I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2325

No matter what, help him...!

Artoria knew that she was not a clean woman, but only this matter, this heart, was true and pure.

She once made a big mistake, but now she only wants that man to have a future.

That man is so gentle, that man is so enthusiastic, and that man is so considerate, and when he smiles, he looks so good-looking.

Why...why not, let him, smile a little more?

king... king...

Shirou... Shirou...

Shi... Lang...

Artoria's consciousness became more and more nihilistic, she just muttered the words "Shirou", and finally at the moment of complete nihilism, she reached the barrier of the first cause.

This is the barrier that blocked this star field when Root Evil fought the first cause war with Gaia star field billions of years ago.

"Find a... good woman who is not like me, and then... must be... happy... Shi... Lang..."

Whispering, Artoria inserted the star sword into the barrier of the first cause.

In an instant, the light of the first cause shot out from it, completely emptying Arturia in an instant.

The light is connected with the road of light and rushes out.

At this moment, the occluded light of the first cause, once controlled by the Lord of Relief, poured out along the road of light created by Artoria.


The war outside the universe is still going on.

Root Evil is too powerful and invincible.

In the end, the Alaya of the universe was also unified, and the Enlightened One was also unified. Shirou killed to the last moment, and Canghui Destruction God was also unified...

"Looks like you're done here." Root Evil laughed maniacally.

There is no doubt that the Lord of Relief has regained consciousness.

Today, he has completely become the root evil.

"Relief, my relief will finally come true! Everything will be relieved into one! There will be no destruction, no moment, everything is mine!"

The Lord of Relief laughed heartily.

The Lord of the Void made him, and now he is invincible.

Exhausted, Shirou collapsed on an unnamed planet, his breath weak.

Can't die...can't die...I...can't die...I...can't die...

Little bits of light fell on him.

In that instant, unconsciously, he saw it.

Saw a huge ball of light.

Chapter 50 Facing the rising sun, the savior of light!

"Are you... the first cause?" Unconsciously, Shirou asked that huge ball of light.

The huge ball of light said: "At your door, the moment you connect to me, you are already the winner of this first cause war. Offer me your last soul, and I will fulfill one of your wishes. No matter Any wish is fine."

"Winner...winner...this is...what kind of winner?" Tears welled up in Shirou's eyes, and Shirou shouted, "No, nothing is protected?"

Huge ball of light, no answer.

Shirou wiped away his tears, gritted his teeth, looked at the huge ball of light, and asked, "As long as you offer your soul, you can make any wish, right?"


"In that case—"

Gritting his teeth, Shirou looked at the huge ball of light and shouted, "Disappear, number one cause!!!"


First, because Shirou's wish was fulfilled, the huge ball of light began to collapse, and endless records overflowed from it.

From this moment on, the First Cause will disappear completely, and there will be no record of everything.

At the same time, a terrifying suction was drawn towards Shirou.

The first reason is to fulfill Shirou's wish, and as a price, Shirou needs to sacrifice his soul to the former Lord of Rescue.

In fact, a total of three first cause wars were fought here.

The first scene is the golden universe, the Lord of Relief is the Lesser Holy Grail; the second scene is the Gaia star field, the origin of Gaia is the Lesser Holy Grail; and the third scene is the present, the source form is the Lesser Holy Grail.

Now, after Arturia used the light of the stars to connect to the root, the third First Cause War officially ended with Shirou's victory.

But the wish of the victor needs to sacrifice his soul to the first cause!

In the past, the Lord of Relief was backstabbed by the God of Destruction by Gold, but he did not die because he was the victor and had already sacrificed his soul to the First Cause.

The first reason is that the soul is needed to appreciate the world it has created.

And now, Shirou also offered his soul to the first cause in exchange for the wish to make the first cause disappear.

The endless suction began to absorb and destroy Shirou's soul.

Perhaps this is the end.

The misfortune of oneself and others, in exchange for the future, misfortune will no longer happen.

Shirou resigned himself to his fate and closed his eyes.

And at this time——

The suction was gone, as if blocked by something.

Shirou opened his eyes, only to see a person exactly like him.

"You are...you are...!"

"Long time no see, Fujimaru Shiro." The man said with a smile.

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