I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2310



"I didn't expect it to be like this!" Shirou clenched his fists.

The origin Gaia has deduced everything, and naturally got all the answers according to the current clues.

This is a "Holy Grail War" that spans two universes!

And the prize of victory is the first cause!

Then that golden god of destruction...

"It should be the heroic spirit of the universe who stabbed the fool in the back!" Origin Gaia said seriously and solemnly: "Since the vortex of truth is the condition for the birth of our star king, then the war between the golden universe and us is inevitable It's gone."

At this time——

Cosmic Alaya sent a warning.

[Invasion——Invasion! Swarms of Invasions Spotted! 】

[Cannot be expelled - cannot be expelled! 】

The Alaya of the universe showed the appearance of the extreme wall of the star field. Shirou turned his head and looked, and saw endless golden spaceships coming from the extreme wall of the universe.

"The golden universe is beginning to invade!" Origin Gaia clenched his fists.

The vortex of authenticity connected to the first cause is the cornerstone of the continuation of the golden universe, and the vortex of authenticity was stolen by the personnel who conducted the Star King experiment and brought to the Gaia star field belonging to the Canghui universe, so the golden universe will definitely come attack.



PS: It’s still a little short, first pass six chapters, to prove that I didn’t run QWQ

Chapter 41 The correct answer

Facing the strongest under this first cause, even the Alaya of the universe is not as good.

Origin Gaia tensed up.

The reputation of the God of Destruction of the Gold has long been known to everyone, but when she actually faced it, she realized how terrifying this guy who is known as the God of Destruction of the Universe is.

It can only be said that it is worthy of commanding the golden universe and resisting the existence of the ultimate void-the Void Lord.

At this time, the confrontation between Alaya of the universe and the God of Destruction of Gold is still going on.

After realizing that the Golden God of Destruction can kill himself, Cosmic Alaya dared not accept the attack of the Golden God of Destruction, and hurriedly retreated hundreds of light years, and began to attack the Golden God of Destruction from a distance.

However, the Golden God of Destruction just gave him a sideways glance, and drove a void worm directly towards the solar system.

Shirou's heart sank, and he instantly became the Emperor of the Stars.

The origin Gaia uses the star light of its own earth as a benchmark, gathers all the quanta of the star field, and forms a sword of the star field.

Not only her, the king of Venus, the king of Saturn, the king of Mars...all the star kings used their own star light, took their own star tools, and stood ready.

They are not the UO of the future, nor are they restraining power or something like that, but the real will of the planet, or they can be said to be protoss-like existences.

The so-called UO is nothing more than a collection of some of their intelligence and instincts, the armed forces of the stars.

All the primordial beings also condense the spirit sons, showing one after another the figures of light, waiting in full force.

"This scene...really reminds me of the past..." Origin Gaia slightly lowered his head and smiled.

She thought of the distant past, when the golden giants engaged in the Star King experiment were in civil strife, she led a group of newly born Star Kings to directly rebel and killed them all.

"It's something worth remembering, isn't it, the King of Venus?" Origin Gaia looked at the King of Venus with great interest.

"It's making you loud!" The King of Venus gritted his teeth and stared at Origin Gaia.

Origin Gaia smiled and didn't take it seriously, then turned his head slightly, looked at Shirou, and said, "Hey, Shirou, you don't have to participate. Your main battlefield is not with me."

After a pause, Origin Gaia said with a little deep meaning: "Preserve strength and deal with root evil."

"I know it in my heart." Shirou replied, looking up at Gaia.

"...What a smart kid." Origin Gaia sighed.

The Golden God of Destruction went straight in, driving the Void Worm, heading straight towards the solar system.

He has already noticed that the core of this star field is in the solar system!

Cosmic Alaya also sensed the intention of the God of Destruction of Gold, and continued to intercept it.

Quantum shock waves, message pulses, high-dimensional time and space... all kinds of means are used, but these are useless to the golden god of destruction who is an absolute material life form, and he quickly rushed into the galaxy.

"The core star field cannot be destroyed, go to the shield constellation to fight!" Origin Gaia suggested.

The kings nodded in agreement.

The Scutum in this era is naturally not called Scutum, but because of the vortex, what Gaia of Origin said will automatically be transformed into words that Shirou can understand.

When the Alaya of the universe was entangled with the God of Destruction, Shirou and others moved to the shield constellation 20,000 light-years away.

Standing on a huge barren planet, looking at the red giant star in the distance, Shirou felt a lot of pressure.

That should be observable by modern humans, referring to one of the largest stars, UY Scuti, about 5 billion times the size of the sun.

Even standing on this distant planet, one can still feel the incomparable scorching heat.

In fact, if the star emperor hadn't automatically obtained the protection of Gaia of origin, plus the protection of [evil] and the vortex of mortal nature, the huge cosmic high-energy pulse radiation alone would be enough to kill Shirou.

"This is probably our last..." Origin Gaia said suddenly.

Even she, facing the coming Golden God of Destruction, couldn't help feeling a little nervous and fearful.


Shirou turned his head and looked at Origin Gaia.

"Remember my words... preserve your strength."

Hearing this, Shirou was stunned for a moment, he subconsciously clenched the Arrow of Akasha in his arms, and nodded heavily: "I know it well."

Origin Gaia smiled, then turned his head and looked at the King of Venus, "Hi, Venus's."

"Why?" The King of Venus looked at Origin Gaia in disgust.

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