I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2297

"Then what is this..."

Shirou covered his head and gritted his teeth.

The Arrow of Akasha in his hand and the mortal vortex in the depths of his soul resonated intensely, as if attracted by a certain existence.

Lights flickered and turbines spun.

Severe pain, as if the body and soul were separated, Shirou's consciousness was pulled out of the body by some mighty force, traveled through time and space, and reached an endless source world.

Pain, gone.

The body can't feel it either.

All troubles and emotions disappeared, and even thinking was impossible, as if he had become a pure soul.

And in this state of pure and pure soul, Shirou saw an infinite, blue, spherical source body.

It is something pure and original like a stem cell.

I have never seen it, never heard of it, or even recognized it, but the first moment I saw this source body, it was like an engraving in the depths of my soul, and I recognized this source body.


In other words, the first cause.

Promote the birth of the concept of the universe, the cause and effect of the existence of all things.

It is both the source of all things and the end of all things.

It is the source, the first cause, and the first effect.

Except for those who travel through Shirou, there is no realm that can escape from this root, even for transcendents.

Shirou has no way to think, he can only look at this source body from a third-person perspective, staring at this source body.

How beautiful, how beautiful... One glance at ten thousand years, as if time does not exist, you can only stare at this source body forever.

This is an existence that is more attractive and inescapable than the root evil—the Lord of Relief.

In other words, as long as an existence is born from this source body, it cannot get rid of its attachment to this source body.

——After everything is over, we will go to see the snow together.

Suddenly, a voice resounded in the soul, and Shirou thought.

He remembered, that was his promise.

Shirou closed his eyes hard, gritted his teeth, and got rid of the attraction of the root.

No one can get rid of the root, because the root is the source of everything, the origin and the end, the desire and the idea.

Only the enlightened ones can get rid of the root.

Therefore, those who are enlightened are said to have graduated from the universe.

However, Shirou couldn't do that.

He can neither get rid of human emotions, nor can he break free from his own obsession and responsibility. He can get rid of the attraction of the source because his soul message does not belong to the creation of the source of the universe.

His soul belongs to another universe.

This gave him the basis for breaking free from the attraction of the source, and what really pushed him to break free was his own commitment.

——After everything is over, we will go to see the snow together.

This matter will definitely be done.

I have worked hard to get to this point, how can I fall here?

Shirou completely broke free from the attraction of the root.

He looked around, there was nothing here, only the source of the universe.

And the source of the universe is the [root] that magicians dream of.

He allows infinite possibilities, he allows all ideas, and even more allows all behaviors.

He is ruthless because He allows everything, tolerates everything, and responds to everything.

Whether it is the local god of the planet or known as the god of the universe, in front of this source body, they are all extremely ordinary beings or phenomenal individuals.

true god.

This is the root.

"Did the resonance between the vortex of mortal nature and the arrow of Akasha bring my consciousness to the world of the source... But why? Why did it bring my consciousness here?"

Shirou frowned.

The real root has long been polluted by root evil, and sealed in the gate of truth deep in the Jialan Cave by the original civilization.

Shirou is very convinced that this should be the source world of Akasha's Arrow or the Mortal Vortex.

Is there something that made the vortex of mortal nature resonate with Akasha's arrow, and brought him to this world of records!

At this time, with a "click", a 'door' suddenly opened in the boundless infinite source world.

A man in a state of embarrassment, dragging his rickety body, walked in through the 'door' and came to the root.

That man was just like Shirou, staring blankly at the source, but he quickly returned to his self-consciousness from the attraction of the source.

Shirou could tell that he was not a time traveler, but he possessed the light of enlightenment.

Especially those eyes were so bright that they seemed to be burning with fire.

Shirou couldn't help touching his eyes, but in his mind, he remembered the words of the Enlightened One.

——It is neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing.

That is the innocence of Buddhahood, or rather, the burning flame.

The man reached out to Root.

"Strength...power...give me strength! Give me enough power to bring stability to this world, the source of the end!"

Root didn't respond.

Of course.

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