I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2289

She couldn't believe that she had transformed from a starship system into a physical life.

"You, what did you do to me, Master?" Eutiamat looked at Shirou in disbelief.

"It's just throwing away the shell of the starship and summoning you as a system alone. It's not a big deal." Shirou said.

"This, this is not a great thing? Do you really understand what you have done, Master?" Yutiamat looked at Shirou in disbelief, and said, "You cracked mine, cracked the basic level of the star field system. Password! It's unbelievable, how could such a thing happen..."

No wonder Young Tiamat was so shocked.

The starship system has the underlying logic code of the Gaia star field, which cannot be manifested alone, let alone manifested in the form of material life like it is now.

This is common sense.

Even the message beings of Thetis are the same.

But now?

This common sense has been broken!

It was broken by this man named Fujimaru Shiro in front of him!

This man not only made her manifest alone, but also made her manifest in the form of physical life.

what does that mean?

This means that this man invalidated the underlying logic code of the Gaia star field!

How could such a thing be possible!

Even the origin Gaia, and Thetis and others will be shocked after knowing this, right?

But this man has such a calm expression.

"There is such a thing...!"

Young Tiamat simply didn't know what to say.

"is that so?"

Hearing Eutiamat's explanation, Shirou realized what a great thing he had done.

But is this kind of thing a big deal?

He really has no sense of reality.

He just conceptualized the starship as the "Seat of Heroes", and then summoned Tiamat as a starship system as a Servant.

How could such a simple matter have shocked Young Tiamat so much, he was really puzzled.

"Forget about these things for now. Tiamat, is there any information about this planet in the database?" Shirou asked.

"No," Young Tiamat shook his head, and said worriedly, "And my energy is at the lowest level, and many functions cannot be used, let alone return, Master."

- Oops!

Shirou frowned.

The Vortex Gate to return to the present world is in the Gaia star field, and the return to the Gaia star field can only rely on the Tiamat starship, but now the Tiamat starship has run out of energy, let alone return, even if it is There is no way to restart.

At present, there are two ways to replenish the energy of the Tiamat starship. One is to rely on Shirou to supplement Tiamat's magic power, but Tiamat is too deep and too big, Shirou's small dose can't feed the opponent at all.

And the second one is to imitate the original civilization, create connection points, and then burn the world line. But this is not feasible at all. We can only find a way to plunder the energy of the golden cosmic forces and supply Tiamat.

However, this planet is too barren, there is no energy supply station at all!

"Trapped on this planet?" Shirou frowned.

"M, Master, there is a huge life reaction!"

"Impossible, I don't have perception...so that's the case, have you escaped my enemy's perception? Where is it, Tiamat?" Shirou asked.

"At—, right under our feet!" said Tiamat.

As soon as the words fell, the earth suddenly "boomed" and shook violently, and then it shattered like a spider web. There was a flash of black light and shadow, and a huge centipede-like centipede came out of the earth. out!


The huge centipede opened its mouthparts to Shirou, and the golden viscous liquid dripped from the mouthparts and landed on the ground. After hearing a few "zizizi", the earth was corroded. huge hole.

"I hate bugs the most!"

Shirou stretched out his palm, and with a thought, he shot out an ether cannon, and with a "boom", it pierced through the centipede's head.

The centipede fell to the ground, its huge body convulsed and twitched, and soon became unresponsive.

"Very good, the strength is about the same as the Age of Gods Warcraft, not too strong."

Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.

"Age of Gods, Warcraft?" Eutiamat looked at Shirou suspiciously: "What is that?"

"It's nothing, you will know it yourself in the future." Shirou said.

There is no need to say much about this matter, because Tiamat itself is the largest and strongest Warcraft of the Age of Gods.

At this time, a series of rustling sounds suddenly sounded in the cave not far away.

what? Shirou suddenly turned his head to look, and couldn't help being taken aback. He saw several people in sackcloth pointing at Shirou at the entrance of the cave.

"People, people..."

Because of being too surprised, a drop of sweat dripped from Shirou's face.

Those people have neither golden skin nor visions, just like Shirou, they are human beings.


It's almost like...

No, it's simply——, earthlings!

Human beings don't even exist in the Gaia star field, but on this barren planet in the Golden Universe, Shirou unexpectedly met a human being who looks similar to the current earthlings!

Chapter 31 The Golden Myth

"Gulu Gulu, click, click, click..."

Looking at the people dancing in front of him and talking about something, Shirou turned his head and looked at Tiamat.

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