I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2300

After thinking for a while, Shirou said: "However, according to what we know from the life planets in the golden universe, that thing may be the supreme god worshiped by the golden universe."

"Strange cosmic structure." Origin Gaia commented, and then asked: "Have you found your opponent and the playing field?"

Shirou knows that Origin Gaia refers to Root Evil.

He shook his head and said, "No. But I know something, but I have more doubts, and even a little fear."

"Normal, that's how the universe and life are. The more you know, the more doubts and fears you will have, the more you have to move forward, and so on. So sometimes it's a good thing to be stupid. However, your situation is special. You can't stop until you get rid of the root evil." Origin Gaia said.

Shirou sighed and nodded.

In fact, this is the case, he has no way to stop, because he has a lot on his body.

The continuation of the super ancient times, the expectations of Thetis, the hatred of the Eternal Dynasty, and the future of himself, relatives and friends... The situation is forcing him, and there is no way to stop.

"Okay, I've confirmed your phases. Alaya will open a hyperspace channel for you. Once the channel is opened, you will come back immediately. You are lucky to have survived until now. The golden universe is not a place where you can roam freely." Origin Gaia exhorted.

Shirou also knows this truth, but...

He turned his head and glanced at the prismatic square platform, was silent for a moment, and said, "Gaia, take Tiamat back."

"Tiamat? Just pick up your starship? Just take her back... Wait a minute, do you want to stay there?" Origin Gaia asked in surprise.

Shirou nodded.

Origin Gaia frowned, and then said seriously: "Fujimaru Shiro, you have your own considerations, which I can understand and trust. But you must also understand that you are very important now. You are now the only one who can eliminate the root of evil. Existence, no matter what you perceive in the golden universe, I hope you can carry out activities in a relatively stable and safe manner."

After a pause, Origin Gaia continued: "I will assist you unreservedly, not because I want to protect the future 'me', because that has nothing to do with me. I want to restore, in the real history, me and my The disgrace of the family's downfall! Do you understand?"

"Well, of course I understand this matter."

Of course, Shirou understands that Gaia, although it seems easy to approach, is actually a very proud star king.

Where does this pride come from?

Shirou doesn't know, but there is no doubt that Origin Gaia will assist Shirou unreservedly, not because of anything else, but to restore the shame of his own defeat in the real history.

"But, I've already..."

Just as he was about to speak, the ground suddenly shook violently.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

One after another boulders fell from the mountain.

"Wait a minute... message... Shiro Fujimaru... safe..."

There was a burst of snow on the virtual screen of Origin Gaia, and finally disappeared.

Tiamat came back to his senses, and said in a panic: "The message connection with Lord Alaya has been broken!"


The entire underground space vibrated violently.

"Oops, Master! Something is attacking this planet!" Tiamat said in a panic.

"If you don't say it, I can see it!"

Shiro said helplessly.


The crust above the head suddenly cracked, and boulders fell from the sky one after another.

And with the collapse of the earth's crust, Shirou found that the forbidden space barrier that imprisoned him was also broken.

"The crust of this planet is collapsing. This is collapsing. Get out of there, Master!"

Tiamat flew towards the crack in the earth's crust, but on the way Shirou was still staring at the prism-shaped stone platform like an altar, and couldn't help shouting: "Master!"

Hearing this, Shirou came back to his senses: "I know!"

He stepped up and flew up.

At the same time, endless heat spewed out from the depths of the ground, and endless magma slowly engulfed the altar like purgatory.

"whispering sound!"

Shirou clicked his tongue in displeasure, took a last look at the altar engulfed in magma, and followed Tiamat to leave through the gap in the cracked earth's crust.

As soon as he flew out of the earth's crust, Shirou saw the golden flying boats all over the sky and surrounded them heavily.

"We met for the first time, you are the distinguished guests from the Gaia star field."

A huge message suddenly came out from a huge interstellar aircraft carrier.

Immediately afterwards, the deck of the interstellar aircraft carrier slowly opened, and a slightly slender golden giant stepped out of it: "Our factor exists in the Gaia star field, and it can also be said to be our branch. For the first time Meet, I am..."

Before the golden giant finished speaking, Tiamat fired a Star Destroyer cannon.

This sudden star-destroying cannon startled the golden giant, but with the protection of the star carrier's ether barrier, it failed to kill the golden giant.

"Are all the people in the Gaia star field so barbaric?" The golden giant shouted angrily, "I haven't finished my words yet!"

"I'm sorry, your flaws are too big, I can't help it." Tiamat scratched the back of his head.

"Nice job, Tiamat!" Shirou patted Tiamat on the shoulder.

The golden giant snorted coldly, and continued: "I am the chief commander of the golden universe, Axia. The Gaia star field has a contract with us. We don't want to tear up the contract with the Gaia star field, and we can let you go back. "

"You guys are so kind?" Shirou asked in surprise.

"Of course. In fact, you have caused a lot of excitement in our universe. Our emperor was very angry. It was I, Axia, who calmed down the emperor's mood. We can let you go back, but there is one premise. That is to return the first cause and the gate!"

"Give it back?" Shirou snorted and said with a smile: "We didn't forcefully take anything from the Golden Universe, but returned what we took? We have never invaded the Golden Universe, but the Golden Universe has invaded us!"

"Don't lie. Your Majesty the Emperor has already smelled the first cause in you. Return the door!"

"As I said, we have never invaded the Golden Universe, and we have no plans to return it! We don't even know what the 'door' you are talking about is!"

"It is the 'gate of the end' leading to the first cause! You have the aura of the domain of the first cause on your body, and the gate of the end must be in your hands! If you don't return it, our emperor will raise it, but it is quite terrifying of."

Shirou smiled: "I really don't understand."

Shirou took out the Arrow of Akasha, and said: "This may be the first cause you mentioned, but if we don't pass the door, we really don't have it."

The golden giant Axia looked at the Arrow of Akasha in Shirou's hand with bright eyes, and said, "Okay, then return that arrow to us first!"

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