I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 437

These are the people who knew Shirou was leaving.

Shirou sat on the throne, shirtless, revealing his solid body with eight-pack abs, and was grinding Bingfeng with the sword in the stone.


The sound of steel rubbing against each other.

Agguiwen closed the gate of the palace, and the palace became even more silent, only the sound of Shirou sharpening his sword.

Merlin broke out in a cold sweat.

"Yo yo, Meili~ Look at the situation, you are in trouble~!" Ruby said gloatingly.

Merlin sweated even more.

Shirou's gaze was fixed on the sword in the stone, he did not look at Meilin, and said without raising his head: "Master Meilin, I remember that I had an agreement with you. After I defeated Vortigern and unified the British island, Just tell me how to get back to 'Avalon'. Come on, tell me now." Shirou said.

Arturia hesitated for a moment, then said, "Wang, if you are going back to Avalon, Guinevere has a solution."

Shirou glanced at Arturia and said, "This Avalon is not the other Avalon, so don't interrupt."


Artoria closed her mouth.

Merlin was sweating coldly, and said, "That...king, didn't you say you want to defeat Zhu Yue first?"

"To this king, Zhu Yue is nothing more than fish and meat on the anvil. Now this king needs to know how to go home, so come and tell this king." Shirou said.


"You don't mean to say, in fact, from the beginning, the king couldn't go back, right? And then you have been lying to the king?" Shirou asked.

"This..." Merlin was trembling, showing a pale smile, "My lord...you...you are really wise..."

Shirou smiled, then turned cold for a moment, "Gaowen, Kai, hold him."


Gao Wen and Kai stepped forward and clasped Merlin's shoulders, and Merlin shouted in panic, "What are you doing? What are you doing?"

Shirou said in a cold tone, "Agguwen, take off Merlin's pants."

"Yes—" Aggavin's face was calm, and he walked towards Merlin like a big devil.

"Wow! My lord, my lord! What are you going to do? What are you going to do?" Merlin was frightened and cried when Agguiwen approached.

Shirou picked up the sword in the stone, and said with a cold face: "Don't you like women? This king will let you experience the joy of becoming a woman! Al, turn your head away, you can't watch the next one."

"No...don't!" Merlin cried loudly.

Artoria scolded: "Master Merlin, this matter is extremely important to the king, please stop joking!"

"I know...I know...There is a way! There is a way!" Merlin shouted.

Only then did Shirou loosen his expression, he knew that Merlin had a way, but he wanted to fool him.

Shirou asked them to let go of Merlin, and Merlin sobbed, "It's really scary, it's so scary!"

"Hee hee hee...Mei Li~ You can really joke, this is obviously just your clone, it doesn't matter if it is castrated, why are you so nervous? And wouldn't it be good to become a real magical girl? Ruby me, But I like you very much~!" Ruby said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter what it means to be castrated! Although this body is just a clone, the main consciousness is here! I don't want to experience the feeling of being castrated! Besides, did you just vomit? Did you just vomit on me? He also said he likes me, obviously lying to me!" Merlin said dissatisfied.

Shirou frowned and asked, "Is your body not here?"

"I expose! I expose!" Ruby gloated and said, "This guy's body has gone to Avalon!"

Shirou's face darkened, and he asked, "Are you trying to hide from me, Merlin?"

"That's not true! This is to help you solve your problem, my king! Why do everyone think of me, Merlin, so much? Obviously, in the end, I'm the only one who can be regarded as a good person." Merlin said dissatisfied.

Merlin complained for a while, then stretched out two fingers to Shirou, and said, "If you want to go back, there are two ways."

"Which two ways?" Shirou asked.

"One of them is what I told you first—suicide!" Merlin said.

Arturia said: "Master Merlin, stop joking!"

"I'm not kidding!" Merlin said.

Shirou reached out to stop Artoria, then stopped Gawain and the others with his eyes, and finally continued to fall on Merlin, saying, "Continue talking."

"Have you seen the bastard playing with gems? Do you know your abnormal condition? There is no record of you in [Root Root], and your life has been cut in half by [Root Root]. If you commit suicide now , you will become a Heroic Spirit, and thus be included in the Heroic Soul Seat, and your body will also enter the Heroic Spirit Seat. The Heroic Spirit Seat is a seat of records beyond the scope of time. At that time, I will add a [Single Appearance] ability to you who has become a heroic spirit. You directly manifested from the Seat of Heroes, the Seat of Records beyond this time frame, to your era. But the price is death! And there will be no growth!" Merlin said.

"It's indeed a good idea, what about the second one?" Shirou asked. He didn't intend to die.

"Second, I can only talk to you alone!" Merlin said.

Shirou nodded, and dispersed the four of Arturia, then looked at Merlin and said, "Now we can talk."

"The second way is to use me, Avalon, and Lily's scabbard!" Merlin said, "Avalon is a holy place free from time interference, and Lily's scabbard can connect to Avalon. Lily's scabbard was buried in a predetermined place, and then I entered Avalon, stopped growing and dying, and returned directly to your time, then dug out the scabbard, liberated the scabbard, and passed through Avalon that is not interfered by time. Long opens the way to time."

"Is this possible?" Shirou frowned.

"Of course it is possible, but this method can only work on you." Merlin said: "Although it is strange, your form of existence is indeed the form of existence of the 'Awakened Ones'. There is no record of you in [Root Root], so you can Interfering with the records like the enlightened beings. But it is a pity that you only exist in a form similar to the enlightened beings, but you do not have the ability of the enlightened beings. Therefore, this method can also be said to be based on the existence of your enlightened beings, and the enlightened ones can gallop It’s just an illusion of time recording. Therefore, the only people who can pass this method are those who have records on both sides. That is to say, the people on your future side will not be able to pass, and the people on this side will only have love recorded in the future Erquette can go through."

"Is that so..." Shirou rubbed his chin, and Merlin became reliable, and he was indeed reliable.

"If you borrow the scabbard from Lily, she will definitely borrow it from you. You determine the location where you hide the scabbard, and never change it. Then, after you achieve your goal, ask Lily to bury the scabbard there, achieving a closed loop of records ...Finally, please tell me the length of time you want to go back, the location, and the calendar calculation form. I count my fingers day by day, and I will just live." Merlin said.

"Just one thing, because of the abundance of time, and I don't know my future thoughts. So, I don't know what will happen. If the future me doesn't want you to go back, this method will be invalid. But please Believe me, I will let you go back, because this is my promise as a human—!" Merlin said seriously.

"Is that so... then what do I need to do now?" Shirou asked.

"Ask Lily for the scabbard, hold the scabbard! If my thoughts have not changed, then the future message will pass through Avalon and reach here. The most important thing is, in which year in the future do you want to Back?" Merlin asked.

"Then April 16, 1994... You have [clairvoyance], and then you will see the future discipline, that is April 16, 1994 AD. I remember that I came here around April 15 , should not interfere with recording conflicts. The location is in Fuyuki City in the Far East called Neon, and the home address is No. 11, No. 3 Street, Xindu. The family members include Fujimaru Hina, Fujimaru Naruta, and Fujimaru Sakura..."

"I see!" Merlin nodded.

"Really?" Shirou asked.

"As long as my future self remains unchanged," Merlin said.



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