I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2286

But now such a truth has been broken by this starship!

"Which universe is this starship from?" The commander asked loudly.

However, no one could answer him.

He could only watch helplessly as the Tiamat starship shuttled among the golden spaceships, broke through the spaceships with ease, and sped away.

There was despair in the commander's eyes. If His Majesty the Emperor knew about this, he would definitely be labeled as a weak person and become dust in the universe!

—Damn it!

Compared to the despair of the commander, Shirou had a faint smile on his face.

"Actually, my skills are still very good. It seems that I can visit the universe more in the future."

After this battle, Shirou displayed his self-confidence and ego, and even felt that the universe was nothing more than that.

However, at this time, Tiamat said in a panic:

[Oops, Master. I, my Great Source Ether is exhausted quickly! 】

Hearing this, Shirou's smile froze suddenly, and he hurriedly asked, "Didn't you say that there is still a quarter of it?"

[The normal itinerary is indeed like this. But—but, my material composition is incompatible with this cosmic environment, and the thing in the hyperspace just now destroyed my energy storage tank, and the energy was lost at an accelerated rate! 】

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" Shirou couldn't help asking.

【Because it was fine just now, but after a magical operation by the Master, it cracked open! 】

Shirou: "..."


Considering that if he sprayed now, he might be rubbed on the ground by Tiamat when he returned to the present world, Shirou forcibly held back the fragrance that was about to be sprayed out, and asked instead: "How much energy is left? "

[The remaining amount can probably travel 3,000 light-years in a straight line! 】

Remaining, three thousand light years!

Shirou's heart skipped a beat.

And compared to Shirou's depression, the commander was overjoyed, he almost lit the lantern and set off firecrackers.

"The speed of the starship is reduced. The material of the starship cannot adapt to our cosmic environment! Soldiers, shoot it down and capture it!" The commander ordered loudly.

"It's our turn!"

The golden airship instantly gathered towards the Tiamat starship.

Shirou could only bite the bullet and control the Tiamat starship to dodge.

3,000 light-years of energy... To be honest, even a distance of one light-year is an unmatched distance index for the inner world and the outer world in this world, and only the magic of the age of gods can barely do it.

However, in this era, facing the most developed golden universe in the current universe, 3,000 light years is as ridiculous as a 50-meter sprint.

In the equivalent of a 50-meter sprint, get rid of the pack of hyenas behind you?

This is an impossible task!


"The occurrence of this situation is also within my expectation!"

Shirou's spiritual will was completely attached to the Tiamat starship, and instantly connected to the Tiamat starship's armament, and then under his mobilization, all the remaining ether of the starship gathered at the muzzle.

[Wait, wait a minute, Master! If you mobilize the armament like this, the energy will be consumed faster. It is estimated that after three star-killing ether cannons, the energy will be exhausted! M, Master think twice! 】

Tiamat said in a panic.

However, compared to the flustered Tiamat, Shirou asked calmly: "Don't you really think that without taking some risks, you can get the most from the starship group whose technical models are above you?" , escape?"

【But, but, Master, you are asking for your own death! According to the system calculation, if we only escape, the probability of our successful escape is 0.0001%. However, once you unleash your weapons, our only 0.0001% escape success rate is gone! 】

"It's so long-winded! Your system can't calculate the future path, so let me tell you, the path in my eyes!"

With a shout, Shirou fired two Star Destroyer cannons forward.

【No--! 】

Under Tiamat's yell, the two Star Destroyer cannons rushed forward like meteors, but the starship in front seemed to have already calculated this point, and easily dodged the two Star Destroyer cannons .

"That starship, is it stupid?"

"No, it seems that the armed system of this starship has not surpassed ours." The commander was relieved, if there really is a starship system that suppresses their starship in all directions.

This means that a cosmic civilization that surpasses them has indeed been born in the universe. In that case, they, who claim to be the overlords of the universe, will be in danger instead.

"Only the computing power of manipulation surpasses us? Huh, capture it!" the commander ordered.

Countless golden flying boats rushed towards the Tiamat starship like a pack of wolves.

[Seriously insufficient energy, seriously insufficient energy... It's over, it's over! I said it all, don't use weapons! This is the end! Whoa! It's all your fault, I don't want to scrap it yet! 】

Young Tiamat burst into tears.

"It's so noisy!"

Shirou said solemnly, "Get ready, it's coming!"

【What? ... Wait, wait a minute, what is this! ? 】Young Tiamat's eyes widened: 【Radar response... time, space-time shock... an incomprehensible space-time shock... what is this? 】

Not only the Tiamat starship, but also other golden spaceships stopped abruptly, and the golden cosmic background board actually flowed down from the inaccessible space-time barrier like paint.

[This, what is this? 】Young Tiamat asked with some fear, the weird vision, even if it made him a starship system, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"I don't know." Shirou said, sweating coldly.

【You, what did you do, Master? 】

Shirou replied, "I just cut a giant root line..."

Turn around and face the golden flying boat, living to death?

There is no shortage of such warriors in this world, and Shirou also admires such decisive and heroic warriors, but he has never been like this.

He never joked with his own life.

It is false to be comforted by Tiamat, and it is false to live to death. Shirou will cheer up and control the Tiamat starship. That is because he has seen the way out!

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