I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2309

"Oh, did you mean the seven later space-time domains that were anchored? They have already been burned." Moramaya said: "In order to fight the golden universe, we have to anchor other later time-space domains."

Yes, a battle with the Golden Universe is inevitable. And Shirou's actions in the Golden Universe accelerated the outbreak of this battle.

At this time,

Origin Gaia has news.

——Slate analysis is complete, hurry up!

"Sorry, Gaia called me for something." Shirou said apologetically.

"You go, I have to spread raw egg whites."

Shirou nodded, turned and left, and came to the area of ​​the brain of the star.

Origin Gaia sat on the Throne of the Stars, looked at Shirou with a serious face, and said: "The analysis of the stone slab is completed, and my conclusion is the same, the root evil is not the evil side of the root at all, but a person who pollutes the root ! Specifically, you can see for yourself!"

Origin Gaia will deliver the story of the stone tablet analyzed to Shirou.

Shirou looked around and couldn't help showing a look of shock: "It's unbelievable, it's... so it is! This is..., the Holy Grail War!"


Modern, Guanbuzi City.

Artoria, who was holding a wooden bracelet, came to the Liangyi family, staring closely at Genshi, who was wearing a ring of thorns.

"What are you doing looking at me with such eyes, King of Knights?" Genji lowered his head and took a sip of tea, looking at Artoria calmly, and asked.

"You—, who exactly are you?" Artoria asked.

"As you can see, I am Root."

"I'll ask you again, who are you!" Artoria tightly held the ideal king's wooden bracelet in her hand, staring majestically at Genshi like a lion.

"My role has never changed. I was intercepted by the Liangyi family." Genji slightly lowered his brows, and said calmly: "It is also the Holy Grail War, the little Holy Grail."

"Impossible!" Arturia's gaze was fixed on the root formula, "The Apocalypse is the body of the Holy Grail, and the Holy Grail has completely disappeared, so why the Holy Grail War and the Little Holy Grail?"

"Of course, but have you ever thought about it? The Holy Grail War in another universe." Genji asked with a smile.

Chapter 40 Golden Universe and Canghui Universe [6/6]

"Another universe... Holy Grail War?" Arturia raised her eyebrows.

"The macrocosm is a very macroscopic concept, just like the human body, and what constitutes the human body [macrocosmos] is the microcosm defined as cells. The membrane of the cell is the boundary of the universe. Since the universe is a cell, then There must be a metabolism, a new universe replacing the old one that should die."

"Once upon a time, there was a universe called the 'Golden Universe', which died. And the one that was born instead of it was your universe, called the 'Golden Universe'. The Canghui Universe replaces the Golden Universe. The universe that exists, so the golden universe and the Canghui universe exist like mirrors, and if there is something in the Canghui universe, the golden universe must also exist. For example, the earth."

"The biggest difference between the Golden Universe and the Canghui Universe lies in the 'ether element'. There is no ether in the Golden Universe, so they are complete and there is no mysterious side. It is a universe where human beings exist in the form of human beings. Simply put In other words, it is a universe that can only develop material science and technology." Genji said.

Arturia had heard the concept of the golden universe from Tiamat and others. It was the enemy of this universe, and its root was evil—perhaps it came from that universe.

"If the relationship between the Golden Universe and the Canghui Universe is a substitute, then why does the Canghui Universe have ether?"

"It originated from the birth of the King of Stars." Genji said.

"The universe is a cell. Since it is a cell, it will die one day. If the cell is not willing to die, it will become a cancer that endangers the human body. The human body will automatically send white blood cells and other things to destroy this cell."

"By amplifying this metabolic process to the extent of the universe, you will understand the current situation." Gengen said calmly: "The golden universe is going to perish, but they don't want to perish, so they summoned the 'white blood cells' that destroy the universe '. Those 'white blood cells' are called Void Worms and Void Lords by the people of that universe."

"People in that universe, in order not to perish, conquered the surrounding universes, absorbed the laws and resources of other universes, and used other universes to nourish themselves, but they found that their own universe was doomed to be destroyed. The only thing they can get from struggling is disillusionment. There is only despair, and there is no miracle that cannot save their own universe. So they created a miracle."

Artoria frowned and asked, "What is that miracle?"

Hearing this, Gengen smiled: "What is the purpose of your Holy Grail War? Summon the spirits of the seven bodies, achieve the third method, and forge the miracle called the Holy Grail. And their approach is exactly the same as yours. No, it would be better to say, They were the first to start the Holy Grail War."

"The miracle they forged was not the cup in the Holy Spirit's hand, but the first cause. The master of the universe was selected from the seven nebulas, and the servant of the universe was summoned. And among the seven masters of the universe, a fool defeated The other six nebulas were successfully forged, and the first cause was successfully forged, and the power to defeat the void was obtained."

"Fake?" Artoria looked at Genji in surprise.

"It's the same as your Holy Grail War. Using the entire universe as the spiritual vein, using the first cause war equivalent to the Holy Grail War, the first cause equivalent to the Holy Grail was forged."

"The Fool won the First Cause's war, and made a wish to the First Cause to obtain the power to save the universe. But the Fool finally discovered that his power can only knock down a void, and the universe will inevitably fall into extinction. So, he tried to merge with the first cause. But he was stabbed and killed by his own cosmic spirit."

"The Heroic Spirits of the Universe..." Artoria frowned, "Didn't you say that they don't have the mysterious side?"

"The end of science is no different from mystery." Genuine's calm answer.

Arturia was speechless.

"After the Fool was killed by his heroic spirit, that cosmic heroic spirit ruled the golden universe. In order to keep the golden universe alive, he used the forged first cause to occupy half of the Canghui universe with the remains of the golden universe. Created a universe where life can survive."

"In this way, although the golden universe inevitably fell into the shattering of the void, life survived. In this way, the golden universe occupied half of the Canghui universe and survived."

"Although the two universes are in an alternate relationship, because of the heroic spirit of the universe, they live in peace and exist like a mirror. But someone stole the core of that space domain, which is the key to everything at present."

"The forged first cause?" Artoria asked.

"Yes. The forged first cause, that is, the vortex, is the door that can connect to the real first cause. It was stolen and brought to this star field. Because the vortex was stolen, the universe Domains begin to crumble. The Golden Universe is once again invaded by the Void."

"At the same time, in order to achieve the first cause war again, the thief used him to create the King of Stars. It is a pity that there was a conflict of ideas in the thief's team, and the Star Kings born were also born in Gaia, the real origin. led a rebellion under his leadership and killed them all."

"As for the cosmic wars after that, you know all about the root evil wars. Before the real origin Gaia died, he used the imitated vortex as a prototype to imitate the second vortex, and that vortex was Fujimaru The vortex of mortal nature that Shirou now has. It belongs to the gate of the Canghui universe."

Artoria understood that this was the first cause of war between the two universes for survival.

In the infinitely distant past, the golden universe used the first vortex to connect to the first cause, and used the shell of the Canghui universe to survive.

In the era of origin, after the origin civilization destroyed the golden universe, it fell into a war with the root evil. At the end of the civilization's existence, a second vortex connecting the first cause was created.

The first vortex belongs to the golden universe, also known as the vortex of true nature, which exists in the body of Sajo Aika. And the second vortex belongs to the Canghui universe, also called the vortex of mortal nature, existing in Shirou's body.

"Then what about the root evil?"

"He is the fool. After being stabbed and killed by his own cosmic heroic spirit, his soul entered the real first cause through the 'door', and polluted the existence of the first cause with his own will. And I——"

Genji looked at Artoria and said: "It is the fragment of the first cause cut off when Gaia used the second vortex to create [Akasha's Arrow]. It is also the little holy grail of this first cause war .”

Arturia clenched her fists and stared at Gengenshi, "If you know so much, why didn't you say it in the first place? Do you want to help that Gengen Evil?"

Genji lowered his head slightly and remained silent.

Liangyi Weina stood in front of her and said, "Don't continue, she only learned about this after the war started, because of her own characteristics!"

Arturia clenched her fists, looked at the silent root, and asked, "Tell me, how to defeat root evil?"

"I don't know, I'm just a small holy grail connected to the first cause, but what is certain is that the root evil...uses the universe as a chessboard, and has never lost! Even the real origin Gaia is at the last moment. Only then did I wake up." Gengen said seriously. .

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