I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2281

A faint voice suddenly sounded.

Both Li Xiang and Mash looked up, and saw the surrounding light gathered, and then formed a human figure exactly like Sha Tiao Aige.

Matthew asked in surprise, "Are you Miss Love Song, or the enemy just now?"

"What do you think, Matthew?" Ai Ge asked with a smile.

Looking at the soft smile on Ai Ge's face, Ma Xiu couldn't help but shed tears in her eyes, "Miss Ai Ge..."

When Ai Ge was about to say something, Li Xiang swooped into her arms.

"Love the song, love the song, love the song..."


Ai Ge was thrown back two or three steps, and even dropped the shoes on her feet, revealing her feet wrapped in white socks.

"Thank you, thank you, love song..." Lixiang cried.

She already knows everything.

Aige gave up going to the first cause domain, gave up the reason for her own birth, absorbed all human evil and the seventh bestiality, and liberated her from the cage of the seventh bestiality.

Aige wanted to be disgusted at first, but when she saw Lixiang's face was full of tears, she stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and said gently: "I am your companion, so there is no need to say thank you. And, in this way, I will I don't owe you any favors."

"You didn't owe anything in the first place. If you want to ask why, we are companions." Lixiang said with a smile through tears.

"However, how did Miss Aige survive?" Matthew asked suspiciously.

Ai Ge touched her beating heart, and said with emotion: "I was saved by a person I don't like very much."

It turned out that after Sashoin and others attacked Boxun Demon King - Moxing Bodhisattva, Aige had a private meeting with Moxing Bodhisattva, and promised Moxing Bodhisattva that if Shashengyuan was in trouble, he would help him.

It is also for this reason that before the demon bodhisattva dissipated, he left the seed of the demon king in the depths of Aige's heart.

Of course, Aige didn't notice this.

After absorbing human evil, the seventh animal nature, which led to the awakening of Shajo Aiga, Aiga should have been torn apart, but the seed of the devil kept Aiga's message. After Shajo Aiga left, Aiga was realized. resurrection.

"So that's how it is."

Li Xiang nodded.

After a brief exchange, Aige stood up, looked at the direction where Aige Shatiao left, and said, "That guy, probably... no, he went to Britain to find Arthur 100%. Huh, I guess Aige When Ser saw her, his face must have been frighteningly pale. It's really pleasant to think about."

Aige showed a cheerful smile, which made Lixiang and Matthew tremble in fright.

"However, if that guy is allowed to act as he pleases, there will definitely be big problems." Ai Ge said.

At this time, the final fantasy tree collapsed.

The entire Yuanzang Mountain shook.

"This place is going to collapse, let's go!" Ai Ge said hastily.

Matthew and Lixiang nodded hurriedly.

The three quickly withdrew from the big hole.


There was a violent tremor, a violent earthquake in Yuanzang Mountain.

There was a burst of rocks, and the large cavity that carried fragments of history and buried the Great Holy Grail technique completely collapsed and was buried in the rocks.

Immediately afterwards, with a "boom", a beam of light shot out from the chaotic rocks and entered the vortex gate above the sky.

"This is……"

"It's the anchor point!" Ai Ge's face was solemn: "It's true that everything has been calculated by the root evil!"

At this time, Mordred and other talents arrived late.

After a while of communication, everyone also understood the past here.

"In other words, the seventh beast has disappeared, right? Then the other two anchor points should be safe?" Mordred asked.

"Not necessarily. That me, although resurrected, may be used by the root evil again. In fact, according to the seventh beast, the root evil intends to liberate that me, make that me the antichrist, and make Lixiang the ultimate The beast of the end, then destroys the present world, and kills Fujimaru Shiro who exists in the first cause domain." Ai Ge said.

"Root-root killing, what is that?" Mordred frowned: "Listening to the name, it seems to be erasure at the root level."

"That's true. But what it is, I can't know. However, there is one thing that I am very concerned about."

"What is it?" Mordred asked.

"That's when the seventh beast shot me. I heard it from the mouth of the seventh beast. He said, 'The moment Fujimaru Shiro shoots the arrow of Akasha is the moment when all things return to one'."

Mordred frowned: "What do you mean? Akasha's Arrow, shouldn't it be the key to eradicate the root evil?"

"I don't know, the only original goblin who knew the truth about the root evil - Thetis, was wiped out by the root evil a long time ago. Besides, Shiki told me before that the Apocalypse is to get the power of Akasha. Ya, she was the one who trained her. So, I have a bold guess."

"What guess?" Mordred raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Whether it's me, the style, or the Apocalypse, the devil bodhisattva... Probably, everything from the very beginning is the root evil in order to get the arrow of Akasha from the Cave of Jalan. It's just because Shiro Fujimaru became For the sake of the Eternal King, the ideal king was born, which made the Arrow of Akasha fall into the hands of Fujimaru Shiro. In other words, the ideal king, this is probably the only exception that the root evil did not count. In Fujimaru The appearance of Shirou caused a calculation error!" Ai Ge said.

Everyone was puzzled, but Mordred's face became extremely serious: "You mean, everything so far is under the control of the root evil? The arrow of Akasha, Is it also the key to liberate the root evil?"

Aige nodded: "This is the only explanation. The vortex of true nature and mortal nature can open the gate of vortex and connect to the first causal domain. And the container of evil with seven animal natures, the arrow of Akasha and the super large The summoning array should be the condition for liberating the root evil from the gate of truth."

"The container of evil with the seven beast natures is the body of action; the Arrow of Akasha is the key to open the door of truth; and then, the super large summoning circle is the way out..." Mordred frowned.

"There should be other places that have not been noticed. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, this is the only possibility." Ai Ge said.

"However, Akasha's Arrow is not only the key to eliminate the root evil, but also the key to liberate the root evil..."

Everyone couldn't help frowning.

"That's right," Aiga nodded, "It's just that it's better than expected. Thanks to the intervention of the ideal king, the Arrow of Akasha did not fall into the hands of the root evil, but under the control of Fujimaru Shiro. In his hand. Therefore, it is Fujimaru Shirou who holds the initiative now. Whether to liberate the root evil or eliminate the root evil, the question lies in whether Fujimaru Shiro can use the Arrow of Akasha correctly!"

"But, Father..." Mordred looked up at the Vortex Gate in the sky.

"Well, I probably noticed this, but I don't know how to eliminate the root evil." Aige looked at Mordred and said, "We can't interfere in the first cause field, but we must stop the true self." , otherwise there will be a big problem. Besides, Britain is also one of the last anchor points and can no longer be connected.”

Mordred nodded, and then they went to Britain.

When Li Xiang was planning to go together, Ai Ge stopped her: "Wait a minute, Li Xiang."

"What's wrong, Ai Ge?" Li Xiang looked at Ai Ge suspiciously.

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