I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2278

Aige gritted her teeth, held up her spirit that was about to split, and shouted to Mash: "Don't stop, Mash!"

——Matthew, no matter what happens next, don't stop!

Recalling what Ai Ge said to herself before, Mash understood that Ai Ge had already expected this to happen, so she gritted her teeth and continued to rush towards the cocoon.

The seventh bestiality glanced at Matthew who continued to rush towards the cocoon, turned to look at Ai Ge, and asked, "You don't think little Matthew can rescue you from my hand, right? It's impossible. Even if I don't make a move, the evil humans here are enough to kill her."

"Did you know? When a person really wants to accomplish something, even everything in the world will help."

Ai Ge smiled, and then a black light flashed across his eyes, and the wounds pierced by the Tree of Light turned out to be like black holes, generating a huge suction force, sucking in all the evil surrounding humans.

Not only that, even the seventh animal nature that wrapped Lixiang was sucked away by Aige.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

Aige's body was shattered like glass, and his whole body was like a candle in the wind.

However, there was a sunny smile on her face.

"Did your Master expect this matter? Judging by your face, you probably didn't expect it?"

"Maybe I expected it, maybe I didn't expect it, at least He didn't tell me. But—" Seventh Beastly looked at Ai Ge and said, "You will only disappear faster like this."

"There are some things that are more important than life and cannot be let down. This is a truth that I, a puppet, have learned in this short life. Then... destiny? I hate these two words." Ai Ge said.

"I hate you. Disappear, human!"

The seventh bestiality stretched out its palm, and a thorn of light pierced Ai Ge's eyebrows with a "cha".

"Miss Love Song—!"

Mash held Lixiang in her arms, watching this scene with tearful eyes.

The seventh beast fell in front of Matthew and said, "Don't worry, you will be next, Matthew."

"I will never take a step back!"

Mash put down Lixiang, clenched the holy shield tightly, and aimed at the seventh animal nature with gritted teeth.

"It's a meaningless move. Why do humans always do such meaningless actions? Even if you save Lixiang from here, you will be reunited by the root evil in the end."

"I don't understand, why do you have to help root evil? Are you the beast born by Miss Olga Marie? Are you the seventh beast? Are you human love? Then, where is your love?" Matthew asked.

"My love is to make you one. That is the ultimate form of love, and it is also the common vision of human evil and human love. You should not understand it? But it doesn't matter, we will all meet again at the root, as the root We will understand each other when the time comes. But now, disappear, Mash!"

The seventh bestiality spread out its hands, gathering endless magic power into one ball.

He no longer intends to hold back.

Eliminate everything, and then everything will be reborn in the root, whether it is evil or love, it will be condensed into one, and then everything can understand each other.

This is his reason, his evil, and his... love.

This is the beast of the end.

The terrifying magic power was condensed, even though the space-time domain was distorted, revealing the past events that happened here in the past.

The Great Holy Grail formula constructed by the Three Houses; Angora Mainyu's revenge; Shirou's destruction of the Great Holy Grail formula; Wallachian Night's desire for the sixth law; Miyu travels through time and space; the appearance of the false god seat...

Everything is showing up.

Like real history, it is repeating itself in the form of a bubble in this area.

And this is all because the magic power of the beast of the end is too concentrated.

He wants to use this blow to destroy Matthew, destroy Fuyuki City, and open up the anchor point of the Great Summoning Array in an instant!

That energy is terrifying!

Just like instinct, Matthew trembled, and in his heart, he couldn't help but want to run away.

run, run.

There was such a voice that kept talking.

So scary, so scared, don't want, don't want to face death.

don't want to die.



Because seniors...


Because of friends, because the most precious treasure is behind him, how can he escape?

——Sometimes, a slender heart will exert more amazing power than an already strong heart! The slenderness of your heart is not your weakness, but your most precious treasure!

Mash gritted her teeth as Miss Aige's words echoed in her mind.

please. please.

If I really have any power, let me release it all! I am willing to trade everything!


There is a treasure that I must absolutely protect!

The slender heart was finally opened, the girl prayed, longed, and was willing to use everything in exchange for a miracle, a possibility.

Just to keep the person you care about!

But such prayers, such pains, were precisely the life of that heroic spirit.

The [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] outside the sky shone with powerful light, attracting the eyes of Alaya of the universe, Gaia of the future, and all the star kings.

And in the light of the long-gone [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven], the girl's thoughts seemed to travel through time and space, and she came to a pure white world.

The girl looked around, a piece of pure white.

And in that pure white world, an empress who couldn't see her face clearly, wearing a golden crown on her head, stretched out her hand with a wooden bracelet and pointed at the girl.

A tall pure white knight came out slowly and came in front of the girl.

"You, are you Mr. Galahad?" The girl looked at the pure white knight and couldn't help asking.

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