I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2292

According to Luka, that vortex is actually a door.

The door to the end of the universe.

But to be honest, Shirou thinks that looks like a whirlpool gate.

—We have deceived the source, so it is not surprising that we have brought destruction. This is what the living Tiamat said.

——I want to gather all the seven beast natures, enter the gate of truth, and replace the Lord of Rescue as the root of evil! This is the original purpose of love songs.

——The vortex of mortal nature, the arrow of Akasha, this is an ultra-ancient weapon created by imitating the root, and finally sealed the root evil. This is the saying of the King of Venus.

——Seven anchor points, super large summoning array, He wants to liberate himself! This is what Mordred speculates.

——The source of evil may not exist at all. This is Gaia's guess of origin.

——You must find the answer, find the light, and make the right wish! This is the last confession before the present Thetis dissipates.


"What's wrong, Master?" Tiamat asked in a panic.

"It hurts!" Shirou said in pain, covering his head.

Tiamat hastily rubbed Shirou's temples with his hands, and asked, "How about this?"

"It's getting better."

After resting for a while, Shirou finally caught his breath.

The mystery of the root evil is too deep, and those cognitions are all the cognition and information of the people of the Gaia star field on the root evil.

Although there is no basis, Shirou has a vague feeling that the birth of root evil must have the shadow of the golden universe behind it.

However, everything is still under the control of Root Evil. Fortunately, Root Evil cannot personally intervene before certain conditions are met.

He can only use the pawns and bargaining chips in his hand to interfere with Shirou and facilitate his own manifestation.

In reality, his bargaining chip is the Beast of the End, the sleeping Shatiao Aige in Aige's body, so what about this era of origin?

What are His chips and pawns?

Is it the Golden Emperor, or the Void Lord from the mouth of Gaia?

Or, the true face of root evil is one of the two?

Shirou didn't know, his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't even think.

The existence of Root Evil has the highest personality and strength, but the most terrifying thing is his scheming.

Step by step, he induced Shirou to become the real successor of Uzumaki, liberated the gate of truth, and opened the era of origin. If Shirou hadn't accidentally promoted the birth of the ideal king, the arrow of Akasha, which is the key to everything, fell into his hands , then it's all over.

In addition, the root evil also induced him step by step to think that the root evil was himself, so he was restrained. If the origin Gaia hadn't seen through this point, he would not be able to let go now.

This is the most terrifying enemy, but he happened to meet him.

But who made him a time traveler?

No, in fact, being played by the root evil in such a way, Shirou even doubted his identity as a [traveler] now.

But no matter what, Shirou is determined to defeat the root evil.

At this time——

With a "boom", there was a violent vibration in the sky above the crypt.

Shirou raised his eyebrows and said to Tiamat, "Go up and have a look."

Tiamat nodded: "Master's order is my destiny."

Shirou ignored Tiamat's flirting words.

In fact, the more teasing this Tiamat has, the higher the probability that he will be "loved" by the real Tiamat when he returns.

Without leaving the crypt, but hiding at the entrance of the crypt, Shirou looked out.

I saw a golden giant in armor kicking the village chief to the ground.

"No brave man has been born?" the golden giant in armor asked.

"Really, really, there are none. Heaven, Lord Angel, there have been hundreds of cosmic days in our village, and no hero has been born. Please, please forgive me, Lord Angel!" The village chief said with a bruised nose and a swollen face, trembling all over.

"Really?" The angel stepped on the village and asked condescendingly.

"T-really, please, please, Lord Angel, please observe clearly!" The village chief said in fear.

"Okay. Then let me ask you—" the angel took out a detector from his pocket, and said, "Why is there such a brave reaction in your village?"

The village chief raised his head and looked at the detector in the angel's hand in fear. There were dozens of red dots in the detector.

"This, this..." The village head trembled all over.

"Let me tell you. Why? That's because of the enchantment covering this village, right? You have taken refuge in the void, right? It's a pity that the gods you believe in don't seem to continue to protect you!"

The angel kicked the village chief in the abdomen, and with a "boom", the village chief flew upside down and hit the wall heavily.

Chapter 32 It turns out that the first cause is on you!

The village head fell heavily on the ground, but he didn't care about the pain on his body, but said in fear: "There is absolutely nothing, there is absolutely nothing!"

"Why didn't this happen? Hmph. In addition, there is another point, you have sheltered the invaders! That starship crashed near here!" The angel kicked the village head in the stomach again.


【Well, they were attracted by us! 】 Shirou frowned.

The angel grabbed the head of the village chief and said indifferently: "You are weak and need to be eliminated."

"Grandpa!" At this moment, Luka stood outside the cave, watching the scene angrily, "You are not allowed to bully Grandpa! Ah——!"

Luka roared angrily, golden light erupted from his golden skin, and then a shackle-like spell exploded directly, and then his life form underwent a huge distortion, becoming one A golden giant more than 30 meters long.

【Hey, hello, Tiamat, didn't you say that Luka is an ordinary person like me who lost his strength? 】

[The detection, the detection result is indeed the case. But, but... Sorry, I don't know, there is no such information in the database! However, the spell that exploded on Luka just now is a bit like the spell of our star field...]

[Gaia's spell? 】Shirou frowned: 【It seems that there are other information in this village...】

At this time, Luka, who was transformed into a golden giant in anger, punched the angel in a rage.

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