I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 425

Under Shirou's questioning, he probably understood the situation.

The Camelot dynasty was newly established, and the old garbage was cleared away by Shirou step by step, and a new order began to be established. However, the new Camelot dynasty is no longer a single race in the kingdom period, but a dynasty of multiple races. Therefore, on the premise of not violating the fundamental law of the dynasty, laws and regulations can be issued in accordance with the customs of the territory.

This is to ease the contradictions between local and central, race and race, customs and customs.

However, the listed regulations need to be submitted to Camelot for filing and review.

But Shirou never imagined that Morgan would use this lord's right to the fullest!

Do not.

It's not playing tricks, but a lot of torture laws have been aggravated, purely using severe punishment to manage people.

very good.

This is very Morgan, which fully demonstrates Morgan's inner desire to possess and control.

It was just this that made Tashiro want to drag Morgan and Bedivere by their hair and throw them into the sea to wake them up!

And this also exposes the limitations of the mechanism.

Although it is constructed with modern wisdom, an autocratic royal society is an autocratic royal society. This kind of child's play is impossible to pass Camelot's audit according to the fundamental law. It is Morgan's identity that makes those audit officials not allowed Fail.

With a dark face, Shirou walked into the lord's administrative hall.

Morgan and Bedivere wanted to say hello, but they were scolded by Shirou, especially Bedivere scolded a few more words, which made Bedivere look aggrieved.

He has stopped the torture, but he can't stop it...

Shirou asked Bedivere to go out, pulled Morgan into a separate room, and asked, "What are you thinking?"

"What... what do you think?" Morgan shrank his head in fear, and Wang's expression was serious and scary.

"Do you want me to tell you the answer clearly? Okay——! Let me tell you, this king is the founder of the dynasty. Unification, foreign enemies, and internal troubles, this king will clean up. So this king's What the successor needs is not a pioneering master who follows torture, is aggressive, and possessive, but a gentle and tolerant business master! Do you understand? I want you to be able to love people!" Shirou said.

Morgan froze.

Taking advantage of the most relaxed moment when Morgan was stunned, Shirou suddenly asked: "Where are the heirs of this king?"

"What heir?" Morgan looked bewildered.

"It's nothing. You can continue to manage Cornwall well. This king has great expectations of you. Don't let me down." Shirou turned and left with a relieved smile on his face.

Although Artoria felt a little guilty for explaining the question to Morgan, she got a good answer.

Shirou stayed in Cornwall for a few more days, wrapping himself in [evil] to guard against Morgan, while secretly checking Morgan's magic workshop and other places, and the answers he got were very gratifying.

So, within five days, Shirou went to Taylor Bill under the reluctant farewell of the Cornish people.

On the way, Shirou sighed and said: "I really didn't expect that Morgan would use torture control on the people in his territory. Mr. Aggui, this must be your idea?"

"My lord, this is Morgan's idea, but it is very in line with my own wishes, so I don't think there is a problem, and I didn't persuade him. However, Lord Bedwell has been persuading me for a long time, but Morgan insisted on going his own way."

After a pause, Agguiwen said: "If what my king considers is what is good for the people, then I think Artoria is very suitable for your successor standards. Moreover, none of the soldiers dislike her. On She has made great military achievements, and she should be the leader!"

"Her..." Shirou smiled and said, "Let's see and talk."

He didn't tell anyone what happened to Morgan.

When I came to Taylor Bill, the atmosphere was indeed much more relaxed than that in Cornwall.

There were smiles on people's faces.

A thriving.

"It seems that Al did not choose the torture management like Morgan." Shirou said with a smile.

Kai asked: "Then, does the king think Lily meets the criteria for heir?"

"The king's mind, don't guess or ask. Especially about the heir, if you change to another king, your head will be beheaded, Kaiqing." Shirou said with a smile.

"But you are not another king, you are my king, that's why I said it." Kai said.

Shirou shook his head and led the team to the administrative hall.

Looking at the administrative hall, the internal affairs officer was working in an orderly manner, but Artoria, who was in charge, was missing.

Shirou was surprised, and called an internal affairs officer to ask Artoria's whereabouts.

The internal affairs officer said: "My lord, Lord Artoria has finished handling today's government affairs, and went to the orchard outside the city to pick apples."

"What is she doing to pick apples? You can ask someone to go." Shirou asked strangely.

The internal affairs officer said: "Mr. Artoria said that you must first do it yourself."

"She is the lord, she has to perform her duties and assign tasks, instead of doing everything first, which is a waste of time and energy--however, since she has completed the government affairs, it is her own rest time, which is fine " Shiro nodded.

He turned around and took a few people with him to an orchard in the suburbs.

Now is the harvest season, and many women are picking the fruits.


"Kai...Qing Kai, am I right?" Shirou couldn't help asking.

"You are not mistaken, my king." Kai said sullenly.

Shirou couldn't help but rubbed his eyes and looked into the distance.

Arturia, who was wearing a white dress, was picking apples not far away. The ribbon of her hair had been put down, and her long golden hair fluttered slightly with the wind, like... like a girl enjoying her youthful years. Normal girl?

Artoria saw Shirou, was stunned for a moment, then showed a girlish smile, and waved to him, "King——!"



ps: Today is the first four updates~! good night~!

Chapter 144 Magical Girl☆Merry~

Arturia asked the women next to her to continue picking fruits so as not to delay the harvest season, and then she came to Shirou's side with apples in her hand.

"Long time no see, my king." Artoria said.

"Yeah... It's been a year." Shirou sighed, and then looked at Arturia, the girl who used to be dressed in military armor, but changed into a white dress, but she was somewhat charming.

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