I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 451

He dreamed that one day, the valleys would rise, the mountains would descend, the rough and tortuous roads would become smooth, and the holy light would be revealed to illuminate the world.

Now, his dream has come true. He - is our king! "

People shouted, shouting the name of "King", their voices were high, like surging and boiling waves.

The red carpet stretching the statue of the king, Shirou in a holy white dress, followed by a group of solemn knights, walked slowly from the red carpet to the throne.

"King! King!"

"King! King!"


People stared at the king who gathered thousands of honors, shouted loudly, shouted hoarsely, venting their inner yearning and love for this king!

Shirou walked slowly towards the throne, and the knights along the way knelt on one knee to express their reverence and submission.

Gawain knelt down on one knee.

Lancelot got down on one knee.

Tristan got down on one knee.

Artoria knelt down on one knee.


The knights along the way knelt on one knee.

Not only that, even the soldiers, ministers, lords, and even the civilians all kneeled down on one knee before the king to show their reverence and submission.

Shirou walked slowly towards the throne. When he passed by Merlin, he paused and said, "Seven years ago, I told you that people's paths were dug by themselves. You didn't think so at the time, but what do you think now?"

"I surrender to you, my king." Merlin put down his staff and slowly knelt down on one knee.

Shirou turned his head and continued walking towards the throne.

As the heir, Morgan knelt down on one knee, looking at Shirou with longing eyes.

Pope Paul held a golden crown and came to Shirou.

Shirou looked at him condescendingly, Paul knelt down on one knee slowly, holding up the golden crown.

Shirou picked up the golden crown and slowly put it on his head.

Sitting on the throne, he shouted loudly: "I am——, the Eternal King!"

The people are boiling!

"Eternal King! Eternal King!"

"Eternal King! Eternal King!"


People shouted with all their strength, showing their love and affection.

The sound is exciting and shocking.

The Tower of Glory stands tall in the palace, shining bright starlight, illuminating the entire earth.

This is the Kingdom of Light, the dynasty created by the Eternal King!

Chapter 157 I've just...been bullied for six years! 【Second update】

Shirou starts to clean up the mess.

After he leaves, the strength of the army will definitely be greatly reduced.

Those endowed inherent skills will definitely disappear, and those produced holy swords and magic spears will gradually disappear.

And this is also normal, the future war will no longer be a battle between humans and supernatural creatures, but a war between humans and humans.

In order to deal with this situation, Shirou started to prepare six years ago.

He tossed out the method of pouring steel, which greatly increased the production of steel, and made iron objects. When training soldiers, he also made Gao Wen and others consciously use iron objects and bronze objects instead of relying on magic spears and holy swords. Adaptability has long been been practiced out.

Therefore, after he leaves, the strength of the army will definitely be greatly reduced, and it will no longer be an army of all heroes, but the soldiers of the Camelot Dynasty are still a strong army.

Because, the situation in which they were born was born in the struggle between human beings and supernatural beings, which is very different from normal human armies.

Shirou began to eliminate internal hidden dangers step by step.

But he knew that he couldn't eradicate these hidden dangers.

Because his time is running out.

He can only relax, and then leave the strategic plan of governance, leaving the future to the heir Morgan to take care of.

As long as Morgan doesn't act recklessly, and the dynasty doesn't have a situation where the heir is directly smashed to death by meteorites falling from the sky, resulting in no leader, at least the situation after he leaves can be maintained.

Besides, he did one of the most cruel things.

He set out to bring the Age of Gods to an end!

Parade on the streets of Camelot, looking at the bustling people who greeted him, Shirou's heart was full of pain.

The Age of Gods must come to an end, otherwise there will be bandits like Vortigerm who try to reverse history from time to time in the future.

The hybrid transformation is already underway. From the perspective of race, the Britons have also squeezed into the primate seat and ushered in the future.

However, this also means that this generation has been abandoned.

Was cruelly abandoned by the times, and their revered king, with their own hands.

The tower of radiance that shines in the palace brings the light of hope.

But in fact it is the shattered light that destroys the old times.

No one knows that the Tower of Radiance is closing [True Ether].

This generation will slowly grow old in all the hesitation and ignorance, and then die, and the next generation will succeed them.

Thirty years, thirty years at the latest.

This generation will complete the rotation, so that [True Ether] will completely disappear in this world, making the Age of Gods a thing of the past.

However, this also means that their revered king has given up on them.

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