I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2288

"The first cause, and the aura of the 'door'." The Golden Emperor got up.

And at this time, under His body, the giant insect with closed eyes opened its eyes suddenly, countless terrifying black spikes rushed out of its mouthparts, and attacked the Golden Emperor.

The majestic and majestic body of the Golden Emperor did not move at all, but the golden strategist left the tiger's body in a calm manner, and he did not forget to comment calmly: "If you wait for death obediently, you can also avoid the fear of facing Your Majesty. .It's really stupid."

Sure enough, those sharp thorns that could pierce the barrier of the universe fell on the body of the Golden Emperor, and only heard a few "clang clang clang clang clang clang clang" sounds, and they broke off one after another.

The Golden Emperor grasped the sharp horns of the tiger's head and shook it violently. In an instant, golden light like a scorching sun was injected into the tiger's body.

The huge long worm suddenly began to feel terrible pain, and let out a sharp scream of "Zi Zi Zi", that huge body danced wildly like a long snake.

The golden strategist's face was calm, but his eyes shone with shock. Even though this was not the first time I saw it, every time I saw it, I was still shocked in my heart.

This is also inevitable, the only one who can treat the void like an ordinary mosquito is the God of Destruction who came out of the [door].

The painful neighing of the huge long worm, the painful convulsion of the worm body longer than the Milky Way, under its carapace, the countless worm feet danced in pain, the death planet that was pierced and hung on it, collided non-stop, There was a terrible sound of "dong dong dong".

Finally, with the head as the center, above the figure of the Void Worm, a golden light like a spider web appeared.

Then, with a sound of "Bo", the galaxy-like body immediately dissipated like a cloud of smoke.

"It's really bad luck. The void that feeds on the star field is known as the shattering of 'entropy'. No matter where it is, it is an extremely difficult disaster. But it just happened to fall into the hands of His Majesty." Golden Strategist Shaking his head, said.

Eliminating the void worms that feed on the star field was supposed to be a great achievement like the savior of the star field, but the Golden Emperor seemed to sweep away the dust on his body, and his expression did not change at all.

He stands in the starry sky, majestic and majestic like a giant who defines everything.

He turned his head, looked at the golden strategist, and said calmly: "Catch that intruder! The first cause is on that intruder, and we must take back the 'door'!"


The golden strategist nodded in agreement.



[Insufficient energy, insufficient energy, serious energy shortage! The starship will stop functioning completely! 】

"Hey! Tiamat, cheer up! If it stops running here, it will be finished!" Shirou said anxiously.

[Insufficient, insufficient... Insufficient energy. The power furnace is about to shut down...]

"Damn it!"

Shirou gritted his teeth.

Although he had lowered his expectations for his magic power as much as possible, but just after getting rid of that star field, his magic power was drained by Tiamat.

Interstellar voyage requires too much magic power. It is no wonder that in real history, the original civilization needs to burn the world line in order to obtain the energy to fight the golden universe.

The spirit was connected to the Tiamat starship, and Shirou scanned the surrounding area. It was an endless golden space, and there was no place to stand at all.

"No, if the energy is exhausted here, it will become cosmic dust and be trapped in the golden universe forever!"

Shirou is very sure what will happen to him after Tiamat sleeps here. The best ending is to stop thinking like Katz and become cosmic dust that will forever adorn the golden universe.

Absolutely not!

He has a place to go back to.

But what to do?

How can we avoid becoming dust in the universe?

Shirou looked around anxiously, and finally fixed his eyes on a huge barren planet.

"There is no other way, we can only stop there for now!"

Shirou controlled the Tiamat starship and rushed towards the huge barren planet.

[Energy exhausted, energy exhausted...]

Finally, the great source ether of the Tiamat starship was exhausted, and its starship systems and power furnaces completely stopped operating. Fortunately, the moment before the Tiamat starship's energy was exhausted, Shirou had already It rushed to within a million kilometers of that planet.

The inertia of the starship's speeding and the gravity of the big planet automatically dragged the Tiamat starship into the interior of the planet.

However, the Tiamat starship, which has run out of energy, no longer has the function of protecting the driver.

When the starship is dragged into the planetary atmosphere by the gravity of the planet, the starship falls from the sky like a comet, and the entire cockpit is like an erupting volcano, vibrating, weightless, unable to stabilize the body.

What's even worse is that the starship has completely stopped functioning, and without the protection of the system force field, it will crash directly.

——No, no! Don't let the starship crash!

Shirou knew in his heart that once the Tiamat starship crashed, he would be trapped on this planet forever.

At that time, not to mention defeating the root evil and returning to the present world, he won't even be able to return to the Gaia Starfield!

Will be trapped in the golden universe forever!

The magic power was drained by Tiamat before, but fortunately, Shirou has the concept of [Dragon Seed] obtained from Nid Hogg, and soon recovered a lot of magic power.

He transformed into the Great Emperor of Stars, using [Evil], stuck to the wall, left the cabin, came to the outer end of the starship, then used [Evil] to completely wrap the starship, and then contained the starship into his [Evil] ] the imaginary number space.

And after doing all this, Shirou also saw the ground close at hand, and he quickly used [deterioration] to transform into ten magic propellers, but the inertia generated by the propulsion acceleration counted in light years plus the gravity of the planet itself, that It is conceivable how powerful this impact is, and it cannot be resolved so easily at all.

Hearing a "boom", Shirou fell like a shooting star, directly smashing through a mountain.

"Pain, pain, pain...!!!"

Shirou was lying on the ground convulsing, the pain on his face was almost twisted into one piece.

Even with the blessing of the Star Emperor and the protection of [Evil], the inertial impact generated by the propelling acceleration counted in light years almost caused his real body to collapse.

It took a while for Shirou to recover.

After scanning the surroundings and feeling it again, after finding that there was no danger, Shirou drew a summoning circle on the ground based on the magic knowledge taught by Morrigan and the Runas characters he got from Skadi. Take out the starship in the imaginary number space and put it on it.

"Answer my call, Tiamat—!"

Shirou shouted loudly.

In an instant, the summoning array under the starship shone with red light, and the starship dissipated like a phantom, replaced by Tiamat, who looked like a six-year-old child.

"I, didn't I stop working? How could..."

As soon as Young Tiamat was summoned, he looked at his palm in disbelief: "I, I became a Master?"

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