I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2282

"Let's put her in the hospital first." With a wave of the singer, a black bubble appeared and then burst, revealing the figure of Olga Marie.

Mash immediately became vigilant: "The seventh beast?"

"No," Ai Ge shook his head: "That part of the seventh animal nature has been eliminated by you."

"That is to say, she, she is Miss Olga Marie?" Li Xiang couldn't help asking.

Ai Ge nodded: "There are still vital signs, hurry up and send her to the hospital."

Lixiang nodded hurriedly, picked up Olga Marie and Matthew and rushed to the hospital together.

Aige watched Lixiang and Mash go away, looked up at the Vortex Gate in the sky.

She knew that she could no longer touch the realm of the first cause, because she herself gave up that qualification, and all the animal nature in her body was taken away by Shajo Aige.

However, she does not regret the decision.

In fact, she knew that she would only regret it if she went.

"Is this me a fake doll, or a real human being?" Ai Ge couldn't help asking herself.

"Ai Ge, don't be in a daze!" Li Xiang called to her.

"I see."

Aige nodded and walked towards Lixiang.

Regardless of the ending, at least for now, follow your own heart.

At least the beating in the chest is the heart.

Chapter 28 Enemy of Life, Lucky E!

With a "boom", the hull vibrated violently. Shirou woke up suddenly and asked, "What's the matter, Tiamat? Have you reached your destination yet?"

【No, haven't exited the hyperspace yet. Something is attacking us ahead, Master——]

Instead of displaying human form, Tiamat responded using starship systems.

Hearing this, Shirou raised his eyebrows and said, "Open the display panel."

【yes. 】

Following Tiamat's response, the huge display in front of him showed the situation outside the starship.

"That is?" Shirou stood up from the throne, frowning, looking at the display screen.

In the chaotic hyperspace where all kinds of cosmic high-energy radiation condensed, there was an incomparably deep darkness in front of the starship.

As if there was life in the darkness, deep bubbles like thick streams spread out one after another, like top predators, encircling the starships that set off one after another into the bubbles.

Afterwards, those starships of the same size as Tiamat actually melted in the bubble like plastic falling into flames.

"What's that?" Shirou asked, frowning.

[I don't know, I can't understand. In the star field database, there is no record. But there is hostility, is there an attack? 】

"Hold on."

Saying that, Shirou switched to the [Form] record, and then looked at the boundless darkness, but his brows frowned involuntarily.


Nothing at all.

Can't see the root line of that thing!

This is an incredible thing, because even the ideal king, and even the root line of hyperspace, can be seen by [style], but the darkness cannot be seen.

——The root thing? Could it be that... the root cause is evil?

Shirou frowned and asked, "Can I contact Alaya, Tiamat?"

【No. The connection with Lord Alaya has been interrupted due to incomprehensible external interference. 】

Shirou frowned, looking at the darkness covering the front of the hyperspace wormhole, could that thing even deceive Alaya the universe?

Looking at those captured and melted starships, it is obvious that the darkness has been entrenched in the hyperspace wormhole for a while, but neither Gaia of origin nor Alaya of the universe have noticed it, which is really incredible.

At this time, the darkness seemed to be aware of the existence of Shirou and Tiamat, and spewed out black bubbles, floating towards Shirou.

[Dangerous hostile actions were discovered, and the franchise launched a counterattack——]

Tiamat fought back, unleashing star-destroying cannons powerful enough to bring down stars.

However, when the terrifying Star Destroyer Cannon landed on the pitch-black bubble, it didn't explode, instead dissipating like a phantom.

"Get out of the way, Tiamat!" Shirou ordered.


The starship dodged in an instant, like a bird flying freely in the sky, moving and dodging in this hyperspace wormhole, avoiding the bubbles spewed out by the darkness.

However, as if irritated by the movement and dodging of the prey, the darkness instantly boiled like a flame, and in an instant, this colorful hyperspace was stained with a layer of hopeless and boundless darkness.

At this time, like intestinal fluff, several dark tentacle fluff shot out from the surroundings, wrapping around the left and right wings of the Tiamat starship, making it impossible for him to move and dodge.

At the same time, the darkness surged towards them like a tsunami.

Seeing this, Shirou ordered decisively: "Time and space jump, leave this area immediately, Tiamat!"

[Yes... no. Time and space are blocked, Master! Prepare the cabin escape plan, Master, please sit back on the throne...]

"Is there no other way?"

Looking at the boundless darkness, Shirou sighed, and then said: "Open the cabin, Tiamat."

[However, Master——]

"This is an order!"


The cabin was opened, and the air in the cockpit dragged Shirou into hyperspace.

After leaving the cabin, Shirou used [Evil] to stabilize himself on the starship.


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