I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2280

Matthew pursed his lips.

If only she could get stronger sooner, if she could connect to Galahad's thoughts earlier...

However, there is no if.

"Stop talking, Matthew."

Li Xiang patted Matthew's shoulder, looked at the sleeping love song, and said with deep pain: "How should I repay this love? I probably will never repay it."

"No, you paid it back. With your life—"

Aige opened his eyes violently, and grabbed Lixiang with his palm, and infinite malicious shadows emerged from the cracks in the palm.

"Be careful, senior!"

Mash yelled, and quickly waved the shield in his hand, shooting away the black shadows made of malice.

"You're not Miss Aige, who are you?" Matthew looked at the waking Aige vigilantly and asked loudly.

Li Xiang clenched her fists: "Probably... it's the original soul of Aige."

Miss Love Song's original soul? Mash looked at Lixiang suspiciously.

"Heh heh heh... have you noticed it? But, only an idiot like that original goblin would not have noticed it, right?"

Shatiao Aige stood up, stared at Lixiang, rubbed her left cheek, and said, "At that time, your punch hurt a lot."

Lixiang clenched her fists, and Shajo Aige was talking about the time when she punched Shajo Aige unconscious during the Eternal Empire.

However, the current her has been sucked away by Aige's seventh animal nature, and she no longer possesses that kind of power.

"However, I don't hate others because of such trivial matters. However, your existence is hindering me and my prince from being together forever. So, disappear!"

Sha Tiao Aige stretched out his palm, and the endless mud condensed into black light, like a wave, rushing towards Li Xiang and Mashu.

"Get out of the way, Mash—!"

Li Xiang subconsciously shouted.

"It doesn't matter, I won't lose to someone who wants to hurt senior!"

Matthew raised the holy shield in his hand.

That side comes from the [Plain of Joy] of the Eternal Empire!

"It's really stupid. Nothing can resist the power of the true lord, so you should also fall into the vortex of assimilating with the true lord! In this way, the power that hinders me and the prince will be weakened again... ...wait a minute, what's going on here?"

Shatiao Aige, who was enjoying himself, was suddenly taken aback, because instead of being assimilated by the evil king's mud, the holy shield in Matthew's hand was rebounding against the evil king's assimilation!

"How could there be such a thing? There is something that can resist assimilation from the root?"

Shatiao Aige looked at the holy shield in Matthew's hand in surprise, and then suddenly discovered that the assimilation rebounded by the holy shield was assimilating her power in reverse.

Once fully rebounded, she may also follow in the footsteps of the seventh bestiality, so Shajo Aiga hastily cut off the connection of power.

Hearing the sound of "Bo", the rebounding vortex absorbed and assimilated the cut mud in reverse, and then turned into nothingness, returning to the root.

Shatiao Aige looked at the holy shield in Matthew's hand in disbelief, "What is that shield in your hand? Why can't even I touch its source?"

This kind of thing is too unbelievable!

Although her personality is below the root, she is above all things, the king of evil!

Her vortex of true nature can assimilate everything, even planets, but it cannot assimilate that holy shield.

That is evil from the root!

In addition, her roots are connected, and she can see through everything, but she still can't see through the origin of the shield.

Just vaguely, one can see a stalwart golden giant!

What is that golden giant?

"I don't know, but I will never let you hurt my Master!" Matthew stared at Shajo Aige seriously.

But even though he said this, Matthew's heart was beating a drum.

--will die.

Facing Shatiao Aige, Matthew had such a judgment in his heart.

Even with this shield, it is the same.

"It's really interesting. Since the appearance of Fujimaru, whether it is the Lord of Truth or Thetis, more and more unknown things have appeared. If I met you first, I would definitely love you to death Well. But, I only have room for one person in my heart right now. Although the shield is tricky, it is still easy for me to kill you. However, I have decided to let you go. You guys At the end, I will come to witness. Until then, goodbye, cute little cotton candy~"

"Wait a moment--"

Without waiting for Lixiang to stay, Shatiao Aige turned around and easily destroyed the final fantasy tree, leaving the big hole in Yuanzang Mountain.

Seeing Sha Tiao Ai Ge leave, Ma Xiu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Just now she was determined to die, but fortunately, the opponent gave up the attack.

Why is this?

Matthew's eyes fell on the shield in his hand.

The answer, no doubt, is the shield.


Li Xiang gritted her teeth, and hammered the ground unwillingly, "Ai Ge, did Ai Ge disappear like this?"

It was not Aika who came back, but Sajo Aika, the daughter of the Demon King.

This reality made Lixiang unacceptable.

"Senior..." Matthew looked at Lixiang sadly.

She was also saddened by Miss Love Song's disappearance.

Someone as soft and strong as Miss Love Song is really dazzling.

However, reality is not a fairy tale.

There are always things that you don't want to see and experience.

"Do you want me to disappear that much?"

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