I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2294

"Master Shirou, can you wake up this god?" the village head asked baba.

Shirou turned to look at Tiamat.

Tiamat shook his head and said: "The system components are damaged, and the information is lost. Unless it is dragged back to the star field for repair, it will be completely dead."

The village chief showed a regretful expression.

"By the way, village chief, where is the flying boat that the angel came from?"

"In the village." The village head replied honestly.

When Shirou and Tiamat came to the village, they immediately saw a golden flying boat.

Shirou looked at Tiamat and asked, "Can you extract the energy from this golden flying boat and use it for yourself?"

"Yes!" Tiamat nodded, drawing energy from the golden airship.

In an instant, Shirou even obtained the magical power fed back by Tiamat from the contract connection.

At this time, there was a "boom", and the ground shook for a while.

"This, this is..."

Shirou walked out of the cave and saw the golden flying boats all over the sky.

Obviously, these are the golden flying boats attracted by him.

"Looks like it's time to leave." With a murmur, Shirou turned his head and blasted the land of the village with a light cannon.

"Master Shirou, what are you doing?" Luka stared at Shirou and asked.

"You have to become a real brave, Luka."

After finishing speaking, Shirou turned Tiamat into a starship, drove the starship himself, and left.

Luka was about to chase, but was held down by the village chief.

"Village head?" Luka looked at the village head puzzled.

"The enchantment in this village can last for a while, you, and you must become a real brave! For the village!" The village chief said seriously.

"Of course!"


Shirou drove the Tiamat starship into the sky, and shouted: "The invaders of the Gaia star field are here, you bastards, come on!"

After finishing speaking, he drove the Tiamat starship and fled in a panic.

"Damn! How dare you underestimate us, shoot it down, capture it!" the commander shouted.

However, with the ability to connect to the roots, Shirou easily got rid of them and walked away.

"Hyperspace teleportation now, Master?" Tiamat asked.

"No," Shirou shook his head, pointed to the location marked as [Origin] on the star map, and said, "Go here!"

"But, continuing to run rampant in the golden universe now...it's too dangerous!"

"I'm here for this, just go here!"


Shirou stared at the location marked "Origin", he guessed that it might be the location of the gate at the end of the golden universe myth discovered by the Forerunners.

This may be related to root evil.

It is impossible for him to give up the clues about the root evil.

Because that's what he came for.

With sufficient energy, the Tiamat starship traversed the star field, and soon came to the star field marked as [Origin].

"What is this? It's too miserable..."

Shirou frowned, scanning the star field marked "Origin" in the cabin.

Here, nothing.

There are no planets, no stars, not even space junk.

There is nothing but a vacuum.

After searching for a long time, but found nothing, Shirou shook his head, "Leave, Tiamat."

"Okay." Tiamat replied, but couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

The golden universe is too depressing, and this void star field is even more depressing. She can't wait to return to the sunny and beautiful Gaia star field as soon as possible.

And at this time, as if falling into the hunting range of some predator, the entire space of nothingness vibrated, and then an incomparably huge wormhole appeared, and a huge, hideous worm head emerged from it, the greedy Staring at the Tiamat starship.

"M, Master, it's that cosmic god!" Tiamat said in a panic.

"Let's go!" Shirou said.

Tiamat initiates a time warp, only to be interrupted.

"No, the time and space domain of this star domain has been sealed." Tiamat said anxiously.

"Is it that guy's fault?" Shirou frowned, looked at the huge worm head, and muttered: "There are no planets, no galaxies, only a small starship and humans, as for hunting like this? "

"Attack, Tiamat."


Tiamat fires the Star Destroyer.

But the Star Destroyer, which was powerful enough to knock down a planet, landed on the giant worm, but only broke its tentacles.


The giant worm screamed greedily, and rushed towards the Tiamat starship.

"You are useless, Tiamat."

"sorry Sorry……"

"There is no other way, let me out."

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