I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 438

Thursday, April 15, 2002.

Sakura fell asleep in dreamland.

This was the most sound sleep she had had in the past few years.

Cherry blossoms outside the window fell on her forehead.

In the dream, she saw a beautiful sea of ​​flowers.

"552,610 days..." A flower-like magician sat in the sea of ​​flowers and looked at her with a smile.

"Hello, who are you?" Sakura asked.

"Oh, me. My name is Merlin, and I was entrusted by a vile bastard to help him find his way home." Merlin said with a smile.

"Who is that nasty bastard?"

"Your brother, the Eternal King, Fujimaru Shiro."

Chapter 151 The king has something to do! 【Reward 21/27】

I already have a way to get home, what I need is Arturia's scabbard.

Shirou decided to bury the scabbard in Cornwall, and asked Artoria to bury the scabbard in Cornwall when she didn't need the scabbard. Recently, Shirou needs to deliver the scabbard.

Arturia naturally agreed to Shirou's request, and handed over the scabbard to Shirou.

If he has become an established history, then there is no doubt that the scabbard will be dug out by the Einzbern family during the Fourth Holy Grail War, and Arturia, who is a Saber, will be summoned from it. If that Saber is his own Arturia, there is no doubt that Shirou continued Camelot's karma in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Afterwards, the scabbard became the key to Shirou's defeat of Gilgamesh in the Fourth Holy Grail War, and in the end he handed it back to Emiya Kiritsugu, theoretically in the Emiya family.

So Shirou asked Merlin to remember this.

In addition, he wore the scabbard on his body, while waiting for future news, while helping Zhu Yue in the decisive battle and the successor.

One night three months later.

While sleeping with his scabbard in his arms, Shirou received a message from the future in a dream.

——Brother...Brother...I finally found you.

"Is that Sakura?" Shirou asked.

——Yes, I have obtained Avalon from the Emiya family, and now I have liberated Avalon. You just have to bury your scabbard in Cornwall, free Avalon, and you're back.

"Is that right……"

—what's the matter, brother?

"I can't go back yet, I still have some things to deal with here." Shirou said.

--why? You are not the Eternal King, there is no home for you!

"Eternal King... Has this name passed down to later generations? But you also said it, Sakura. I am the Eternal King, I am the king, and I have to be responsible for my dynasty and my people! And finally Bit by bit, bit by bit, my important duties as king are over!" Shirou said.

——The scabbard is useless. Master Merlin said, you only have this chance to come back! When the sun sets on my side, the exit from Avalon will be closed, and you will never have a chance to come back!

"Ask Merlin, how long can I be active here?" Shirou said.

—Master Merlin said... one year.

"That's enough," Shirou said.

—Are you... are you going to stay there another year, brother?

"Converted to you, there is only one day." Shirou said.

— Don't you miss home?

"I want to. But I have things that I must accomplish, and I have responsibilities that I must fulfill. Understood, Sakura? The one who is talking to you now is not your brother Fujimaru Shiro, but the Eternal King!" Shirou said.

——I understand, I will wait for you. Everyone... everyone misses you so much!

"I see. I miss you too."

After the contact was over, Shirou woke up.

He began to step up.

The whole dynasty is in motion.

In September of the sixth year, Shirou was ready to start.

Shirou pulled out the Holy Spear Rungomigniad, wearing a silver armor, holding the Holy Spear, and led an elite army of 3,000 to Gaul.

The lords and knights of Ireland, the British Isles, and Gaul also responded one after another, and an army of 100,000 gathered in Gaul.

This is all Shirou's possessions.

In addition, he took all the knights he could bring, leaving only a few people in charge of internal affairs, settling Britain and running the kingdom.

Morgan also wanted to join the army to join the war, but Shirou put him on the throne and said, "You are the heir to the throne now, you don't need to participate in the war, just take care of the internal affairs. Learn more from Guinevere."

"Are you going to leave after this war?" Morgan asked.

"This is not something you care about. Remember, you are now the heir to the dynasty, and you will be crowned king, so study hard." Shirou held the holy spear Rungomigniad, turned around and waved his sleeves, and rushed to Gaul .

He assembled 100,000 troops in Gaul.

Each of these 100,000 people is holding a magic gun Gayebog, and the knights in charge are holding a rotating victory sword. It's just that there is not enough time, and the inherent skills have not been given to too many people. About 30,000 people.

And Shirou's three thousand kings are equipped with magic spears Gayabog and rotating victory swords on their waists, all of which are equipped with inherent skills.

Gawain didn't know what the mood of the owner of the magic gun Gayabog was, but as the one who really held the revolving victory sword, he was very emotional when he saw all the fakes and tens of thousands of revolving victory swords. Oops.

In front of the king, it is unique and does not exist at all.

In other words, what Wang is good at is to break the uniqueness, and then make multiple holy swords and magic spears, and deliver them to ordinary soldiers, so that ordinary soldiers can become heroes in a flash.

As long as the king is given enough time, the king can create a country full of heroes, and manage it in an orderly manner, so that everyone can live and work in peace, respect the law and abide by the law.

Perhaps, this is the key to the king being proclaimed as the eternal king.

It's just that Gao Wen knew a little bit.


It's the king's final battle!

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