I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2284

【yes. 】

Tiamat launched the star field radar, and then a map of the star field surfaced.

On this star field radar map, there is a green dot, there is no doubt that it is himself.

In addition, the star field map with the green dot as the center is densely packed with red dots of hostile reactions!

It is densely packed, like an ant nest, it is impossible to count at all!

[M, Master... The number of enemy troops, the number of enemy troops, cannot be counted! 】

Tiamat said in a panic.

"Can't calculate, you calculate fart, run away!"


The Tiamat starship riveted its horsepower and sped towards the direction where the red dot was blank.

But obviously, the technical model of the Tiamat starship may be at the top level of the current universe, but the Golden Universe is obviously even higher.

Not long after, Shirou saw behind him, densely packed golden flying boats galloping towards him at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What are you doing, speed up, Tiamat! Go all the way, Tiamat! Don't make me look down on you ahhhhh—"

【Yes Yes Yes--】

Tiamat pumped up his horsepower again, and galloped fast.

However, the golden flying boat chasing behind was like a hyena, relentlessly chasing after it.

【No, no, Master. Can't get rid of them! 】

"You don't need to say anything."

Shirou took out the golden fairy bow, stroked the fairy bow with a vicissitudes of life, looked up at the ceiling of the cabin, and murmured: "My dear, can we go to see the snow together?"

[Don't give up, Master. As long as you don't give up, the road will continue to expand, so don't give up, Master! 】

Shirou: "..."

"Really, if you are a little bit sad, you will be persecuted..." Shirou sat on the control throne and said, "Tiamat, make a neural connection. Give me the control."

【Eh? However, if even my system calculations can't get rid of them, with Master's calculation power...]

"Stop talking nonsense. Give me all the control! This is an order from the driver!"

【yes--! 】

Following Tiamat's response, countless simulated nerves came from around the cabin and connected to Shirou's body. In an instant, Shirou's spirit was connected to the starship.

Afterwards, Shirou controlled the starship and turned his head to face those golden flying boats.

[M, Master, what are you doing? 】

Tiamat was dumbfounded.

Not only him, but even the golden giants who were driving the golden flying boat couldn't help being stunned.

The prey, instead of running away, faced the hunter instead!

Things like this happen in nature.


Now is a prey, and tens of millions of hunters ah!

Under such circumstances, which prey would face the hunter in the opposite direction?

"Is the pilot of that starship crazy?"

Some people can't help asking.

But is it really so?

of course not.

Shirou was very calm.

The Arrow of Akasha is the ultimate individual weapon, the Star Emperor is ineffective against the Golden Universe, and the technical model of the Tiamat starship cannot keep up with the Golden Universe...

So, in this situation, how to survive?

There is only one answer——

"Live to die!"

【No, Master! I don't want to scrap it yet——! ! ! 】

Under Young Tiamat's screams, Shirou controlled the Tiamat starship and rammed it towards the golden spaceship group.

"court death!"

The group of golden flying boats launched an offensive towards the Tiamat starship in an instant.

At the moment when the light danced wildly like a net, and was about to knock down the Tiamat starship, the flames in Shirou's eyes flickered violently.

——【Mortal Savior】Activate!

At this moment, in the history of mankind, countless adventurers, navigators, and pilots who defeated the sea, the gods, and fate, and countless heroic records, were all taken by Shirou and pasted on his body.

Not only that, Shirou even took the god of the sky, the god of the universe, the god of the sea, the god of adventure...all the records of the pillar of gods related to this trip, and pasted them on his body.

"Don't underestimate people!"

Chapter 29: Void

"What a stupid extraterritorial invader, do you think he can die with us?"

The commander of the golden flying boat battle group saw the Tiamat starship that not only did not escape, but faced them, he could not help but raise a sarcasm smile.

"This is the sphere of influence of the void, speed up and get rid of this stupid intruder!" The commander ordered.


The order was conveyed, and in an instant, the group of golden spaceships dotted the starry sky like stars started to move.

"Boom boom boom—!"

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