I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2323

The Lord of Relief is not a fool, so naturally he has no plans to take it hard.

However, the enlightened one uses the law of whirling to hold the Lord of Rescue, and the Alaya of the universe uses the shock wave of information to make his mind and body confused for a while.

And taking advantage of the moment when he controlled the Lord of Rescue, Shirou controlled the Canghui God of Destruction to rush up directly, hugged the Lord of Rescue, and completely controlled the Lord of Rescue.

"Do you want to die with me, Fujimaru Shiro!" the Lord of Relief roared.

At this point, the existence of the root that once controlled everything can't help but panic.

"Who will die with you evil?"

After all, Shirou withdrew from Canghui God of Destruction without hesitation, and Cosmic Alaya caught Shirou.

And at this time, the ensemble of the transcendent realm descended from the high-dimensional realm.


The Lord of Relief screamed in terror before being swallowed up by the ensemble from the realm of the Transcendents.

Infinite light illuminates the entire universe.

Can a single blow that gathers all the transcendental forces kill this former First Cause?

the answer is--


The Lord of Relief emerges from the ensemble scarred.

Although scarred, it is undeniable that he survived.

No, it should be said——

"I can't kill him!" Shirou clenched his fists, even his Canghui God of Destruction was wiped out by the Transcendent Ensemble, but the Lord of Relief did not die, which is enough to prove one thing.

The Lord of Relief, cannot be destroyed!

"Have you been discovered?" The Lord of Relief smiled, "I have to admit, I lost to you, Fujimaru Shiro. But unfortunately——, I am the first cause of evil! No one, no existence, Everything, nothing, can kill me!"

Shirou clenched his fists, reincarnating Souki as the God of Destruction.

The essence of Canghui Destruction God is his [evil] half body. Although it can be re-condensed, its strength is much weaker.

Shirou knew in his heart that there was no way to destroy the Lord of Relief.

The Lord of Relief can be destroyed, only the light and answer mentioned by Titis.

But, that light, what is the answer?


The Lord of Relief laughed freely, and that laughter made even the transcendents find it extremely harsh.

But at this time, endless darkness suddenly emerged from the opened golden gate, and then it rushed straight towards the Lord of Rescue.

That is also the monster of the first cause, the void, the ultimate void.

— Lord Void!

"What!?" The Lord of Relief panicked, and began to destroy the Void Monarch wrapped around his body, "Damn it! You idiot, see clearly, feel clearly, I am the first cause! Not the golden universe! ah--"

Accompanied by a loud cry, the Void Lord completely covered the Lord of Relief under the eyes of Shirou and others.

The immortal Lord of Relief was devoured by the Void Lord.

This is also inevitable, from the moment the Lord of Relief stepped out of the first cause, he had already got rid of the first cause, and restored the existence of cosmic suppression that became the golden universe.

So the Void Lord attacked the Lord of Relief, devoured and destroyed the Lord of Relief.

Void Maharaja is the ultimate void, and also a monster of the first cause. It belongs to the existence of the first cause. To make a metaphor, the void worm is a white blood cell, so the Void Maharaja is a macrophage and a special medicine.

And at this moment, Lord Void devoured the Lord of Relief who was the last remnant of the golden universe. In this way, Lord Void would also retreat?

Everything will end, right?


"Return to one! Return to one!"

A terrifying, evil cry came from the Void Lord.

The surging infinite darkness condensed into a ferocious human face.

"The Lord of Relief, he has merged with the Lord of the Void!" Shirou's face changed drastically: "This guy——, has completely become the root evil!"

The Lord of Relief, who once polluted the first cause, is now fused with the void lord who is the ultimate monster of the first cause. At the same time, the real root evil has appeared in the universe!

Chapter 49 Connected Light

"Return to one...Return to one...!!!"

The root evil made an unconscious cry, which was the relief instinct left by the Lord of Relief, and he began to annex and fuse everything unconsciously.

Even the Void Worm, which belongs to the void force, is also within the scope of his unification.

Zizizi——! ! !

Without a trace of screams, the Void Worm was united, and some cosmic heroic spirits who were unable to escape in time were also united.

The boundless darkness begins from the Milky Way as the center, to the entire Canghui universe, and the entire big universe begins to unify!

The whirling light of the Enlightened One, the impact of the quantum information of the Alaya of the universe, and even the destructive light of Shirou's Canghui God of Destruction, were normalized without even a single ripple.

"Stop him! Block him!" Shirou yelled.

All cosmic heroic spirits began to release Noble Phantasms.

One piece of cosmic treasure, which was enough to burn the star sea, fell mercilessly on the body of Root Evil, but it could not stop the spread of the boundless darkness.



While Shirou and others were trying their best to prevent the spread of the root evil, Artoria found Mash and wanted to take away her pure white shield.

"What do you want this shield for, Senior Knight King?"

"There is one thing that only I, who holds two star swords, can do. Mash..."

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