I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2277

"Matthew, no matter what happens next, don't stop." Ai Ge looked at Matthew and said seriously.

Don't stop no matter what? Matthew was taken aback, looked at Ai Ge, and asked doubtfully: "Miss Ai Ge, what will happen..."

"Do you know?" Ai Ge asked again.

Matthew pondered for a moment, nodded, and said seriously: "I see."

"Then be careful, you're going in."


Matthew clenched the holy shield in her hand, calling silently in her heart.


Entering the big hole in Yuanzang Mountain, Ma Xiu's eyes shrank suddenly, and he saw endless, endless, endless, mud-like malice, lingering on the ground, and then flocking to the center of the big hole.

And in the center of that big hole is a huge, hollow tree of light, and in the hollow of that tree of light, there is a huge black shadow chrysalis.

And the Fujimaru Tachika that Matthew and others were looking for was in that cocoon!

"So that's how it is, a new world was created here. So the touch of the stars can't find it here." Ai Ge raised her eyebrows.


Matthew couldn't help shouting, trying to save Lixiang who was trapped in the cocoon, but at this moment, a stream of malicious mud flowed out from the side and went straight through Matthew.


Aige grabbed Matthew's shoulder and pulled, and as a result, the mud flowed from the indestructible holy shield in Matthew's hand.


King Galahad's indestructible holy shield was instantly melted like foam falling into molten lava.

Matthew looked at the melted corner in horror, turned her head to look at Ai Ge, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Miss Ai Ge."

"Now is not the time to talk about this."

Ai Ge looked at the malicious mudslides around her, and raised her eyebrows, "The human evil that is so thick...it's unbelievable."

"Crack, clap, clap—"

A burst of applause came from the cocoon, and the seventh beast slowly walked out from the cocoon, looked at Ai Ge gently, and said, "It's really unexpected to be praised by the puppet who is the king of evil."

"Don't be so polite, because I am the holder of the vortex of authenticity." Ai Ge looked at the seventh beast, and said, "Then, the other me is also the Antichrist."

Hearing this, the seventh beast smiled, looked at Ai Ge, and said, "Actually, I am very confused. Your purpose should be to replace my Master and become the new root evil. Why don't you go to the first cause domain?" ? Could it be because of Xiao Lixiang, the doll of the King of Evil?"

The seventh beast pointed at Lixiang and asked with a smile.

Aige nodded and said, "Yes."

Hearing this, the seventh beast was stunned, and couldn't help asking: "...Why?"

"That's because I handed her over to her, the first friend who will care about me and recognize me." Ai Ge said.

"Friend? It's ridiculous. You regard her as a friend, but Xiao Lixiang never regards you as a friend. Her heart is very empty, but she can't accommodate anyone else." The seventh bestiality said with a smile.

"You're an idiot too."

The seventh beast frowned: "What did you say?"

"Words are meaningless. The important thing is the heart." Ai Ge looked at the seventh beast and asked, "You who were born through Olga Marie, do you have a heart?"


The seventh beast's expression turned ferocious.

"I'll leave Lixiang to you, Mash!"

Aige glanced at Mash, turned around and turned into a vortex of true nature, rolling directly towards the seventh animal nature.

The seventh animal nature looked at the charging evil king, and sighed heavily: "You shouldn't come. If you don't come, maybe, I won't be completely desperate..."

The seventh beast waved his hand, and countless vortices of rebellion appeared in the surrounding void, and then the light flickered, and countless spike-like trees of light rushed out of it, piercing into the body of the evil king.


The red liquid flowed out along the tree of light.

Not mud.

but blood.

Real, human blood.


The tree of light piercing through the evil king shone brightly, as if the energy of destruction was injected into the evil king's body, the evil king of the vortex of true nature suddenly let out a cry of pain.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

All the black mud dispersed.

Aige's body was suspended in mid-air as if it had been pierced by countless piercers.

"You shouldn't have come. It is because you have come that I am even more desperate. Whether your rebellion or the pursuit of your heart, from the very beginning, it is under the Master's control. If you can't escape, I will also escape." If you can't escape, everyone can't escape." Seventh Beast said.

As soon as the words fell, the human evil absorbed from the Holy Grail of other dimensions suddenly shifted direction, like a liquid injection, along the tree of light, and rushed into Aige's body.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Aika let out a scream.

Countless human evils were injected into her body.


Not in the body, but in the soul.

The real soul that sleeps in the depths of her soul.

"Lixiang will become the real beast of the end, and you will replace Apocalypse and become the new Antichrist. When you who have completed your reincarnation and destroyed the present world, Fujimaru Shiro in the first cause domain will also be Killed by the root. Afterwards, everything will return to one, this is fate. Desperate fate. Established fate." Seventh Beast said calmly.

"Miss Love Song!"

Mash stopped in her tracks and looked worriedly at Ai Ge who was hanging.

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