I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2276

"It's as cute as a little hamster." Kama said with a smile.


Tiamat weathered in an instant, and then looked at himself inside the Vortex Gate, as if the unspeakable black history had been uncovered in front of his daughter, holding his head and crying: "Stop!"

But even if she is so reluctant, there is no way, because Shirou opened the Vortex Gate, so the perspective follows Shirou.

"However, I really didn't expect the mother goddess to have such a side..." Enkidu also looked at Tiamat in disbelief.

He respects and worships Tiamat so much. In his heart, Tiamat is noble and elegant, but the one in the Vortex Gate...

It's hard to tell.

It's almost like a young girl who is deliberately acting cute, without any appearance of a goddess worthy of respect and worship.


Tiamat poked his fingers, with tears hanging from the corners of his eyes, and muttered, "At that time, the Masters changed their life forms as soon as they were created. Therefore, they have been placed in the warehouse..."

"I know, I know!" Kama said, "It's like an old home appliance that can't keep up with the times. It's been dusted in the warehouse, and I don't know when it will be seen again."


Enkidu looked suspiciously at Ishtar, the goddess of Venus, and asked, "Lord Ishtar, did you hear the voice?"


"The sound of a broken heart," said Enkidu.

Ishtar glanced at the petrified and gray Tiamat, cold sweat dripped from his delicate face, he turned his head quickly and said, "I, how do I know? My ears have always been bad."

Kamo hugged Tiamat, and said gently: "But, my mother is not a waste product. She is the most important person and the most precious treasure in my life."


Tiamat hugged Kama.

Kamo hugged Tiamat and comforted Tiamat, with a happy smile on his smiling face.

"Ah, my sister... When did it become as bad as Gilgamesh..." Ishtar looked at the smile on Gamo's face, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"You embarrassing goddess, who are you talking about?" Gilgamesh, who was still staring at the Vortex Gate seriously, became dissatisfied instantly when he heard this, staring at Ishtar and questioning.

"Whoever admits it will be the one." Ishtar spread his hands, then covered the corners of his mouth with a smirk, and said, "Anyway, you don't have the Deviation Sword now, so how about taking me as the supreme goddess? You third-rate heroic spirit."

Gilgamesh had a "well" on his forehead, "A mere Venus waste dares to say such a thing in front of this king, Heavenly Execution!"

"You'd better show me some respect. You may not be my opponent now." Ishtar patted his chest and laughed.

She felt better than ever in Gilgamesh.

This feeling is really amazing.

But she didn't notice Enkidu's sympathetic gaze at all.


Fuyuki City.

"Is it here, Miss Aige?" Matthew looked at the huge cave in front of him, turned his head to look at Aige beside him, and asked.

Ai Ge nodded, and said with a slightly serious face: "Here, be careful, Matthew."


Chapter 26 I just want to protect you!

"Will you hide here, Miss Aige? This is just an ordinary cave, right?" Matthew pointed to the cave in front of her and said to Aige.

No matter how you look at it, the cave in front of you is just an ordinary artificial cave, like a special tourism project specially developed to attract tourists.

"Can't you feel Mash, the breath of the Holy Grail?" Ai Ge asked.

"The breath of the Holy Grail?" Matthew turned to look at Aige.

Ai Ge looked at the approaching cave without squinting, and said: "This is the big hole in Yuanzang Mountain. In order to complete the third law, the Yusanjia created an artificial hole under Yuanzang Mountain, and at the same time used the large hole to complete the third method. The Holy Grail technique, borrowing the spiritual veins of Fuyuki City, arranged the technique of the Great Holy Grail here."

"This, I saw it in the database of Chaldea. It is said that Miss Miyu and the False God Seat also entered this dimensional world through the technique of this Great Holy Grail. However, this Great Holy Grail Wasn't the technique destroyed by Mr. Shirou at the end of the 20th century?" Mash looked at Aiga suspiciously.

"That's true, but things are not that simple." After a pause, Ai Ge looked at Matthew and asked, "Matthew, do you know what the Holy Grail is?"

"The Holy Grail? Isn't the Holy Grail the wine cup containing the blood of the Holy Spirit? With the power of the Holy Spirit, it can fulfill anyone's wish. However, Miss Mordred told me about what happened in the Eternal Empire. That Holy Grail... It's the Antichrist," Matthew said.

"So, what are the Holy Spirit and Antichrist, do you know, Matthew?" Ai Ge asked.


"It's the human heart." Ai Ge said.

Hearing this, Matthew was taken aback for a moment, staring at Ai Ge blankly.

Ai Ge said bluntly: "From the beginning of the world, there have been no gods and Buddhas, nor holy spirits and demons. There are only individuals that belong to themselves one after another, as well as nothingness and chaos. But when people look at those existences, they will My own heart is imposed on them. Therefore, those who focus on most people become justice and beauty, and those who are loyal to themselves become ugly and evil. And this is also the difference between mortal nature and true nature.”

Matthew thought for a while and asked, "Is there a difference between selflessness and selfishness?"

"It can be understood in this way. Fanxing is 'everyone is bad, and I may not be good, so I will help you if you can.", while authenticity is "As long as I am good, that is enough." The former is the majority of people mentality, so they are mediocre, while the latter is the idea of ​​a very small number of people, some have achieved amazing feats, but more have become criminals. The same is true of the Holy Spirit and Antichrist.”

Ai Ge looked at the cave and said: "People need a super existence that symbolizes beauty, so that transcendent got the name of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit left, he left behind a cup that can fulfill any good wish, that is the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is the cup left by the Holy Grail to make the earth beautiful, but people fought for it out of selfish desires, thus polluting that cup, and thus the Antichrist was born."

Matthew said suspiciously: "But Miss Mordred said that the Antichrist has been wiped out by Mr. Shiro."

"Fujimaru Shiro destroys the Holy Grail, and Antichrist cannot be destroyed. Because the one who created the Holy Spirit and the Antichrist is not the transcendent, but human beings. Therefore, it is not Akasha who can destroy the Holy Spirit and Antichrist. The target is not human beings themselves," said Aige.

"But, what does this have to do with Senior Lixiang and the seventh animal nature?" Mash asked suspiciously.

Ai Ge frowned, pursed his lips, and said: "If I guess correctly, the root cause is evil, that guy intends to use the Holy Grail formula to transfer the true nature of human beings from the Holy Grail formula of other dimensions to Lixiang cultivated to be the Antichrist."

"How could such a thing be possible..."

Because she was too surprised, Matthew covered her small mouth.

"This kind of thing can be done. From the first time I saw Li Xiang, I felt that she was abnormal, her heart was empty, and to be honest, she was bigger than the other me..." Ai Ge looked complex Said solemnly.

This is also the reason why Ai Ge, when she was in the Eternal Empire, did not want to absorb the animal nature of Li Xiang. One is that the deprivation of animal nature may kill Li Xiang like the deprivation of Gaitia, and the other is that Aige has seen this possibility since then, and the suspicion may be a trap set by the root evil, so She just gave up absorbing Lixiang.

"However, I saw this and did nothing. I was a failure as her friend. I hope there is still time."

Ai Ge said silently in her heart, this is also the reason why she gave up entering the era of origin.

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