I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 424

He has experienced the turbulent years of breaking one portion of grain into ten portions, and he cherishes materials very much.

The most important thing is, there is still the enemy of the Moon King, how can we relax our vigilance?

Time passed little by little, Shirou completely established the national system, and the capital of Camelot was also stabilized.

The timing came just in time for Morgan's departure year.

Shirou, who was worried about gains and losses, couldn't wait to take Agguiwen, Gao Wen, Kai and others to form an investigation team, and in the name of investigation, he went to investigate Morgan himself.

Of course, in order to prevent Morgan from being suspicious, Shirou also pretended to go to Artoria's territory to investigate.

This is also natural, although my heart has long been inclined to Morgan, but I have to do a good job on the surface.

Otherwise, those who are inclined to Artoria, such as Merlin and Kai, will have conflicts.

Shirou wants his successor to inherit a stable dynasty in a safe and secure way, instead of a turbulent dynasty with internal and external troubles.

But speaking of it, Merlin has been looking for Jewel Weng for a year, but he still hasn't come back...

Shirou didn't care about that.

The presence or absence of the gem man is just an extra insurance. Even if the gem man is not there, Shirou has already arranged for Zhu Yue clearly, and he just needs to tighten the net and then take his head.

It's just that, because the dynasty is waiting to be reborn, he didn't make much of this plan, so he doesn't know the specific success rate. However, uniting all the forces that can be united, even if there is no plan, there is a certain success rate, right?

Shaking his head, to let go of all these thoughts, Shirou led the investigation team to Cornwall quietly.

Chapter 143 Thorough Questions 【Reward 19/27】

Ever since he fainted that day and frightened himself, Shirou has been guessing and worrying about gains and losses for a year.

This kind of emotion, even bullying Guinevere, squeezing Scathach, and even the innocent smiles of Galahad and Alquite cannot be dispelled.

Shirou, who has been troubled by this possibility for a year, finally came to a conclusion.

Women are too dangerous, especially a woman like Morgan is too dangerous.

When meeting such a woman in the future, it is better to stay away and stay away.

As far as the possibility of guessing now is concerned, it took Shirou a year to finally clarify his true heart.

If nothing happens, then everyone is happy.

If it really happened, and a child was born, he would do his best to love that child, be responsible for that child, and even try his best to bring that child and mother back to modern times, even if a singularity was born, even if it happened inexplicably. He would not hesitate to be the last Chaldea.

And maybe this is the essence of Shirou, with a long-term vision and a big picture, but the real essence is a strong sense of responsibility.

Responsibility, this is the essence of Shirou that has never changed.

Because of his sense of responsibility, he put on the heavy crown, and the first thing he thought about was not to escape, but how to save the kingdom.

Also because of a strong sense of responsibility, even though the whole of Britain has been unified, they still plan to kill Zhu Yue.


It's better that nothing happened.

Shirou sighed.

A group of four galloped towards Cornwall.

On the way, Gao Wen's expression was very solemn, as if he was about to face a very difficult battle.

Shirou looked very strange and asked, "Gao Wenqing, what is your expression? Are you worried about Morgan's inheritance rights, or are you worried about the war that will happen soon?"

Gao Wen pondered for a long time before asking: "My king... when the last battle is over, you... will you really leave?"

Shirou showed a faint smile and said: "Where did you come from? Where do you go back? I don't belong here, 'Avalon' is my home. I have been away from home for too long, when I should go home, I should go home So there is no need to be so hypocritical, this is the king's decision."

"Yes—" Gawain lowered his head.

The three people here are all people who know his real situation.

Kai knew about it from the very beginning, Aggavin learned about it from Morgan, and Gao Wen knew about it after being drawn into the team.

It is impossible not to tell him, otherwise when this guy Gao Wen learns about it from Kai or Agguiwen, there is no guarantee that it will not spread, so it is better to tell him in advance, and then seal his mouth with Wang's order.

Gawain was a knight with excellent qualities, and his loyalty was beyond doubt.

So with the king's command, you can stop his mouth.

Although the probability is extremely low, Shirou was a little afraid of being tricked in this matter, so he didn't completely trust the three of them, but ran out to check for himself, and observe the situation of the heir by the way.

On the way, Kai suddenly suggested: "My king——, you can inspect Cornwall, and I will go to Taylor Bill first to tidy up my father's manor."

"No, no," Shirou shook his head, pointed at Kai and said with a smile, "This is a surprise inspection, and you want to give Al a thorough investigation, so prepare in advance? This is not possible, it is not fair to Morgan. "

"I really can't hide it from my king." Kai sighed and said.

Shirou laughed, and said in his heart, it's useless for you to let Al prepare in advance, I'm already leaning towards Morgan.

I quietly came to Cornwall and surveyed the people's conditions, and it was indeed very stable.


"Why is it dead?"

Shirou frowned.

The residents of Cornwall are very well-behaved, but they are very careful in doing things, as if they are afraid of something, and they are dead.

Shirou couldn't help but asked Agvin, "Are you sure Morgan is acting according to the law?"

"Yes!" Aggavan nodded.

"Then how did it become like this?" Shirou couldn't help asking.

He remembered that when he left Cornwall a year ago, people were still full of vigor at that time, why are they so dead now?

Shirou called a few civilians, intending to find out about the situation, but when the civilians saw Shirou, they cried on the spot.

"My king... my king..."

"What's wrong?" Shirou asked, frowning.

"My king... I beg you, come back! If it doesn't work, I beg you to transfer Lord Morgan away!"

"Why is that? Did she do something violent?" Shirou asked hurriedly.

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