asked with low self-esteem: "Miss Ai Ge, do you also think that I am useless?"

"It's useless?" Ai Ge glanced at the white beast that was smashed into a meat paste by the holy shield, and shook his head: "It's nothing, it's just your heart, which is more slender and considerate than others."

"However, I am senior's Servant, but instead I dragged down senior. I, I——, so useless..."

Aige looked at Matthew who felt inferior, she was silent for a moment, and said, "Want to go somewhere with me, Matthew?"

"Where are you going?" Matthew asked.

"Go and get Lixiang back." Aige said.

Hearing this, Matthew's eyes widened: "But, the whereabouts of the seventh beast is unknown, even Gaia, which is the restraining force of the planet, can't find it..."

"They can't find it, but it doesn't mean I can't find it. Do you want to go with me, Matthew?" Ai Ge asked again.

Matthew hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and said, "I won't go, I will only drag you down, Miss Love Song..."

"I didn't ask you if it would hold me back. I was asking you if you want to go?"

Matthew: "..."

"Think! Think! Why don't I want to! I, I'm Senior's Servant, I'm Lixiang's friend, why don't I want to? But..."

Aige grabbed Matthew's hand and said with a smile: "No but, thinking is enough."

Matthew looked at Aige's sunny smile, pursed her lips, resisted the urge to cry, and asked, "Why? I...my heart is slender and weak, I shouldn't be able to enter Miss Aige's eyes are right."

"Do you know, Matthew? Sometimes, a slender heart can exert more amazing power than an already strong heart! The slender heart is not your weakness, but your most precious Treasure." Aige's clear eyes looked at Mash gently.

Tears flowed from Mash's eyes, but she smiled, "...you are so kind, Miss Love Song."

Ai Ge was silent for a moment, wiped Matthew's tears, and said, "I'm fine, I'm not fine at all."



In the era of origin, Shirou slowly opened his eyes and found himself sitting cross-legged at the door of the Vortex Gate.

"That fellow Gaia, didn't you lock me up?"

Shirou muttered, got up, and flew back to the Gaia Star Field on Earth.

Just as he was about to call out to the Alaya of the universe and teleport himself to the brain region of the star, there was a sudden gust of fragrant wind from the corner ahead, and then he bumped his head with a white hair.

"Who? Don't you have eyes?" Shirou said depressedly, covering his head.

"I also want to ask, who is so short-sighted and dares to bump into the great me!"


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