I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2322

The decisive battle has begun!

Chapter 48 Root Evil!

Shirou controlled the Canghui God of Destruction to punch the Lord of Relief out of the solar system. The Canghui God of Destruction stood outside the solar system like a protector, staring at the Lord of Relief.

He said in a deep voice, "You are finished, Lord of Relief!"

"It's over?" The Lord of Relief raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Mr. Shirou, you don't think that your Canghui Destruction God is my opponent?"

"If it's just me, of course I'm no match. But—"


Gaia is hidden in the brain of Alaya in the universe, and it slowly appears, "Add us!"

"Cosmic Alaya?" The Lord of Relief raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Even if you don't fully manifest, you two together are no match for me."

As soon as the words fell, the Buddha's light floated from the depths of the universe, and the Bodhisattva of the One Universe appeared with a compassionate face.

It is the enlightened one!

And what came this time was no longer the clones of servants, but the main body!

He was invited by Gaia, in order to repay the enlightenment of being born on the earth, so he came to participate in the final decisive battle.

"Whirling Pure Land...!" The Lord of Relief frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Not only that, but he could also feel that the holy light of the heavens began to target him, and the supreme evil gods in the evil god universe began to move around, and the super beings in other cosmic domains or high-latitude domains also had a bad look.

Oh no! The Lord of Relief tightened his heart.

"Have you noticed? Your existence is intolerable even to those who transcend! We are not the only ones who want you to perish!" Shirou said, staring at the Lord of Relief.

"So, I lost the first cause, so I lost invincibility. And you cooperated with the emperor to reduce my personality by two-thirds, so those transcendents also started to move around. Hehehe..."

There is no doubt that the Lord of Relief is in an absolutely bad situation.

He himself is the suppression of the golden universe, and he is a super existence in himself.

And he entered the first cause, and after polluting the first cause, he became the existence of the first cause, even the Holy Spirit and Bodhisattvas cannot be compared with him.

But to complete the unification of relief, it is necessary to get rid of the first cause, and turn back to the super-existence from the first cause, so as to appear in the universe, and surround the first cause from the universe to complete the unification. So he got rid of the first cause and manifested in the flesh.

But even so, his strength is far higher than the previous Golden God of Destruction, but the summoning channel was robbed of one-third by the First Emperor and the Canghui God of Destruction, resulting in a reduction of one-third in the scale of his appearance, which is also Therefore, the transcendents who have endured him for a long time are also preparing to jointly destroy him.

The universe is unified, thus destroying the universe itself?

Don't even think about it!

This is something that even the transcendents cannot tolerate!

"Don't think this is the end! Void... Come down!"

The Lord of Relief opened the golden gate, and countless void worms rushed out of the golden gate.

He not only summoned the Void Worm in the Milky Way, but also summoned the Void Worm in the universe of the evil gods, the pure land of the whirling world, and the heavenly kingdom of the universe.

Looking at the summoned Void Worm, the three of Shirou launched an attack.

The Void Worm is a monster that devours the universe, a monster that belongs to the first cause.

Only those who transcend can deal with it.

The void worms summoned by the Lord of Relief are endless, and each one can easily suck up the Milky Way. Fortunately, Gaia has let the universe Alaya re-shelter this star field, and with the attack of the three of Shirou , the Void Worm is still unable to deal with the solar system.

But other galaxies suffered disasters, and many stars were poked and exploded by the Void Worm, turning into bright fireworks in the universe.


At this time, Alquite, standing in the moon, suddenly yelled.

It turned out that she was arranging the last link of Alaya's star field shelter in the universe.

And as she completely completed the final steps, the universe Alaya was completely revived and covered this star field.

Meanwhile, Gaia immediately proceeded to connect the seat of Heroes with the Alaya of the universe.

The Seat of Heroes is a relic left by Thetis, one of the relics of the original civilization. Gaia has the authority to operate it. With a sound of "clang", she quickly connected the Seat of Heroes to the universe Alaya.

At the same time, the heroic spirits who were fighting on the earth instantly felt that the crown spirit foundation forged by the first emperor had completely melted away, forming a cosmic sea of ​​information. At the same time, their existence forms instantly completed a transition.

They got rid of the magic power and the needs of the master, and became cosmic spirits who can act freely within the coverage of the cosmic alaya.

It is equivalent to gaining a new life!

Not only that, but their Noble Phantasms and abilities have also been completely sublimated, becoming cosmic heroes.

"Even I...has been recognized?" The Emperor Shihuang was full of surprise, he had transformed into a heroic spirit of the universe, which meant that the pan-human history recognized his existence, making him a heroic spirit of the pan-human history.

"Leave a few to eradicate the Beli subspecies, and the rest, rush out of the universe and kill—!" Gilgamesh shouted.





More than a thousand cosmic heroic spirits rushed out of the earth and out of the solar system, dotted the dark universe like starlight, and used their treasures to deal with the Void Worm.

Although the Void Worm is formidable, many of the cosmic heroic spirits' treasures have the power to burn the star sea, which also caused the Void Worm to suffer unceasingly.

With their joining, the three of Deshilang immediately freed up their hands to deal with the Lord of Relief.

The entire starry sky is full of wars.

The past has been lost, and now, the final decisive battle is being launched!

At this time, because the Lord of Relief summoned the Void Worm wantonly in the realm of the transcendent, he also succeeded in completely angering the other realms of the transcendent.

Many transcendent realms, such as the universe heaven, the whirling pure land, the evil god universe, hell, the thinking realm, etc., also launched attacks at the same time.

It was rare for so many transcendents to attack one target together.

With so many attacks gathered together, even a universe can be easily burned out.

But after all, they are the transcenders responsible for ruling, not destroyers, so these attacks gather together from high dimensions, and then attack the Lord of Relief.

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