I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2285

Following a series of terrifying explosions, countless beams of light that could knock down stars shot out, densely packed like a giant net, and covered the Tiamat starship.

"The battle is over."

The commander made such a judgment.

Not only him, but other golden giants also made such judgments.

Isn't it natural?

No one, no starship could survive such a dense web of energy pulses.



"How can this be?!"

The commander couldn't believe it.

Such a dense energy pulse network, with a very small hole, is calculated by the starship system and cannot be avoided.

But the Tiamat starship, which he had long regarded as his prey, escaped murderous intent time and time again extremely dangerously. On the whole, it looked like a swimming dragon passing through the dense energy net that could not be dodged.


Not only the commander, but the other golden giant drivers were also shocked.

"Could it be that the computing power of the invader's starship system is higher than ours? In the universe, is there already a material civilization higher than ours?"

The commander's heart trembled, and he quickly ordered: "Stop attacking, capture it!"


In an instant, those golden airships stopped the light attack, and turned to circle towards the Tiamat starship, intending to capture the Tiamat starship.

Seeing the change in this scene, Shirou shouted for luck in his heart.

Only he himself knows how depressed he was when he avoided the dense net just now, as if he was controlling a fighter jet and shuttled through the cracks exactly the size of the body.

If you make a wrong step, you will be doomed!

Fortunately, with the blessings of countless adventure-type and driving-type heroic spirits and the Pillar of God, coupled with the assistance of the Tiamat system, Shirou finally escaped the trap.

【M, Master, depending on the situation, they want to capture us! 】

Young Tiamat reminded.

"Want to capture me?" Looking at the surging golden flying boat, Shirou raised his eyebrows and said, "There are no such people in the world! Tiamat, do a good job of system assistance."


Blessed with the Heroic Spirit and Pillar of God of the adventure system, looking at the gathering of golden flying boats, Shirou's heart, which was suppressed by the root evil, was unavoidably inspired. He drove the Tiamat starship and headed directly towards the dense golden spaceship. The flying boats flew over.

Although the number of golden flying boats is as numerous as the stars, it is daunting, but too many are also a great danger.

For example, the space for maneuvering is insufficient.

Especially when the target takes the initiative without using weapons, the harm is greatly magnified.

With the ability of the driving system, coupled with the assistance of Tiamat's own system, Shirou can drive the Tiamat starship with ease.

In an instant, under Shirou's driving, the Tiamat starship was like a spirit butterfly, moving and dodging in the extremely narrow space. The golden flying boats following behind him, instead of chasing him, collided one after another and burst open, turning into space fireworks.


Colorful and dazzling.

On the commander's flying boat, the adjutant said anxiously: "Commander, the intruder's operating system is obviously superior to ours. If you don't use weapons, the intruder may really break through. If His Majesty the Emperor knows..."

"The weak have no room to live, and I know the consequences." The commander stared closely at the Tiamat starship, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm really not reconciled, there is actually a starship operating system in this universe. Material civilization above us!"

What if it was man-made?

The commander didn't believe it.

There is no such person in this universe.

Reaching the point of interstellar civilization, except for their emperors, void forces, and transcendents, the strength of individuals has lost their meaning.

Technology is the last word!

Especially for material civilization, this is the most important key!

And the opponent's starship can easily play them as idiots under the siege of their spaceships. It is obvious that the opponent's system computing power is far above theirs!

"I originally wanted to capture it, present it to His Majesty the Emperor, and analyze it. But now it seems that I can only offer fragments. Notify, destroy it!" Commander ordered coldly.


The golden airship that received the command soon began to launch a fierce attack on the Tiamat starship.

[M, Master, they, they are attacking! 】

"Why panic?" Shirou raised the corner of his mouth, "It's exactly what I want!"

Looking at the smile at the corner of Shirou's mouth, Tiamat really couldn't figure it out. Shirou, a later physical life form, has a brain whose computing power is not even as good as the lowest starship system. But where does this confidence come from?

In fact, what Tiamat didn’t know was that the addition of the Heroic Spirit and Pillar of God of the adventure and driving system did not allow Shirou to surpass the computing power of the starship system of the Golden Universe, it only gave Shirou a basis for driving skills .

What really allows Shirou to surpass the calculation of the starship system of the golden universe is the continuation from the root of the [style]!

There is no need to calculate at all to connect with the root cause, just take the first step in your mind, and the other party's action intention will appear!

This is also the power of the [root] ability!

——Under the root, omniscient and omnipotent!


Under the blessing of [Root Root Continuation], Shirou easily surpassed the calculations of the Golden Universe. Using the courage and technology obtained from the blessing of adventure and driving Heroic Spirits and the Pillar of God, he easily avoided the seemingly invincible side of the Golden Universe. Kill the attack net.

"This is impossible!"

The commander slapped the table angrily, "Even if the system surpasses us, there must be a limit! How can the computing power surpass so much? This is impossible! When did such a developed material civilization appear in the universe?"

The commander yelled in embarrassment.

For a long time, the golden universe is the overlord of the whole universe, which is an undoubted truth.

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