I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2299

The Fool of the Golden Myth?

Gold God of Destruction?

The Void Lord in the mouth of Gaia?


Evil root?

Shirou's mind was racing.

His understanding of this era of origin is only a few words, but now that he has entered this era of origin, he finds that there are many deviations from his cognition.

"Master, we're here!" Tiamat reminded.

Shirou came back to his senses, thinking, but before he knew it, he had already reached the top of the mountain.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Shirou looked around and saw a prismatic square platform, which was very barren, obviously abandoned for a long time.

Tiamat scanned it and said: "It's an ordinary stone platform, but the material elements that make it up are different from those in our star field. But generally speaking, it's still a carbon-based material."

Tiamat looked around and said: "Master, there is nothing worth paying attention to here. While my energy is still sufficient, let's quickly find a way to return to the star field."


Shirou suddenly made a sound, startling Tiamat, and couldn't help asking: "What's wrong, Master?"

Shirou stared at the prism-shaped platform like a bewilderment, and said suddenly: "The door is gone!"

"What door is missing?" Tiamat asked suspiciously.

Shirou came back to his senses, "What, what?"

"...You said there should be a door here." Tiamat pointed to the prism-shaped platform and said.

Shirou froze for a moment and asked, "Did I say that?"

Tiamat nodded.

"Affected." Shirou frowned.

"What was affected? The test confirmed that Master's vital signs are still very normal." Tiamat was puzzled, and she found that Shirou had been taken aback since entering here.

Shirou tapped his head lightly.

Only he himself knows that he was affected by the root memory of the mortal vortex.

However, this also illustrates one thing.

In the inner space of this planet, on this platform... there used to be a door!

And that door is probably seen in the previous root memory space, the "door" through which the man entered the root space.

It's just that door, but now it's gone.

Recalling the "gate to be returned" mentioned by the giant golden face earlier, Shirou guessed that the gate was probably the one that was originally placed here, leading to the root.

Just, what is that door?

The Gate at the End of the World?

True door?

The thickness of history was forged by countless people, and it is too difficult for him, a descendant, to trace the truth of history without any clues.

But Shirou had to do it.

Because the birth of the root evil and the "light" that eliminates the root evil are in the truth that has been submerged in history.

At this time, Tiamat suddenly stood up straight as if he had been electrocuted, and his whole body was "buzzing", vibrating like an electric rod.

"What's wrong with you, Tiamat?" Shirou raised his eyebrows and couldn't help asking.

This Tiamat is so joyful.

I hope that the future Tiamat will not see it, otherwise there will be another black history added!

"Connected!" Tiamat's eyes widened, shining brightly with joy, "And Lord Alaya, connected!"


Shirou looked at Tiamat with some surprise. The golden universe has a natural cosmic barrier shield, so Tiamat has been unable to connect to Alaya before.

But in the inner space of this planet, it is connected!

"Wait, wait a moment, Master! A message has been transmitted!"

As Tiamat was speaking, two rays of light shot out from his eyes, projecting a virtual screen of light.

In the virtual light screen, Origin Gaia kept waving his hands, "Moshi Moxi, did you receive it?"

"Gaia?" Shirou raised an eyebrow.

Origin Gaia turned his head, and his eyes fell on Shirou, with a smile on that pretty face: "It seems that you have a good life in the golden universe, Xiao Shirou."

"You know I'm in the Golden Universe?" Shirou raised his eyebrows.

"Investigated your missing hyperspace passage, and found that it leads to the golden universe."

Origin Gaia said, then winked and said: "I haven't planned to attack the golden universe yet, so you are in a hurry? I really didn't expect that you would respect me so much. I have decided, I will seal you as a handsome."

Shirou: "..."

It's funny, this guy is a professional, no wonder the King of Venus in this era wants to hammer her so much.

Even he wanted to hammer her, and then pin her to the ground, admiring her weeping eyes.

Well... a bit evil.

"Okay, what happened to you?" Origin Gaia got serious, looked at Shirou, and asked, "Suddenly disappeared from the message connection, and entered the golden universe."

"This, we don't know too well. However, when we teleported in hyperspace, we encountered something unimaginable."

Shirou told Origin Gaia all the things that happened to him recently.

"Oh?" Origin Gaia raised his eyebrows, "I learned about those void worms from the Forerunner that turned back before. Those are the evil god life unique to the golden universe. But... the infinite darkness, what is that? ?”

"I don't know," Shirou shook his head. This is the first time he has seen a life that doesn't even have a root line. After all, even the ideal king who became a transcendent still has a root line.

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