I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2324

"What's wrong?"

"...Please take care of Lixiang." Artoria turned and left.

She returned to Liangyi's house in Guanbuzi City again.

And here, in addition to the root formula, there are several magicians.

There is a caster who was summoned by Linglong Pavilion in the Holy Grail War in Shinjuku—Von Hohenheim Paracelsus.

There is also the second magician Jewel Weng, Merlin, and the Almighty Love Song.

Arturia looked at von Hohenheim Paracelsus seriously, and asked, "How feasible is it?"

"Perhaps, it's not even 10%. After all, although the theory [Starlight is the light that penetrates the root] is the theory I've pursued all my life, I really don't know how it actually works." Von Hohenheim Paracelsus replied.

Von Hohenheim Paracelsus was a top magician who was active in the sixteenth century and manipulated the five elements.

Of course, the most precious thing is not his strength, but the remnants of his research. Since the beginning of [Rediscovery of the Five Elements] and [Rediscovery of the Three Elements], he has left behind a large number of achievements and books, which are rare He is a famous figure in the history of human beings and in the history of magic.

The wish he entrusted to the Holy Grail was to "reach the root", so he was summoned in the first Holy Grail War in Shinjuku, and in that Holy Grail War, he just glanced at Sajo Aiga, the master of Arthur, and immediately He chose to surrender to Shajo Aige because he saw that Shajo Aige was the root connector.

Von Hohenheim Paracelsus wanted to enter the [root], not out of selfish desires, but to prove a theory that [starlight is the light that penetrates the root].

"In fact, the light of the source has not been able to enter this star field. That is because of the existence of the root evil. Now the root evil has left the root. Using the light of the two stars to form a resonant path of light, and then using the same as the first cause The source method is a transfer station, and it may be possible to introduce the light of the source into this star field! This may be the only way to win at present!" Von Hohenheim Paracelsus said.

"Really, are you not 100% sure?" Da Vinci couldn't help asking.

Von Hohenheim Paracelsus nodded: "It's hard to say, because this is an unknown parameter, but the only certainty is that the moment one enters the true root, the entrant will inevitably perish!"

After a pause, von Hohenheim Paracelsus turned his head to look at Artoria, "As the envoy of the Holy Sword of the Stars... even so, do you still want to go?"

"Since I'm here, there's no need to mention it."

Da Vinci opened his mouth, then closed his eyes.

In the current situation, anyone can see that if one really wants to save this world, perhaps the only way is to introduce the root light into this star field.

Artoria knocked herself out, and then used Merlin's ability to appear alone to appear as a heroic spirit of the universe.

Da Vinci made a device to solidify the light of the stars, Genji gave his own nothingness to the two star swords, Gem Weng applied the second magic from the first cause to the star swords, and Aige put the rest The Four Great Laws are imposed on the two star swords.

Artoria asked Merlin to insert a star sword into the sea of ​​stars, then picked up another star sword and pure white shield, and looked at Gem Weng and Genshishi seriously.

Gem Weng and Gengen nodded.

Gem Weng took Artoria to the root path, and the root formula guided Artoria to the direction of the first cause.

"The rest of the way, you can only go by yourself." Gengen said.

"Thank you." Artoria nodded.

She bid farewell to everyone, took a deep breath, carried the star sword and pure white shield on her back, and headed for the depths of the root against the wind of nothingness.

Even with the protection of the pure white shield, the winds of nothingness made Arturia's existence thinner and thinner, but as she moved forward, the resonance generated by the two star swords connected into a ray of light the road.



Shirou controls the Canghui God of Destruction to continuously attack the root evil, but the root evil remains motionless.

He continues to spread, and wherever he passes, nebulae, planets, and everything is unified.

At this time, the Transcendence Domain once again launched an ensemble.

The endless ensemble of transcendence descends from the higher dimensional realms, and lands upon Root Evil.

The attack beyond the ensemble can scar the Lord of Relief, but this time it fell on the root evil, but it did not move at all.

The root of evil is constantly advancing, and the crowd is constantly attacking.

Gilgamesh roared and used the cosmic deviation that shattered the star sea time and time again, and finally even the deviation sword was shattered, and was returned to one by the root evil.

The star cup turned into an angel of hell, advanced and retreated together with Mordred, and then exhausted its strength, and was turned into one with Mordred by the root evil.

Cu Chulainn, Scathach, Lancelot, Tristan, Diarmuid, Kama, Alquite, Morrigan... Familiar, unfamiliar, loved, friendly, one after another Fighting to the end, being swallowed up by the root evil and returning to one.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

Seeing the loved ones and friends dying in battle, Shirou broke down and cried in despair, and then launched powerful attacks against the root evil again and again.

However, the real root of evil is too invincible and too desperate!

Even the light of the transcendent is so tiny in front of him.



With the pure white shield on her back, Artoria continued to go deeper into the realm of the first cause.

The terrifying wind of nothingness destroyed the pure white shield.

Only then did Artoria know the true face of this pure white shield—[Plain of Joy].

It turns out that in the real [past], Gaia, the origin of Gaia, finally used all the superquantum of the Gaia star field to create a creative space for Thetis, but it was only used by the ideal king to make a shield.

Shirou's half body uses the super quantum of the Gaia star field to become the Canghui God of Destruction, and the Plain of Joy becomes a pure white shield that can reflect everything.

It's just that it's useless.

The wind of nothingness of the first cause, even the shield of super-quantum assembly, cannot stop it.

The shield was shattered, but it formed a protection, supporting Artoria to continue to forge ahead.

Gradually, the protection also shattered.

No matter what... get there!

Artoria thought so in her heart.

Either way, do it!

That king is too bitter.

What Arturia knew was just a drop in the ocean of that king. Before becoming the eternal king, before awakening, that king had already experienced too many sad partings.

But this time, he managed to reach the final checkpoint.

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