I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2291

Hearing this, Shirou turned his head and saw a boy standing in front of a huge wall, looking at him suspiciously, "Why did you come here?"

Shirou remembered that this boy was the one who enthusiastically asked him if he was a brave boy.

He remembered that the child was called Luka.

"I'm here to ask the village chief to resign."

"That's it, Master Shirou is leaving the village." Luka sighed and said, "However, the village chief is not here now."

"Yeah, I can only ask you to help me deliver a message to the village chief." Shirou said with a smile.

It's polite to ask the village chief to resign, but Shirou doesn't have much time to waste.

In the past few days, with the concept of [Dragon Seed], he has gathered a lot of magic power. Although he cannot support Tiamat's interstellar voyage, he can detect this planet.

At this moment, Tiamat, who was standing behind Shirou, tugged on Lashirou's sleeve and called softly, "Master."

"What's wrong?" Shirou asked suspiciously.

Tiamat pointed at Luka and whispered, "Look at the stone tablet behind that child!"

Hearing this, Shirou followed Tiamat's finger and looked at the stone tablet behind Luka, and couldn't help being stunned. On the stone tablet, there is a star field full of planets, and in that star field, it is like a hair ball, wrapped in the abdominal cavity by a huge centipede.

Centipede, with countless gastropods inserted into the star field, piercing through countless planets.

Shirou broke out in a cold sweat, and said in his heart: [Hey! Tiamat, that’s not…]

[Well, Master. The picture depicted on the stele is 70% similar to what we encountered in that star field before! 】

Tiamat's inner voice is also a little false, because if this mural is true, then, is the black pillar that pierced the star field and devoured everything in the first place actually the gastropod of a centipede?

Such a reality is too scary!

You can't even calculate and think in depth, because once you do this, you will be frightened by your own guesses!

Shirou pointed at the stele, looked at Luka, and asked, "Lu, Luka, what are the murals on this stele?"

"Is this?" Luka pointed to the centipede on the mural, and said, "This is, God!"

"God? Do you call this kind of thing a god?"

"Well." Luka nodded, pointed at the centipede on the mural, and said adoringly: "This is the supreme god of the universe! He dominates and dominates everything in the universe! The god of the universe was born after the creator god created the universe! He Incomparably powerful and supreme!"

"However, the god you worship is somewhat similar to the earth demon you hate and fear..."

It should not be said to be similar, but exactly the same, right?

After all, in Shirou's view, they are all centipedes, the only difference is that one is as big as a mountain, while the one on the mural is bigger than a star field.

"This is really impolite, Shirou-sama! God, how could it be the same as a demon? However, the appearance of demons is indeed related to God. That is, God's punishment for human beings!"

"Punishment for humans?" Shirou raised his eyebrows.

"In the legend, for a long time, a human being who did not respect the gods crossed the mountains, crossed the Changchuan, crossed the starry sky and the universe, found the weapon to kill the gods, and killed a god. Therefore, the gods got angry and ordered Human beings were punished. Then, demons appeared..."

Before Luka finished speaking, Tiamat pointed at another stone tablet and said with a stunned face, "M, Master, look!"

Hearing this, Shirou turned his head to look, and saw a chaos like bubbles carved on a stone tablet.

"That's the monster we met in hyperspace before!" Tiamat said firmly.

In fact, there is no need for Tiamat to say, Shirou also confirmed this matter the first time he saw this stele.

The chaos depicted on this mural is the darkness that was scared away by Shirou's Arrow of Akasha in hyperspace.

"Luka, what is this?" Shirou asked, pointing at the chaos.

"That is God!" Luka said.


Shirou understood.

What is depicted on these stone walls is this planet, no, it should be the original myth of the golden universe!

However, is the darkness that cannot see the root line the god of the golden universe?

No, according to the civilization level of this village, it is probably the same as the original myth of the earth.

The difference is that the primitive people on the earth deified the natural phenomena, and thus the earth myth was born, while the golden universe actually existed such terrible life, so the people in the golden universe worshiped the terrible life, deified it, and turned it into a myth. Became the original myth of the golden universe!

From this point of view, the civilization process of the golden universe is exactly the same as that of the earth.

However, in this context, what role is the Golden Emperor, known as the God of Destruction of the Universe, who is feared by Gaia of origin and the Alaya of the universe, playing?

Is there any connection with the birth of root evil?

"It seems that we can't leave this village for the time being!"

It is true that blessings come from misfortunes, and misfortunes depend on blessings.

Originally thought that being involved in the golden universe and being hunted down by the golden flying boats was his hateful luck, but because of this, he felt that he had vaguely grasped the little tail of the root of evil.

For the next few days, Shirou stayed in the crypt ruins with the cheek to study these mythological murals, asking questions if he didn't understand, and finally figured out the original mythological context of the golden universe.

To put it simply, it is the darkness defined as the God of creation, which created the universe, and also created those centipedes defined as the God of the universe.

Those centipedes feed on the star fields and planets, and finally angered a human being.

Luka defined that human being as [The Fool].

That is, stupid people who rebel against the gods.

The Fool embarked on the road of killing the gods.

The Fool crossed the mountains, crossed the Changchuan, crossed the starry universe, and finally forged a weapon to kill gods at the end of the universe.

It was only after the Fool paid all the price and finally killed the One God, that he discovered that there was more than one Cosmic God.

Then, in a state of madness and collapse, the Fool was killed by the other gods.

In order to punish human beings who rebelled against God, God made the earth demon appear.

This is a very routine fairy tale.

However, the place where the fool forged the weapon to kill gods, the place known as the end of the universe, made Shirou very concerned.

Because, what is displayed on the mural is a vortex.

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