I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2279

The pure white knight didn't answer, but just handed the pure white shield in his hand to the girl.

The girl hesitated for a moment, then took it.

At that moment, the man's life of regret, pain, and pursuit followed like pictures.

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes.

She finally understood why Galahad's spirit foundation could fuse with her.

It turns out that they are a kind of people with the same fate.

The pure white knight turned around and walked back into the ranks of the queen's knights.

The empress couldn't see her face clearly, but the girl could still feel that gaze.

That gentle gaze.

A serene smile appeared on the corner of the Empress's mouth, and then everything disappeared with the wind.


The [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] entrenched in the sky exploded instantly, and the fragments fell from the sky like starlight, and finally disappeared like a phantom.

"how come?"

"[The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] disappeared?"

"how so?"

Gaia and others are uncertain about the future.

But Arturia looked at the place where the starlight fell, with a faint smile on her face.

That's it, you've found someone worthy of entrusting that shield.



Mash slowly opened his eyes, looking at the light of destruction that was close at hand.

She was still afraid, she was still afraid, however, she no longer flinched, but raised the holy shield in her hand high.

Can't back down.

How can you back down?

Because behind, it is the person I regard as my life.

first friend -

Fujimaru Tachika!

How can the regret of King Galahad be repeated on his own body?


"[Bloom, only for one person's shield]!"

Matthew loudly released the real name of the holy shield in his hand.

In an instant, like an evolution, the power from the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] instantly transformed the spirit foundation, making it extremely huge. At the same time, the black armor on his body instantly turned into a pure white armor, and the shield in his hand also became A pure white shield.

Matthew greeted him.


In an instant, the terrifying shattered light was reflected back by the pure white shield in Matthew's hand.

"How is this possible? How is this possible?"

The seventh bestiality looked at the reflected shattered light in disbelief, "This, this is the truth of the end that can destroy ordinary human reason ten times, how could it be bounced back?"

In disbelief, the seventh bestiality is engulfed by its own shattering light.

In that ray of light, Matthew clenched the holy shield in his hand, and said silently in his heart, thank you, Mr. Galahad.

I will definitely protect my precious people.



PS: Ah, I've been pigeonholed for three days, and I'm a little ashamed to see people. The main reason is that the end is approaching, and the reality has not considered a good way out, so my thoughts are a bit messy. Please forgive me, I will continue to finish as much as possible in the future.

By the way, if I open a new book, will someone read it? Will someone watch it? QWQ

Chapter 27: The Heart Is Moved

As if on a roller coaster, dizzy and nauseous, Li Xiang regained consciousness and felt that she was sitting on a very soft thing.

Opening his eyes, Lixiang saw Matthew's face.

"Ma...Xiu?" Lixiang realized that she was actually enjoying Matthew's knee pillow.

"Yes, senior." Matthew smiled.

"No, that's not right." Lixiang sat up abruptly, widened his eyes, and looked at Mashup, "Why are you here? Could it be that the seventh animal nature has caught you too? Damn, that guy clearly said , as long as I give up struggling, He won't do anything to you...Liar!"

Li Xiang gritted her teeth, but found that Ma Xiu had a calm smile on her face, and couldn't help being surprised.

"No, senior." Matthew shook his head and said, "I defeated the seventh beast."

"How is this possible?" Li Xiang's eyes widened.

Matthew told Lixiang what happened before.

Lixiang finally understood that it was not so much that Matthew defeated the seventh beast, it was better to say that the seventh beast defeated itself.

After all, it is the shield that can even rebound the Infinity Light Wheel of Ideal King-Bridged.

"It's just, Miss Aige..." Matthew pointed sadly at Aige who was lying peacefully not far away.

"Love song..."

Li Xiang walked up to Ai Ge, looking at Ai Ge with some sadness.

"I'm sorry. If I could have strengthened earlier, Miss Love Song would not..."

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