I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2290

Tiamat nodded, patted Shirou on the back, his eyes flickered with a strange purple light, and said softly: "[Message connection] activated!"

In an instant, as if his mind was connected to something, Shirou finally understood what those messy, unintelligible words meant.

"Thank you for eradicating the demons on the earth. Are you a brave man?" A boy with oil paint on his face like an Indian asked Shirou with shining eyes.

"Brave...?" Shirou tilted his head.

"Hey, don't be disrespectful to the benefactor of the village." At this time, a man with a spear tapped the boy's head, then looked at Shirou and said, "If you don't mind, please come to our village to rest for a while. "

"Thank you very much, I just feel a little tired." Shirou said with a smile.

That man invited Shirou to that deep cave.

Now Tiamat has no energy to return, and they are trapped on this strange planet. Under such circumstances, it is naturally excellent to meet the local natives.

"It seems that my luck has not always been bad." Shirou thought silently in his heart.

Following the man into the crypt, after a while, they came to an extremely wide underground space.

In this huge underground space, there are hundreds of thatched huts, which is an underground village.

The people in the village seemed to be very interested in Shirou and Tiamat, and they came out one after another to look at Shirou and Tiamat.

One boy even pointed at Shirou and asked his mother in confusion, "Mom, why don't they have totems on their faces?"

This frightened the mother to quickly cover the child's mouth, and looked at Shirou and Tiamat apologetically.

Shirou didn't mind others pointing at him, but just scanned these aliens with a slightly serious gaze.

There is no difference between these aliens and modern earthlings in terms of physical characteristics.

If there is a difference, it is only the color of the skin.

The complexion of these people is golden!

It's not tan like Asians, but golden, just like earthlings with gold dust.

Relying on his connection with Tiamat, Shirou asked Tiamat in his heart: [How is it, Tiamat? Did you detect something? 】

Tiamat followed Shirou with a blank face, and responded in his heart: [According to the test, the body composition is different from the Master. 】

[What about the gene sequence? 】

[The components that make up the genetic factors are also different, only the appearance is a bit like Master. ] Tiamat replied.

[In other words, is the primate just similar in the evolutionary process? Or is this a deliberate arrangement by Taitis in the correct history? After all, this is the origin of the Gaia star field. 】After pondering for a moment, Shirou asked again: 【Did you detect anything unusual? 】

[These humans are very weak, just like the Master after all the power has disappeared. However, in the center of this village, there is a huge and strong alienated life reaction. Besides, this village is shrouded in a huge barrier. Please be careful! ] Tiamat reminded.

【I see. 】

After a brief exchange, Shirou followed the man to a huge lair deep in the crypt, and said, "Our village chief is here. Please come with me."

Shirou nodded, but a trace of vigilance rose in his heart.

Entering the huge lair, here is a huge pothole.

The man stood in front of the huge pothole and shouted into it: "Village Chief, the brave man who defeated the earth demon has been invited."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a "boom", and after a violent earthquake, the golden light shone in the huge pothole, and a golden giant like a giant crawled out of it, standing between Shirou and Ti in front of Yamat.

This golden giant is about fifty meters long. I have seen Adam's original giant form thousands of meters high. Such a golden giant is not surprising, but this golden giant has something that Adam does not have, which is frightening. a feeling of.

"Thanks for your hard work."

The golden giant turned its head, looked down at Shirou with huge diamond-like eyes, and asked with some fear: "You look like this... are you an angel?"


Shirou shook his head, "No."

"No? Ah, that's my misreading." The golden giant scratched the back of his head, heaved a sigh of relief, and then laughed loudly: "That's right, the time has not yet come. Besides, there is no one in our village who can take away gone."

Hearing this, Shirou raised his eyebrows.

"Hero passing by, you defeated the earth demon that threatened the safety of our village. If you don't mind, you can rest in our village for a few days, and we will entertain you well," said the golden giant.

"Thank you very much." Shirou said with a smile: "Actually, we are also worrying about where to rest."

Now that the energy of the Tiamat starship is exhausted, it cannot return to the Gaia star field, and it has played with those golden spaceships before, so it is better to stay dormant for now.

He stayed in this underground village for a few days, and just as the golden giant said, the village treated him as a lifesaver.

just something to eat...

It's hard to say.

Even Artoria, who didn't pick anything at first, might look at those strangely shaped dark dishes, and dare not eat her chopsticks with a cold face.

Fortunately, before Shirou came to the origin era, he had already prepared his own food and stored it in the imaginary space of [evil].

Moreover, he generously distributed it to those villagers who were curious about it, but these villagers regarded those potato chips, chocolate and other foods as hell dishes, and shook their heads and refused.

Well, this is the difference in cognition, and it is really impossible to judge others by yourself.

And in the past few days, under Shirou's conscious inquiries, Shirou has somewhat understood this planet.

This planet is a primitive planet, and its level of civilization is equivalent to that of the Stone Age.

The previous giant worm was called the devil of the earth by them, and it often destroyed villages and devoured people and children.

Of course, there is not only one such bug, but the entire planet is covered with such monsters.

In such a planetary environment, these villagers can survive, of course, not only by hiding underground, after all, sometimes the underground is more dangerous than the ground, but because there used to be powerful warriors who guarded the village and the people.

Such a person is hailed as a brave man by the villagers.

It's just that those brave men were taken away by angels from heaven.

After staying for a few more days, Shirou didn't get any other useful information, so he came to the huge crypt, ready to say goodbye to the village chief.

He called the village chief for a long time in the huge pothole, but the village chief didn't respond, so he and Tiamat jumped down and entered the cave.

"Village chief, village chief?"

Shirou shouted in the crypt, but the village chief was nowhere to be seen.

"Huh? Shirou-sama?"

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