I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2287

[Form]'s root continuation can see the root line, even these existences in the golden universe can see their root line. If it is a counterattack, you can directly cut their root line and kill them from the root.

However, the golden flying boat is endless, and Shirou calculated that if he really resisted like that, he would be dragged to death in the end, so he was mourned, but it was also at the moment of mourning that he saw a bigger root line!

What kind of root line is that?

It is indescribable, it is like a huge root line like a galaxy!

And that huge root line must be connected to some terrifying cosmic life!

No matter what that terrifying cosmic life is, there is no doubt that once that life appears, it will definitely disrupt the situation, so Shirou controlled the Tiamat starship and flew towards the golden spaceship in the opposite direction!

Dodge, dodge, do not fight back.

The purpose is to save energy, and use the Star Destroyer Cannon to cut the root line!

And now, that root line has been cut!

The golden curtain of the universe peeled off like paint, and then a huge dimensional hole appeared in the universe.

"That, that is——!!!"

At that moment, all the golden giants shuddered, and fear flickered in their eyes.

The commander was even more terrified: "No, it's impossible... yes, it's void!"

With a "boom", as if some huge life roared, this star field shook violently!

Shirou looked towards that dimensional hole, and suddenly, cold sweat dripped down.


One eye is observing this star field through that dimensional hole!

As if the person inside the black box sees the observer outside the black box through a hole, Shirou couldn't help being shocked and questioned his soul: "What is that? Evil God? The root of evil?"

[No, I don't know. Database, no records! 】

Tiamat said in a panic.

At this time, the huge eye moved away, and then the star field seemed to be pierced by some huge thing like a thin film.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

The dimensional barrier of that star field made a sharp and painful tearing sound, like a spider web of cracks, appearing on the cosmic barrier.

Immediately afterwards, countless huge, slender, black pillars were pierced into this star field universe.

Countless pitch-black tentacles-like mouthparts spewed out from those black pillar ports, swallowing them in all directions.

Wherever it passes, whether it is a planet, a star, or a starship, it devours everything.

"Eating, that thing is eating this star field!" Shirou said with cold sweat.

Compared with the deep sea, the universe is more terrifying!

How could such a life exist!

At this time, a ferocious mouthparts bit towards the Tiamat starship.

【M, Master——! 】

"whispering sound!"

Shirou saw the opponent's root line, and fired another star destroyer.

With a "boom", as the opponent's root line was cut, the black giant pillar extending the tentacles and mouthparts also disappeared, but the next moment, another black giant pillar broke through the original dimensional hole.

This star field is extremely chaotic!

"Run, Tiamat!" Shirou said hastily.

[Yes, but, energy——]

"Isn't there an optimal energy source here?"

Shirou grabbed the two mimic nerves of Tiamat, inserted them into his body, and then poured all his magic power into them.

[Okay, what a huge magical power! ] Tiamat said in surprise.

"What are you talking about? Run!" Shirou said quickly.


Taking advantage of the battle between the golden airship battle group and the void, Shirou quickly ran away in the Tiamat starship.

Sitting on the Tiamat starship, Shirou turned his head and looked at the chaotic star field with lingering fear.

The preface is retracted, and he will never go on interstellar shuttle again.


"Have you come into contact with the void, Shirou-kun? Hehehe, because of the origin of Gaia, you avoided the first root kill. Did you escape the second time, Shirou-kun? However, the existence of Gaia is indeed too much. It's an eyesore, after all, in the real history, He has caused me a lot of stumbling blocks. Well, I'll let you exit first."

On the huge table, a person picked up a chess piece depicting a burly giant god, and bumped into the opposite chess piece depicting the appearance of Gaia.

"Boom." He said with a playful smile.

Chapter 30 This is really an old acquaintance in a foreign land!

"Did a little mouse break into Yu's empire?" The golden giant who ravaged all things sat high on the hideous head of a huge insect, looking down at the communication screen in front of him with indifferent and domineering eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Your Majesty! If Void didn't intervene suddenly, the intruder would never have escaped!" The golden giant on the opposite side of the communication screen said tremblingly.

"The breath of weakness, the breath of fear."

The golden commander became even more terrified, and hurriedly said: "But, but, the void where the body was inserted has been wiped out by us, Your Majesty! I hope that Your Majesty will give you a chance, and you will catch that little mouse out. Dedicate his head to His Majesty!"

"All right."

"Thank you very much, my subordinates will leave!"

The golden commander turned off the communication tremblingly, his eyes flickering with fear.

"It's really not your style to give the loser a second chance, Your Majesty." A golden giant stood on the other side of the giant worm's head and said aloud.

"I smell breath, strategist."

The strategist couldn't help being startled, and said in a bit of astonishment: "Could it be that..."

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