I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2295

Shirou left the Tiamat starship, looked at the huge worm body charging towards him, took out the Arrow of Akasha, and with a thought, golden light enveloped the starship in an instant.


The starry space giant worm sensed the breath of Akasha's Arrow, and hurriedly backed away in fear, but it rushed too fast, and its huge inertia made it hit the light formed by Akasha's Arrow.

Just hearing the sound of "Bo", the huge starry space giant worm dissipated like a bubble.

"Let's go."

Shirou was about to return to the cabin of the starship, when a lofty and majestic voice suddenly resounded in this endless star field.

"So that's the reason, the first cause is on you!"

Chapter 33 Root Memory

"So that's the case, the first cause is in your hands."

In the vacuum of No Star Field, a huge message was suddenly transmitted.

Standing on the starship, Shirou held the Arrow of Akasha and looked around, but he didn't see any life, nor felt any wavelength.

Sweat dripped from between his brows, and Shirou shouted, "Who?"

There is no medium for sound transmission in space, Shirou is questioning with messages.


The Tiamat starship shook violently.

"What's wrong with you, Tiamat?" Shirou squatted down slightly, stabilized his body, and asked aloud.

"No, it's not me that's shaking, Master!" Tiamat said in a panic, "It's this star field! This star field is shaking!"

"What did you say?"

Shirou was stunned for a moment, and then he saw that the pitch-black Wuzhijie was dyed with a golden color.

Two huge, extremely huge golden giant hands appeared on the edge of Wuzhijie, like a mortal holding up a glass ball, and the whole Wuzhijie was lifted up.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The entire Wujiejie was shaking violently.

Then, a huge, boundless, golden giant face like a galaxy appeared in the endless sky above the star field.

"This, what is it?"

Shirou frowned, it was the first time he had encountered such an incredible thing.

In fact, ever since he crossed into this golden universe from hyperspace, he has encountered too many unexplainable life phenomena.

The boundless blackness without a root line, the giant void worm that sucks the star field, the golden human being similar to modern people...

And now, what appeared in front of Shirou was the face of a golden giant god.

"Let's go, Tiamat!" Shirou said hastily.

The universe is too great and too dark, and there are many unknown horrors beyond comprehension.

Shirou didn't know what the sudden appearance of the golden giant meant, but it was obvious that the vacuum of the Starless Domain was quite dangerous.

"No, Master, the space-time phase is blocked! We are trapped!" The Tiamat starship replied in a panic.

Shirou frowned, turned his head, and looked at the giant face in the starry sky. The flames in his eyes flickered slightly, and in an instant, countless root lines appeared in front of him.

He stretched out his hand.

With a "click", a tiny crack appeared on the dimensional barrier of Wuzhijie.

"Get out of there, Tiamat!" Shirou pointed to the tiny crack.

"I see, Master!"

The Tiamat starship hummed and turned into a shooting star, rushing towards the crack that Shirou cut.

"Bring back the door!"

The huge golden face roared, the giant palm covering the dimension suddenly exerted force, and the barriers of the star field leaped with collapsing black thunder. In an instant, the absurd radiance radiated like paint, and it will conquer this boundless world. Dye the color of gold.

At the same time, those rays of light fell on the cracks in the void, like blood platelets, causing the cracks to start to close.

Seeing this, Shirou raised his eyebrows, and then swung his sword to cut to the root line of the surrounding dimensional barriers.

Hearing the sound of "Keng", Shirou's eyes narrowed suddenly, and the broken blade fell from mid-air, inserted into the surface of Tiamat's starship, and then turned into pure magical ether and dissipated.

The sword in the stone that manifested failed to cut the root line, but was broken by the root line.

When did the root line become so tough?

Shirou didn't have time to think about it, and with the star sword again, he aimed at the root line and slashed.


Shirou's hands were numb, but he still couldn't cut the root thread.

There was a clear look in his eyes, and Shirou understood that those golden lights greatly strengthened the firmness of the origin of this space.

Although there is no root line hidden like the ideal king, or the root line does not exist at all like the infinite darkness, but it is not something that Shirou can cut off.

"Bring back the door!"

The huge golden face exploded, and its terrifying message caused the entire Wuzhijie to vibrate violently.

Shirou and the Tiamat starship are like a flat boat in a stormy sea, swaying constantly in this terrifying scale.

"This scale... Is this what Origin Gaia and Thetis said, the god of destruction of the universe-Golden Emperor?"

Shirou had to suspect that the true identity of this giant golden face was the God of Destruction of Gold that both Gaia and Alaya of the universe feared.

Shirou knew very well in his heart that although the Star Emperor was a heroic spirit of the world and had a star-level scale, it was not enough to face the Golden Emperor or the Universe Alaya on a universe-level scale.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

The giant golden face seemed to be furious, and the two golden palms covering Wujiejie suddenly exerted force, and the surrounding dimensional barriers shattered like glass.

The golden light like paint overflowed from those cracks.

"Dangerous substances, dangerous substances. Once irradiated by those rays of light, the form of life and soul information will undergo drastic changes!" The Tiamat starship dutifully issued a warning.

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