I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2275

"I see."

After communicating with the universe Alaya, Shirou had some idea of ​​the size and personality of the Golden Emperor.

The Golden Emperor, the god of destruction from the golden universe, is suspected of being an absolute material life form, and has been repeatedly mentioned and feared by Thetis and Origin Gaia.

Shirou didn't know how strong the Golden Emperor was, but there was no doubt that Shirou had no other way to deal with the Golden Emperor except Akasha's Arrow.

Arriving at the cockpit of the starship, Shirou swept his eyes and saw the pilot seat in the center.

He walked over and sat on the driving seat.

For a moment, as if activated, a faint light appeared around.

A voice resounded in the cockpit.

[Dayuan ether is filled, the starship system starts——]

The endless twilight gathered together and condensed into a young goddess.

The young goddess looked only six or seven years old, with silver hair and a pair of bewitching eyes shining with "X".

"Ti, Tiamat?" Shirou looked at the young goddess with some surprise.

"I am the solar system sequence starship system." The young goddess looked at Shirou peacefully, and said: "Reminder, the information network has been connected to the Alaya system, and the phase alignment is completed. The starship will be launched after ten stellar waves. Please Master get ready."

"I see."

Shirou nodded, put away his surprise, and grabbed the armrest of the throne with both hands.

"Ten, nine...three, two, one... launch!"

With a "boom", the Trisolaran starship was launched from the Sun star base. After a short launch, the starship entered super acceleration, rushed into the wormhole, and rushed towards the border of the Gaia star field .

Although the starship body was extremely bumpy when it first entered the wormhole, fortunately, Shirou transformed into the Star Emperor in advance, so there was no problem.

After stabilizing his body, Shirou turned his head slightly, and his eyes fell on the young goddess.

With this appearance, and this familiar wavelength, there is no doubt that this so-called solar system sequential starship system is the current Tiamat.

"I really didn't expect that the starship was carried on the body of Sakura's mother Tiamat." Shirou thought helplessly.

This scene was seen by the living Tiamat. He guessed that after he went back, besides the King of Venus, there would be another professional player who wanted to rub himself against the ground.

However, the probability of such a thing happening is small, but it does exist.

After all, Tiamat is a starship from the Age of Origins.

At this time, one planet after another appeared in the wormhole.

Shirou frowned.

These planetary substances are compressed by planets swallowed by wormholes, and they are extremely strong. If possible, it is best to avoid it, but these planetary substances have undoubtedly blocked the shuttle route of the starship. Once it collides with the starship, the starship will explode instantly.

It's no wonder that Thetis said that he used the message to cross the star sea, which is much safer than the starship.

Because one is tangible and the other is invisible.

However, for now, Shirou needs to destroy these planetary substances first, otherwise, once Tiamat collides with it and falls, he will be trapped in this wormhole route forever.

This is not a good thing!

However, Shirou had only just moved, while Tiamat had already activated the armament on the starship.

"I found debris on the route, and cleared it—"

Tiamat said very calmly, and the starship cannon fired a star destroyer.

Just for a moment—


That star destroyer shot down all the planetary material along the way, forming a beautiful and brilliant fireworks.

The corner of Shirou's mouth twitched, isn't this beautiful?

How many planets are these fireworks made of?

The most extravagant fireworks are nothing like this.

However, this also shows how much water Tiamat put into the second generation of gods in the first generation of stars, so that they can tear down this star annihilator and shape the heaven, earth and man. three realms.

"Master, the annihilation was successful." Young Tiamat said blankly: "My body is strong, beautiful, sturdy, and very safe. Welcome to use it next time, Master."

Shirou: "..."

Shirou: "What you said is really a bit dirty...can you put it another way?"

"Dirty? I don't understand, but I'm not a waste product, welcome to use it next time." Young Tiamat said, after thinking for a while, he gave Shirou a thumbs up, deliberately showing a vigorous smile.

Shirou: "..."

It's over, it's over!

See the dark history of Tiamat!

Shirou suddenly felt that he was enveloped by a great ominous omen.

He didn't need to think too much, he knew that in this world, Tiamat, who was paying attention here, would show such gloomy and blackened eyes.

"I hope that after I go back, Tiamat won't secretly slaughter me." Shirou lamented in his heart, and looked helplessly at Young Tiamat.

In the end, this caused Young Tiamat to give another thumbs up.


Shirou screamed inwardly.




Tiamat crouched in a corner with his head in his arms, as if shrouded by a great ominous omen.

"Huh? Mom, was she so cute before?" Kama glanced at the scene displayed inside the Vortex Gate, then turned to look at Tiamat squatting in the corner.

"X-Sakura..." Tiamat looked at Kamo with tears in the corners of his eyes.

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