I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2296

In fact, without the warning from the Tiamat starship, Shirou had already sensed the danger from those golden rays of light.

Inscribed on the mythical slabs of the unnamed planet are new gods who came out of the gate at the end of the world, bringing the golden light of evolution.

If Shirou guessed correctly, it was this paint-like light that made the villagers of Deluca's village change from golden humans to golden giants.

Even, Shirou saw the dense root lines in these extraordinary golden lights!


Shirou saw it clearly, it wasn't light at all!

That is a living substance like light!

The light life substance that can pollute the barriers of the universe, as well as the information of the body and soul!

That does not work.

Shirou frowned. He was sure that once he and Tiamat were polluted by those light-living matter bodies, he and Tiamat would no longer be themselves.

"Return the gate of the first cause!"

The huge golden face is still bursting, and the terrifying hands are tearing apart the barriers of the dimension crazily, as if they are about to descend from the depths of the extremely deep dimension.

"The door of the first cause? I'm also looking for that door!"


The golden giant is bursting, and the barriers of the dimensional dimension are collapsing at an accelerated rate.

In such a critical situation, Shirou lost the desire to continue communicating with this giant golden face, his eyes swept away and landed on the root line of the dimensional barrier, his eyes glowed slightly.

"Since the sword can't cut the thread, try this!"

Shirou held up the Arrow of Akasha, and when he was about to slash it down, the Arrow of Akasha seemed to resonate with some existence in the dark, bursting out with dazzling golden light.

Shirou's hand snapped violently.

"What's the matter, Master. Hurry up!" The Tiamat starship greeted hurriedly.

Right now, only Akasha's Arrow cooperates with the root connection to cut through the root line and reveal the escape hole.

However, at this moment, Shirou was stunned.

"Don't bother me, Tiamat!"

Shirou slowly lowered his hand, looked at the gleaming Arrow of Akasha in his hand, and muttered to himself, "It's calling me..."

Shirou could feel that Arrow of Akasha was calling him.

No, not right.

It is a certain existence that is calling for Arrow of Akasha!

"over there!"

Following the reaction direction of Akasha's Arrow, Shirou looked around and saw an extremely fine line that could not even be seen at all.

root line!


Shirou shouted loudly, and with a wave of Akasha's arrow, he cut through the extremely thin line.


No sound, no feedback of any message.

But in the dark, it seemed to hear the sound of the door opening.

Immediately afterwards, on the dimensional barrier of the Infinite Realm, a turbine-shaped star gate suddenly appeared.

"Does the door of the altar... still exist?" The giant golden face was a little surprised.

altar door?

Shirou raised his eyebrows, but when he lowered his eyebrows, he saw that the Akasha Arrow in his hand shone more intensely.

He turned his head, looked at the turbine-shaped star gate, and said, "Tiamat, go there!"


"listen to me."

"I see."

The Tiamat starship turned around and rushed straight towards the star gate.

Those light-life substances overflowing from the fragments are like a swarm of bees, rushing towards the Tiamat starship, and the speed is so fast that it is almost approaching the Tiamat starship at the speed of the naked eye.

Shirou crawled down, and the [evil] on his body stuck to the Tiamat starship, turning into a hundred magic propellers.


The speed of the Tiamat starship skyrocketed several more layers, and finally rushed into the star gate the moment before those light life objects touched it.

"Chi Chi Chi!"

There was a dissipating sound of chi chi in his ear, and Shirou turned his head to look, only to see the light life matter bodies rushing in after them colliding with the star gate, instead of rushing in, on the contrary, they were like flames in the flames. The foam is normal and melts and dissipates.

"Akasha's Arrow, is it the key?"

Shirou looked down at the Arrow of Akasha in his hand.

Obviously, there is something in this star gate that is creating a strong connection with Arrow of Akasha.

The light of Akasha's arrow became more intense, and even the mortal vortex deep in Shirou's soul began to spin violently.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The heart was beating violently, the blood was flowing, and the magic power was rushing. The magic power circuit of the whole body seemed to be short-circuited, and the severe pain rushed to Shirou's brain.

Shirou squatted down, covering his head.

"What's wrong, Master!" Tiamat asked anxiously.

"Check my physical condition, Tiamat!" Shirou said while covering his head and gritted his teeth.

"It has been detected...no abnormality, no abnormal reaction!"

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