I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2298

Roots are both the most tender of beings and the most ruthless of beings.

He allows everything to exist, but rejects everything indifferently.

Men growl, crave, and tell.

The demeanor is mad and embarrassed.

Shirou closed his eyes, looking so ugly.

"You... don't you want to see yourself?" The man gritted his teeth and asked the root.

This is a useless question, because the root has no intelligence at all...

Shirou opened his eyes and looked at Gengen, but his eyes shrank involuntarily, "How is it possible?"

I saw that huge source body, but produced huge ripples.

"The root, the root responded!" Shirou was a little surprised.

The root does not have intelligence, does not have consciousness, and has no so-called instinct. It is a source, a general record, and a unified concept.

However, at this moment, the root causes ripples for that man.

"Hehehe... so you also have desires. This is of course, after all, you will create the world and create everything in order to recognize yourself with the help of the eyes of everything!"

The man got up, stretched out his palm to the root, gritted his teeth, and said: "I promise you, I will use my body and my soul as your container, as your eyes to observe and recognize yourself. In exchange, you have to give me the power to destroy those Void Gods and bring stability to the world!"

The huge source created ripples.

——Then it's agreed.

Infinite sense of touch poured out from the huge source body, like a spider's thread, and landed on the man's body.

At this time, a huge suction force hit, pulling Deshiro's consciousness back from this memory source world.

After a period of dizziness, the world became dark for a while, and an anxious voice that was about to cry sounded in my ear:

"Master, Master, wake up quickly! Wake up quickly!"

There is also a pair of small hands, pushing himself.

Shirou opened his eyes slowly, and saw Tiamat's anxious face.


"You finally woke up, Master!" Tiamat breathed a sigh of relief, "Great. The life test is normal, and the soul test is also normal. I don't know why you fainted..."

"Have you returned to reality..."

Shirou stood up slowly, and with a "bang", something rolled from his abdomen and landed on the ground beside him.

Shirou turned his head and saw that it was Arrow of Akasha.

It's just that the Arrow of Akasha has lost its brilliance, and has turned back into a very ordinary looking golden arrow.

Shirou picked up Akasha's Arrow, sensed his mortal vortex again, and found that it had stabilized.

"Is that just now... the root memory?"

Shirou was puzzled.

"Master, Master." Tiamat waved his hand in front of Shirou.

"Sorry, lost my mind, Tiamat."

Shirou stood up and looked around. There was darkness all around, but there was a stone wall, and there was a mountain of stone steps under his feet, but in front of him, there were steps, and at the top of the steps, there was a faint light.

"Where is this?" Shirou asked.

"I don't know," Tiamat shook his head. "There is no record in the database, but after breaking into the star gate, we arrived here. However, according to the scan feedback, this should be the inner space of a certain planet."

Shirou frowned: "Is that star gate a teleportation array?"

"It looks like this at the moment, but I don't know who built it, let alone what purpose it was built for," Tiamat said.

Shirou looked down at the Arrow of Akasha in his hand, and said in his heart, what are you trying to tell me when you led me here, Arrow of Akasha?

He put away the Arrow of Akasha, looked at the place on the stone steps, and said, "Go up and have a look first, Tiamat."

"I see, Master."


PS: Returning after a long hiatus...the pit is too big, and to be honest, it's a bit of a calvin.

Chapter Thirty-Four If you dare to stop, just give it a try!

Shirou originally planned to fly up directly, but the interior of this planet seems to be shrouded in some kind of forbidden air barrier, which does not belong to the earth's magical and mysterious system, and even [evil] cannot be eroded.

As a last resort, Shirou and Tiamat had no choice but to walk obediently from the steps towards the top of the mountain step by step.

The moment his footsteps stepped on the steps, the mortal vortex in the depths of Shirou's soul suddenly shook, his blood flowed backwards, his magic power was chaotic, and he felt a sense of palpitation.

Shirou stretched out his hands to cover his chest, the palpitations made him a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong, Master?" Tiamat looked at Shirou worriedly.

"No, it doesn't matter." Shirou shook his head, looked at the top of the mountain, and said, "Go ahead."

Tiamat nodded.

Shirou looked around while walking on the stairs.

According to Tiamat, this is the inner space of a certain planet.

And it appears to be so.

However, compared to the Earth's Inner Star Sea, or the underground cavity where the Earth originated, this place is even more desolate and dead.

The only strange thing is that every time he took a step on the steps and got closer to the top of the mountain, Shirou's heart palpitations became more and more intense, and the mortal vortex in the depths of his soul spun more and more violently.

In a haze, in his mind, he couldn't help but think of the root memory he saw earlier.

That man is different from him, the time traveler, but he has the fire of awakening, or the light of enlightenment, and has the potential to become an enlightened person like Sakyamuni, but he does not have the power of a transcendent person.

So, the man appealed to the root and got the power of the root.

But, what is the real identity of that man?

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