I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 426

It is true that people depend on clothing, and Buddha depends on gold clothing. Arturia in military uniform will only make people feel full of heroism, but lacks the softness of a girl, while Artoria in a white dress shows the softness of a girl instead.

in this way……

Shirou was a little uncomfortable.


"King, I miss you very much."

The girl said this very normally.

Shirou hesitated for a moment, walked around behind Arturia, grabbed her hair and took a look.

"What's the matter, my king?" Artoria asked.

"You... are you Merlin pretending to be?" Shirou asked after hesitating.

It's not like Artoria, his loyal dog minion, who can't say such obscenities. On the contrary, the white-haired trash who only learned a lot of tricks from him learned a lot of sweet talk.

Kai was fooled around by him.

The last time Kai Wanli chased him down, he was deceived by Merlin's sweet words in the end, and finally spared him, and even thanked Merlin for using his name to attract bees and butterflies.

The specific way to cheat is to use the late Hector, add righteousness, and tell Kai with a righteous face, this is to find a wife for him, for the future of his family, without his help, he will always be a bachelor, etc. . The mouth seemed to have been smeared with honey, which made Kay dizzy.

So Shirou has some doubts, whether this Arturia was conjured up by Merlin to punish him.

After all, that guy hasn't come back for a year, so it's hard to guarantee that he went to Artoria to help Artoria.

"Why do you have such an idea?" Arturia looked strange.

"Because it's not like you," Shirou said.

"It's too much, my king! Even if I haven't seen you for more than a year, I will still express my inner feelings!" Artoria showed a serious and serious expression.

And it was this expression that made Shirou affirmed that it wasn't Merlin who conjured him up to punish him. Although Merlin, the thief, was very familiar with Artoria, but he was so frivolous that he couldn't imitate such a serious and rigid expression.

"Let's not talk about that," Shirou picked up the topic, pointed at the apple in Artoria's hand, and asked, "Are you picking apples?"

"Yes. To be precise, I took them to pick together." Artoria carefully took out a book from her arms, flipped through a few pages, and said, "You said——, practice hard, Fang Let the people follow along.”

"I just took advantage of this. But don't worry, I have dealt with my own government affairs first." Arturia closed the notebook.

"I see." Shirou rubbed his chin. He himself didn't remember saying this, but Artoria recorded it.

The three people around Agguiwen also took out a notebook from their arms and recorded it.

This sentence was not excerpted by them.

Shirou glanced at it, and there was no embarrassment anymore. He has been with these knights for almost five years, and he has long been used to it.

"Wang, are you here to assess my grades?" Artoria asked.

"Good." Shirou nodded.

Artoria handed Shirou an apple and said, "You must be very thirsty all the way here. I'll give you this apple to quench your thirst first. Let's go to the government affairs hall and talk slowly."

"I've already been to the Government Affairs Office, and it's done very well. Let's go to Hector's manor. It's been almost five years, and it's time to go back and have a look." Shirou said.

Artoria said: "My lord, the previous manor is no longer there. Sir Hector split it up and gave it to the former servants. The current manor is just a small manor I built a year ago. .”

"Go and have a look," Shirou said.


Several people walked towards Hector's manor.

Along the road of memory, but the scenery and people on the road are already different.

Shirou pointed to an orchard in the distance, and said, "I remember five years ago it was a farmland, but now it has become an orchard. Did you do it, Al?"

"Yes, my king." Artoria nodded, and said, "You said that we must live in harmony with nature. Taylor Bill's farmland is enough, planting orchards can adjust the natural environment, and it can also drive some people who are doing nothing. people work. It’s what you call an unidleable workforce.”

"I can't believe that this sentence came out of your mouth. It really surprises me." Shirou said with a smile.

"My king, please don't underestimate me! I am a person, a woman, and I will grow up!" Artoria said solemnly.


Shirou laughed. Compared to Morgan, the surprise Artoria gave him was not bad.

Looking at the surrounding scenery, Shirou can only feel that time has passed.

Five years ago, this was a wasteland with a muddy road.

Five years later, the canine teeth here are clear, and the roads are farmland. The farmers are smiling, and they are leading the horses sent by the dynasty to cultivate. Everyone had a smile on their face.

Five years ago, Kai led the way. He followed behind Kai, and beside him was Artoria, who had a stiff face and was locked in her heart by the "ideal kingly way".

Five years later, he was leading the way, followed by Kai, Agguivin, and Gao Wen, while Artoria showed a gentle smile, as if she had liberated her heart.

Times have changed...

Shirou sighed.

Under the guidance of Arturia, Shirou came to the familiar but strange manor.

Before entering the door, there was a familiar crashing sound from inside.

"Ah, ah, ah, don't bite my Nana, I'm not your mother, don't bite me!"

The voice was somewhat familiar, Shirou looked at Arturia aside, and asked, "Who is this person?"

Artoria looked a little cold, and said, "Please don't worry, my king. It's just a servant working in the manor..."

Before he finished speaking, a pink figure ran out of it, with a child hanging on his right chest.

"Wow! Lily, control! Control! She bit my Nana!" Merlin pointed at his right breast, gnawed on his right breast, with a fierce face and teary eyes.

"You...you are Merlin?" Shirou looked at the person in front of him... no, it was precisely this pervert who dressed as a woman, and felt his eyes were hot.

At this moment, Merlin was wearing a revealing pink girl's outfit, her silver hair fell to her waist, and she was holding a red magic wand in her hand, giving her the feeling of a magical girl.

"Huh? You're here too, my king!" Merlin was about to say hello, but the child hanging on his right chest bit him again.

"Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow!"

Artoria said with a tense face, "You must have done something bad."

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